Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao Agency Review

On the 10th of this month, it was the 75th anniversary of the North Korean Political Workers' Party Construction Party. A large -scale night parade was held in Pyongyang, the capital, and the intercontinental ballistic missiles and latent ballistic missiles were displayed.It also means that after three years of hard work, the international community's efforts to abandon nuclear abandonment in North Korea have completely failed, and it has also marked that the Trump administration's diplomatic achievements have been zero.

It is said that it will not be pre -made like a nuclear martial arts country

In this military parade, North Korea showed a variety of strategic weapons such as Mars-15, Mars-12 ballistic missiles, Arctic-4A submarine ballistic missiles.The new type of intercontinental ballistic missile loaded by the car was described as a large nuclear strategic force by Pyongyang.From the perspective of appearance, this missile is longer than Mars-15, larger diameter, and it is believed that the throwing weight is higher.Military experts research and judge that the level of bullet weight or reaching the Chinese Dongfeng-4 ballistic missile is equivalent to the weight of the throwing or as the Dongfeng-41, which should cover the entire territory of the United States.Although restricted by the international environment, North Korea will not test this latest missile in the short term, but it undoubtedly brings a greater sense of security to the Kim Jong -un regime.

Kim Jong -un did not mention the United States directly in his speech, but he said that he was confident in its own military strength, saying that our military forces are under its requirements and our timetable.Force, even claiming that time is standing on our side.Although the nuclear force was not mentioned in the speech, it was said that it would continue to develop national defense strength and deterrence of self -defense war, and it would not even say that it would not be preceded by the use of force, and its tone was already a nuclear military country.

In 2017, North Korea ignored international condemnation and frequently conducted nuclear bombs and missiles to push the Korean Peninsula to the edge of the war.However, in the international and regional situation, Kim Jong -un has successfully improved the relationship with the two major powers with the opportunity of the China -US wrestling. He visited China many times and realized Xi Jinping's visit to the DPRK.Dialogue, effectively relieves external pressure.This time the North Korean display of intercontinental ballistic missiles, only the United Nations and the European Union condemned them to violate the Security Council's resolution; the United States and South Korea did not have a strong response, and Seoul also affirmed that Kim Jong -un's announcement of improving North and South relations and not first use force was affirmed; in Beijing, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokePeople Zhao Lijian said that many countries in the world will hold a military parade on the anniversary and wish North Korea a greater achievement.

Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Pyongyang has been seeking a clear political commitment of the United States, that is, Washington has asked Washington to recognize the legitimacy of the Korean government, and the economy is normalized.According to the memoir of Trump's former Guoan consultant Bolton, the priority of this one was even higher than the abandonment of the blockade in various demands.The purpose of North Korea's development of nuclear weapons is also this. Shanmei has never seriously responded to Pyongyang's survival concern.Since North Korea's withdrawal of the nuclear non -diffusion treaty in March 1993, the previous government of the United States, whether the Democratic Party or the Republican Party, did not propose specific, clearly operable on the lifting of sanctions, peace, economic compensation, and system legitimacy of North Korea after abandoning the nuclear abandonment.plan.After Trump came to power, he even regarded the DPRK as a stage of personal performance, but instead allowed Pyongyang to win valuable time and finished the last mile of increasing nuclear technology.

Show the nuclear military economy to announce the initiative to the United States in parallel

In 2018, the US Trump administration first confirmed that North Korea's nuclear bomb threatened the United States, but still had a result with Kim Jong -un, and in essentially acknowledged North Korea's nuclear status.Using this situation, Kim Jong -un will transform the ancestor system into a new system of nuclear military and economic development.The exception chose to hold a grand military parade on the establishment of a party day, and there were also the intention to further consolidate the nuclear status on the eve of the US presidential election.This move is tantamount to declared Trump's most showing off diplomatic achievements in the past 4 years to zero. Whether he is re -elected, Pyongyang has controlled the initiative to negotiate against the United States.

The changes in South Korea's political climate have also brought a new environment to the situation of the Korean Peninsula.In 2017, Qingwatai once again ushered in the left -wing progressive president. After Wen Zaiyin took office, he continued to push the sunshine policy of Jin Dazhong and Roh Moo -hyun to release goodwill to Pyongyang.Ideological, called for signing the final declaration of the peninsula.Kim Jong -un also rarely shouted to his dear southern compatriots in his parade this time, and prayed that the days when the two sides of the North and South south came again.

In a clear comparison of this, the relationship between the United States and South Korea seems to be loose.The Han and American Security Agreement Council held in Washington last week, the Wen Zaiyin government hopes that the goal of completing the war command transfer during the term of office will not be achieved.The two parties need to formulate a solution that shares the common defense costs more fairly, so that the U.S. taxpayers cannot unilaterally bear the unfair burden.According to reports, the United States has urged South Korea to join the United States, Japan, and India and Australia to the four -sided security dialogue (QUAD+) and the disable Huawei products, but they have been rejected by the South Korean side.

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War. South Korea ’s ambassador to the United States, Lee Xiuxi, publicly stated at a video conference on Monday (12th) that South Korea chose the United States 70 years ago and does not mean that the United States will continue to choose the next 70 years.We chose the United States, only because this choice conforms to our emotions and national interests, and said that China has an important impact on us in economics, and the remarks have caused uproar.

The world is changing in 70 years. Under the long time, how to evolve in the Korean Peninsula and even Northeast Asia after the US presidential election this year, it will be the focus of worldwide attention.