01 Viewpoint

The US election is in full swing, and the candidates for the Republican Democratic parties have been sprinting at each swing state, and the other side of the Washington Congress Villa is also staged a political drama.It was chaired by Lindsey Graham, a Senate Senator in the crisis of falling horses. The Senate Judicial Committee held a hearing meeting for four consecutive days to ask the Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett.The long -lasting hearing is more dull than Brett Kavanaugh's hearing for sex scandals two years ago.However, a single -footed scene of Democratic Party Rod Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse once again exposed the unknown dark truth of American politics.

Barrett's hearing for more than a row, as expected to be greeted by a number of Democratic Senators.California Senator Dianne Feinstein continued to question his fall, Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar, he avoided the pursuit of pursuit of pursuit of pursuit of pursuit of pursuit of his medical insurance position,The answers are the same: it cannot publish a position on individual issues, because it will affect the ruling of the case.It also reiterates that it will not be brought to the Supreme Court with personal concepts, and will adhere to the law and make a neutral selfless ruling.The Republican Texas Senator Ted Cruz escorted Barreta everywhere, and asked him about the ownership of the first amendment and the position of religious freedom.

However, Whitehos did not use his questions for half an hour to ask Barrett, but held a cardboard one after another to detail the huge interest network behind Barrett's appointment.Conservatives have long strived to overthrow the Wade case that guarantees abortion rights, Ober Felr, which guarantees same -sex marriage, complains Holchis, Obama Medical Insurance, etc., and there have been a lot of funds behind them to assist such groups.Most of the funds can be traced back to the federal party members who have always recommended the candidates of the judge.Another source of funds is a group called the judicial crisis network.In 2017, Neil Gorsuch and Cavano in 2018, the group threw $ 17 million in public relations and advertisements, respectively, to send two conservative judges into the Supreme Court.

A huge influence on the chief of the judges

In addition, Whitehs cited other organizations such as DonorStrust, Bradley Foundation, etc., and donated a total of $ 68 million to the court's organization to influence the court's decision. HoweverIt also donated a total of $ 33 million to Trump to advance the Society of Federal Party's Society in Gosach and Cavano.The Washington Post found that the headquarters of the Federal Party Society and the judicial crisis network is actually the same address, and the judicial crisis network also donated the Republican Prosecutor Association at the same time, and wrote anti -medical insurance documents for Republican Senators.Mitch McConnell, Susan Collins, and Marco Rubio are all on the list.

However, why civil organizations such as the Federal Party Society and the judicial crisis network can have great power and financial resources to influence the court's personnel appointment and ruling orientation for the court with a huge behind -the -scenes of 250 million US dollars.The New York Times traced back to the Koch Brother of the United States Petroleum Tycoon Tyrant Tycoon, and donated 6 million Federal Party Society from 1997 to 2017, and donated $ 3.3 million between the donor trust from 2007 to 2011.Since the 1970s, the Koch brothers have established a financial power network held by the chaebol through funding politicians, think tanks, scholars, and media, which affects and even controls the decision -making of the US government.Negative climate change.

The Koch brothers are the important gold owners of the American conservatives. They not only make money to fund the Republican Party in each election, but also support the tea party of liberalism within the party in the party.In 2010, the Supreme Court led by conservatives In the case of the Federal Election Commission of the United Citizen Citizen's Citizen Council, based on the freedom of speech, the laws that restricted their donations for candidates were illegal.Return.Since then, the chaebol of the two parties can be named just now, and buy elections and politicians from endless money.With the 2016 Republican Presidential Primary Election, many candidates include Gebosh, John Kasich, and Rick Perry, which received huge amounts of money funding.

At that time, Trump was not being eccentricized by the chaebol's mercy, and he promised that once the Americans entered the main White House, Drain the Swamp would be removed to remove corrupt politicians.The conservative voters' hearts of Hillary won the election.However, Trump was isolated in the huge system. In order to maintain his political energy, he also had to rely on McConal's establishment.Coupled with the identity politics such as manipulating guns and abortion on the appointment of judges, it can arouse the enthusiasm of conservative voters. In addition to the election of Trump, they can also appoint a market supervision, protect corporate monopoly, suppress labor rights and interests.The judge who opposed environmental protection policies and overthrowing the medical insurance bill crossed Chen Cang, and as a result, the chaebol was the final big winner.

Why isn't the Democratic Party pragmatic?

Barrett, who was nominated this time, was kicked out of his father's representative lawyer who had been kicked out as a lawyer who had been hell oil.EssenceThe United States Chamber of Commerce in the country's largest business lobbying group also submitted a document from the court's friend to the court a month ago to describe its support for the oil company.At the same time, when Barrett appointed the judge's candidate to finalize, the US Chamber of Commerce quickly used its resources to lobby Washington's politicians and business circles.The New York Times even warned that the Supreme Court of conservative monopoly would even overthrow the Cedame Protection Committee of the Cedames in 1984, which will be constrained by the U.S. National Environmental Protection Agency's regulatory enterprises in the future.

However, the other side of Whitehs, who broke the Golden Politics of Republican Party on the other side, was also accused of a candidate for the judge who had affected his hometown of Rhode Island.Liberty, such as the US Family Planning Federation, is extremely desperate to affect the Supreme Court, but its financial resources and organizations are far less inferior to conservatives.And Fan Shidan was also accused of corruption and skyrocketed while serving as a senator.As the largest pro -Chinese school in Congress, Van Shidan has been promoting the normalization of trade with China. His husbands went to China to business in China to gain huge profits in their early years.Powerful influence.Looking at this, it is not difficult to see why the Democratic Party asked at the hearing, only around the problems such as falling and medical insurance, and the core of the problem.

Today, the Democratic Party has the intention to vote for voters, and pursues Barrett's medical insurance position, but it is clear that he is in charge of the White House and the souls. It is easy to promote the more comprehensive medical insurance bill.However, Biden's medical insurance commitment to the public options gradually disappeared in the public discussion after the election.Just as the Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi accepted a cable news network question, why did not reach an agreement with Trump on the economic stimulus plan, Perosi actually sent a lot to the host, which shows that it has settled in the predicament of politics to manipulate politics.American families disregard.If the Supreme Court really wants to overthrow Obama Medical Insurance in the future, even though Democrats will yell, don't expect them to really resolve deep -seated contradictions for this.