The Thai anti -government demonstration has continued since February this year, and the specific results have been in arrears, and the number of demonstrations in the near future has not been as expected.Some comments pointed out that even though the people were dissatisfied with the government, the majority of the demonstration camps could not evoke silence. In addition to the long years of political division of Thailand, there was also a voice that the reform touched the royal family is too hot.It is regarded as a respect for traditions.The government changed to delay strategies under the disadvantage of demonstrations, trying to dismiss the sound of sounds, and the may be obvious that the demonstrators' demands were obvious.

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The demonstrators had three major demands before, including the disbanding the re -election of the parliament, amending the constitution written by the military, and stopping the arbitrary opposition. In the demonstration held in the Royal Field Plaza outside the Grand Palace of Bangkok last month, student leaders were even more demandingIn the reform of the royal family, many experts estimate that the number of demonstrations may be affected, and there are only thousands of demonstrators on Wednesday.Panusaya Sithijirawattanakul, the leader of the Study Movement of Reform, acknowledged that the demonstration of the demonstrations may affect the outside world's support for demonstrations.

Duncan McCargo, a professor of political science at Copenhagen University, wrote in the magazine of foreign policy last month, pointing out that most demonstrators have failed to attract most of their support. In addition to the Red Shirts have joined the demonstration camp, they have been involved in class disagreement over the years.In addition to the battle of Huang, the younger generation who promoted reform and questioned the existing system was also regarded by many older people as disrespectful traditions.Although the reform royal family can please the core supporters of the demonstration, many people who have been dissatisfied with the government's incomplete economy have paid attention to demonstrations.

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At the same time, the government may choose to proclaim while the academic movement cannot be expanded, and the opposition has gradually dissipated.At the end of September, the Thai Congress suddenly pushed down the draft of the constitutional amendment and re -establishing the committee to examine the proposal of various party proposals, reflecting that Congress's demand for demonstrators may not pay attention.McCord believes that the demonstration camp must strive for more supporters of different generations and political stances in the future, especially in the middle school that recognizes the balance of military and royal power to pressure the government.

Analysis of the Thai public television station believes that in the 1973 learning movement, the then Thai King Puffno intervene in prompting the military government to step down and achieved the situation of Thailand's political transformation. Today, the Thai royal family has also become the goal of reform.untie.