EU member states Cyprus have launched a golden passport investment immigration plan in recent years. The investigation report of the Qatar Peninsula TV station revealed that there is a loophole in the plan.Passports, the defendant was informed that as long as the investment is sufficient, there is no problem.The reporter sneaked the entire snake processing process into a film, involving a number of senior Cyprus officials, members of parliament and lawyer.After the incident was exposed, the Cyprus government announced the suspension of the golden passport plan on Tuesday (13th), which once again triggered the EU's dissatisfaction with some member states to issue gold passports.

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Peninsula TV stated on Monday (12th) that the two journalists pseudo Billy and Angie, and Billy pretended to be a middleman of Mr. X. Mr. X.Anji disguised as a Billy assistant.According to the law, there are people at the bottom of the case.When the reporter released the snake, Demetris Syllouris, chairman of the Cyprus House, and Congress, Christakis Giovanis, asked about the application of gold passports and filmed the film.Silulus said in the film that he was willing to use his influence to provide assistance to Mr. X.

Jovani told reporters that he would ensure that the merchant obtained a passport, which is not easy, but I can guarantee that we will do our best. I believe we have experience in this area.Local lawyer Andreas Pittadjis claimed that he had assisted a person who had been sentenced to two years in prison for corruption and money laundering to obtain the Cyprus gold passport, and suggested that Mr. X renamed his passport as a new identity.

EU's unbelievable government investigation

After the report was published, a spokesman for the European Commission issued a statement on Monday that it was incredible.The Cyprus authorities are investigating the case. Sulusus is the second senior national official of Cyprus after President Nikos Anastasiades. He said on Tuesday that he would give up the post of chairman of the House of Representatives before the investigation was completed.Jostani also resigned from the court of the House and he had all the positions of the people's progressive party; the two denied that they had improper behavior.The Cyprus government announced that there was weaknesses and abuse based on the gold passport plan, and it was decided to suspend on November 1.However, EU officials suspect that the Cyprus government may implement amendments and attract foreign capital through other ways.

Investment threshold 20 million to enter the European Union springboard

As early as August, the Peninsula TV stated that the Cyprus Papers had obtained the approval application of more than 1,400 Cyprus Investment Plan (CIP) managed by Cyprus.After Cyprus experienced the dilemma of the financial crisis, the CIP was launched in 2013 to attract foreigners to obtain gold passports by investing in real estate. The investment threshold is at least 2.15 million euros.Then, a springboard has become an EU citizen and has the right to live, travel and work among 27 EU member states.China, Russia, and Ukraine are one of the countries with the most gold passport applicants.

Except for Cyprus, Malta and Bulgaria have plans similar to selling passports and residency.The European Commission President Feng Delin mentioned the golden passport in the Castle Consultation published last month, indicating that European value cannot be sold.According to the news, the European Union also considers legal operations on countries that issued gold passports.