01 Viewpoint

The global US election has entered a countdown of 20 days, and the situation has gradually moved towards unfavorable development of President Trump.The freshly released polls of Opinium, a public opinion agency, showed that Democratic candidates Biden pressed 40%of Trump with 57%, and the difference between the two was 17 percentage points, which was quite different.There was such a disparity situation in the last presidential election, and it was to find Reagan, which seemed to be re -elected in 1984, and seized 49 states in 50 states across the country with a 59%defeat of 41%of the Democratic opponent Walter Mondale.It can only keep his hometown Minnesota and the capital Washington Special Economic Zone, the biggest defeat in the history of the presidential election.

In 1984, Ligen was the economic recovery, and the country was prosperous. It corresponds to the decentness in the debate.At that time, Reagan was questioned as the oldest president in history. Whether he can be competent for heavy positions, in turn, the host Yiyi Mo: I will not take the age as a campaign issue, and I will not use this as a political purpose to expose itMy opponent's young and lack of experience.In this way, the audience laughed, and even the opponent Monador and the host couldn't help laughing.Monador later pointed out that he knew that he had lost the election at the moment.

Multi -Hongzhou or turn blue

A debate can not only show the candidates, or it may also become its life -saving symbol.After the first round of debate, Trump's support fell sharply, even after subsequent diagnosis of new crown pneumonia, he still failed to recover the decline.Most voters were chaotic about the debate, and they were always surprised.Many people are even more disgusted with Trump's constantly intervening, and they don't want to see this person in the living room for four years.After the debate, the voting intention of Biden supporters has risen sharply. Recently, there have been more people who voted early votes from ticket stations across the country.Originally, Trump wanted to make mistakes with oppressive methods that often made mistakes not only did not work, but also talked about it and disgusted himself, dragging his own election.

At present, Trump's support is difficult to accept. In addition to the five hundred percentage points behind Florida, the three states of the three states of the three states of the three states of the three states of the three states of the three states of the three states of the previous sneak attack were still seven to eight.EssenceThe tendency to be retired has also made Trump's last victory over North Carolina, Arizona, and Ohio, and even the Republican ticket warehouse Aiwa and Alaska have reported unstable news.The voter votes of the southern position of the traditional Republican Party, Georgeia and Texas, who have 16 and 38 votes, have also become the goal of the Bayeng camp in order to settle the rivers and mountains.

In recent years, a large number of New York guests and California people have moved into the major cities of 80 % of Texas, such as Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, etc. due to their job opportunities and property prices.EssenceOnce Texas, who had 38 electoral tickets, fell into Bayeng, whether the results of other states were unveiled, and Biden had a historic victory.Although Biden still can't say that it can attack Texas and copy the victory of the 1984 election in the 1984 election.

Republican or Lost White House and Congress

The disadvantage of this disadvantaged Republican leader was deeply afraid. Some of the seats where the senators sat firmly, such as the senior South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, all had a crisis in the horse.At present, many polls show that Graham and Democratic opponent Jaime Harrison have tied in such a deep red South Carolina, which surprised the outside world.Coupled with the state of Michigan, Maine, Arizona, and Colorado, the two parties in the traditional Red State in Georgia, Eva, Montana, etc.The Republican Party is likely not only to lose the White House next month, but also may lose the court and fully lose its regime.

The Trump camp has also recently targeted the elderly campaign advertisements, intending to restore the core voters who were successfully elected in the last order.However, since the outbreak of the U.S. epidemic, the Trump administration has been diluted and concealed the severity of the epidemic, and has refused to wear a mask and a lazy social distance. In the end, he was also infected.The polls show that its infection has not given their support to death, which shows that most of the voters are not sympathetic.Even though Trump beckoned to the elder who was threatened with the most out of the epidemic, it seemed to be too late.However, he embarked on the road of defeating, but he was not particularly in pace. Everything was caused by his own use and one hand.