On the eve of the Twenty Persons in Taiwan, cross -strait relations faced the most severe situation since President Tsai Ing -wen's inauguration.Or evolved into anti -China, and Taiwanese recognized the increase in independence and support Taiwan's independence.

With the outbreak of the Sino -US trade war, scientific and technological warfare, diplomatic warfare, and financial war, Sino -US relations are evil, and cross -strait relations are hostile; the mainland authorities propose the two systems of Taiwan, the Hong Kong outbreak of the Chinese movement, formulate the National Security Law of the Hong Kong area, strengthen the National Security Law, and strengthenThe people of Taiwan are hostile to the mainland; under the military suppression of the mainland authorities and diplomacy, the relationship between the two sides has fallen into a trough like a spiral.

Especially recently, due to the expansion of military exercises in the mainland and the often crossing the middle line of the Taiwan Strait, the two sides have caused confrontation and tension.At this time, Cai Yingwen's release of cross -strait statements in the double ten speech should have a meaningful dialogue, indeed its necessity; however, the mainland authorities still criticized this as an independent remark.

The mainland authorities use the 1992 consensus as a political prerequisite for the cross -strait dialogue, but the DPP authorities believe that no political prerequisites should be preliminary.Therefore, Tsai Ing -wen is not easy to succeed in eased the language and tone of policy language and tone; although the Double Ten speech releases political and goodwill, from the perspective of mainland China, its political effect is far from reaching its critical critical dialogue on both sides of the strait dialogue.point.

First of all, the speech shows the reconciliation and peaceful dialogue on cross -strait sides of the strait. The mainland authorities need to change attitude and position; the Taiwan authorities guarantee that they will not be provoked.Tsai Ing -wen pointed out: If Beijing can face up to Taiwan's voice, change the attitude of handling cross -strait relations, and jointly contribute to the reconciliation and peaceful dialogue with Taiwan, I believe that the tension of the region can be resolved.

Tsai Ing -wen has not proposed to face the facts of the existence of the Republic of China, ensuring that we will not advance, and we will adhere to principles and maintain the stability of cross -strait relations.This shows that the Taiwan authorities claim that the principle of not provocation is not provocative. Regional unstable responsibility lies in the mainland and is not in Taiwan.It is also mentioned that this is not Taiwan's unilateral responsibility, but the common responsibility of the two parties, highlighting the strong stance of their cross -strait policies soft and hard, and then look at the mainland authorities to change attitudes and policy stance.

Secondly, the name of the mainland authorities returns to neutral words to avoid provocative remarks.Usually, in the Politics Context of the Democratic Progressive Party, if the name of China and Taiwan is used rationally, it will highlight the positioning of both sides of the strait as one country and two districts.When the cross -strait situation is severe, if it is directly known as the Chinese and Chinese authorities on the other side, it has the meaning of protest.

Taiwan and the mainland have competed for the power of China, and generally do not use the Chinese authorities.When Tsai Ing -wen took office for the first time, it was declared that cross -strait affairs were handled in accordance with the constitution and the regulations of the People's Relations of the Cross Straits; in the 2016 Double Ten speech, the opposite bank was a mainland of China and called on mainland Chinese authorities to face the facts of the existence of the Republic of China.And once strongly resisted China's pressure, Taiwan and China opposed it.In 2019, it was maintained in China. In 2020, in view of the rising hostility of the two sides of the strait, the word opposite the other side was used when the name was rising.

In the next three consecutive years, the Taiwan statement of the Republic of China shows the journey of Taiwan's Taiwanization.After Tsai Ing -wen in 2016 for the first time, Double Ten speeches mentioned that the number of times of the Republic of China was only three times, including the 105 years of National Day of the Republic of China, and the new government will face the Republic of China and call for the Republic of China to face the Republic of China.The facts exist.

The 2017 Double Ten speech mentioned the six times of the Republic of China; the first time in the Republic of China appeared in the Double Ten speech in 2018, twice in total; the other than the Republic of China four times.In 2019, the Double Ten speech mentioned the Republic of China six times. It mentioned the Republic of China twice, and it was proposed that once the country and two systems were accepted, there was no room for survival of the Republic of China.

As for the 2020 Double Ten speeches mentioned the four times of the Republic of China, the number of times is not much different from the time after the administration; the other two mentioned the same as the Republic of China, which is the same as the number of times in 2018 and 2019.At the same time when Tsai Ing -wen strives to consolidate the people of Taiwan and cross -party voters, at the same time, he adopts the use of Taiwan's Taiwan statement; when it comes to the mainland authorities, he also proposes to face the Republic of China.Taiwan, but it has been proposed for three consecutive years, there is a phenomenon of consolidation.

Furthermore, she did not blame the mainland authorities to challenge the status quo and suppress Taiwan as before, so as to show political goodwill.In 2020, the Double Ten speech quoted that Chinese President Xi Jinping said at the UN General Assembly speech that China would never dominate, does not expand, and does not seek the scope of power.Previously, it was pointed out that mainland China was the root cause of regional conflicts, which showed that facing cross -strait soldiers in danger and at the risk of war on war.

In 2018, Double Ten speech directly pointed out: China tries to challenge the status quo of the regional status, criticizing China's unilateral cultural attack and martial arts and diplomatic suppression, which not only hurts cross -strait relations, but also seriously challenges the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait and a responsible great power.It should play a benign role in the region and the world, not the source of conflict.

In 2019, the Double Ten speech criticized China's rise and expansion, and challenged the value and world order of freedom and democracy with the authoritarian system, combined with nationalism and economic power;

In the end, there was no criticism of one country, two systems to avoid stimulating mainland authorities.The 2020 Double Ten speech did not involve the criticism of Hong Kong issues, one country, two systems, and dependence on the United States and Japanese relations; it was only an important moment to vaguely mention the changes in the situation on the situation of India and the two sides of the strait worldwide. If Beijing can face Taiwan's voice, changeThe attitude of handling cross -strait relations has jointly contributed to the reconciliation and peaceful dialogue with Taiwan.

In the 2019 Double Ten speech, there is no room for survival of the Republic of China once the two systems and two systems are accepted by the two systems and two systems; the rejection of one country, two systems is the biggest consensus of the people of Taiwan; it is pointing to Hong Kong because of lsquo; one country, two systems, and RSQUO;

In response to Tsai Ing -wen's double ten speeches, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council re -approved independent remarks, thinking that these speeches continued to confront thinking and hostile consciousness, advocated independent remarks, drum noise to connect external forces, confuse the people of Taiwan, and expose the DPP authorities to conspire the essence of independence.Strict response.

Although the DPP authorities express their political and goodwill in the double ten speeches, because the mainland authorities have defined the 1992 consensus is the political foundation of the cross -strait dialogue and negotiations.Met the standard.

The author is Taiwan Foguang University

Assistant professor of the Department of Public Affairs

Although the DPP authorities express their political and goodwill in the double ten speeches, because the mainland authorities have defined the 1992 consensus as the political foundation of the cross -strait dialogue and negotiations.Goodwill does not meet the standard.