Ming Pao News Agency

The new politics report was read out. The Hong Kong Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue explained that a series of revitalization measures involved in the Mainland and needed to discuss with the central government in late this month to support support.At present, Hong Kong's political and social atmosphere, often there are often many speculations involving the Mainland or central government.If you can't look north, it is also a good thing to be more solid.The Hong Kong Government made a number of suggestions to the central government on the financial interconnection and interconnection, the cooperation of Hong Kong Shenzhen Innovation Sciences, and consolidating the Hong Kong shipping industry. It is expected that the policy report is not only a fine -tuning.Strong and strong new measures of the dilemma.

The peripheral environment is difficult to rely on

With the help of the mainland Hong Kong

The Chief Executive issued a governance report at the first meeting of the Legislative Council. Although it is more common, it is not legal and regulations. Former special heads Dong Jianhua and Liang Zhenying were published in January in January.The first meeting of the Legislative Council was held on Wednesday this year, and the news of the political report after reading the news of the political report was watched. Lin Zheng said that she had proposed a series of revitalization measures involving mainland cooperation to the central government earlier, hoping to help Hong Kong get rid of the predicament.Go to Beijing in late month and participate in the coordination meeting of mainland ministries and commissions. If the central government supports, relevant measures can be included in the policy report and announced before the end of November.

In 2003, SARS fell into Hong Kong. The support measures of the central government after the epidemic injecting a strong motivation to the economic recovery of Hong Kong.Of course, the people's conditions, social conditions, and the peripheral environment in Hong Kong are very different from 17 years ago. Once the matter involves the Mainland or the central government, it often causes political conflict. HoweverFor a long time, the time and space in Hong Kong is more difficult than that year. If there is central support, it is better than Hong Kong singles.

The Mainland's epidemic is controlled and the Economic V -shaped rebound. Looking at major global economies, only China is expected to record economic growth this year. In contrast, Hong Kong has been fighting with the new crown virus for more than half a year.It can go out of the outbreak of anti -overwhelming circles, and the economy has not improved. In the next few years, the Hong Kong government is expected to have deficit budgets. Originally, the fiscal reserves of over trillion yuan were also reduced by 300 billion yuan because of the need to have an epidemic.Back to the world with the mainland, it has been the development of Hong Kong for many years. It has carved the serious epidemic in Europe and the United States, and the world economy is not able to prosper. As a highly open small economy, Hong Kong is very difficult to move forward.Among them, the role is embarrassing, and it is not easy to leave the source.The revitalization of the economy must have a focus. The current problem is not to argue whether it is the only choice for the mainland or the Greater Bay Area, but that since there is a ready -made choice in front of it, why not seize the opportunity and seek mutual benefit and win -win.

Chinese President Xi Jinping is inspecting in Guangdong. Tomorrow will attend the 40th anniversary celebration conference of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone's establishment. The Chief Executive and several senior officials of Hong Kong and Macao will go to the meeting.Until the height of the two systems.Hong Kong has permeated the atmosphere of political dislikes. Different camps have their own opinions on post -administrative reports. The believers who believe in the believers, who do not believe it, and do n’t have conclusions when they are entangled.

Financial services, tourism, trade logistics and professional services have long been the pillar industry in Hong Kong, which not only drives the development of other industries, but also an important force for creating employment.Injecting new impetus into economic development, it is necessary to accelerate the development of innovation and use the opportunities of the Greater Bay Area, and at the same time to play the competitive advantage of traditional industries such as the financial industry.The global aviation industry is difficult. As an international aviation and logistics center, Hong Kong is also seriously affected by the epidemic. It must try to stabilize the foot.

According to Lin Zheng's law, most of the measures that the Hong Kong Government strives to support the central government mostly involves the economy, such as the business and professional services of the Greater Bay Area, the expansion of the interconnection of the financial sector, the promotion of Hong Kong and Shenzhen Chuangke cooperation, and consolidating the Hong Kong Shipping Center in the Hong Kong and Hong Kong Shipping Center.Status, especially involving air transport.If the specific revitalization measures proposed by the Hong Kong Government to the central government are really feasible and effective, it should be helpful for Hong Kong's difficulty in responding to the difficulties.Of course, whether the policy report must wait for the central measures to be buried in the middle of the country, and the opinions of all parties have different opinions, but then, if the new policy report is as dull as water, everything will be in the economic and people's livelihood facing in Hong Kong.It seems that I will not say that I will be announced after consultation with the central government later. From this perspective, it is understandable to wait for burial.

Minsheng's economic facts are seeking

Put down the political color glasses

The new policy report is the fourth copy since Lin Zheng came to power.Lin Zheng put forward a lot of long -term Hong Kong in the beginning of the beginning. However, from the land construction of the land to the development of the family, many work still lacks obvious progress and needs to be accelerated.Some people's livelihood work, such as cancellation of strong gold hedging, and alignment of labor leave with banks, etc., should be accelerated and should not be dragged.At the same time, the policy report should also take the response prescription for the new normal and new situation in the epidemic.Insufficient vitality in Hong Kong's development must use external forces to involve economic and people's livelihood measures involved in the Mainland cooperation. It is unavoidable to discuss and seek central support with mainland authorities.