Ming Pao News Agency

Last Tuesday (6th), the Kuomintang proposed in the Taiwan Legislative Yuan, asking the Tsai Ing -wen government to use the United States and the Republic of China to reply to diplomatic relations as diplomatic targets on the United States and actively promote it.The objections were passed, which caused heated discussion on the outside world.The Kuomintang's proposal is to make a voice for the people, and the strategy of throwing difficulties to the Tsai government, but more comments believe that the Kuomintang's pro -American and anti -communist risk is independent of the green camp fighting, which will inevitably bring high risks.trap.The Kuomintang's statement reflects the adjustment of its political route, which will destroy mutual trust in the Communist Party and the Communist Party, intensify the contradictions between the two sides of the strait. For the Kuomintang itself, it is also a drink to quench thirst and destroy the Great Wall.

Regarding the Kuomintang's move, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council warned that the Kuomintang related people should distinguish between right and wrong and do not do things that harm the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation and peace and stability of cross -strait relations.DPP President Tsai Ing -wen praised in his speech at the Double Ten Festival yesterday.

The Legislative Yuan filed two proposals

Promoting Taiwan Meiji Meijiao American Soldiers

Someists argued that in the two Chiang period of the Kuomintang, the Kuomintang was a pro -American and anti -Communist Communist Party, but now it is just continuing the relevant context.However, looking back at history, although the two Chiang anti -communism, the two Jiangsan unswervingly adhered to a Chinese principle, that is, the two sides of the Republic of China belonged to China.In this principle, as long as the United States and the People's Republic of China have diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China, the Republic of China cannot establish diplomatic relations with the United States, that is, the so -called Han thief will not stand up.The Kuomintang proposed this time with the United States, which not only committed two taboos against both Jiang and Beijing, but also blatantly violated the spirit of the Republic of China Constitution, and contradicts that it claimed to be in contradiction.

If you think that two proposals can win the favor of the United States, I am afraid it is also enthusiastic.Taiwan and the United States and the United States sent troops to protect Taiwan. From the perspective of political reality, they are irreplaceable.Taiwan Foreign Minister Wu Zhaozheng did not seek to establish a comprehensive diplomatic relationship with the United States, and did not rely on the United States and other remarks on both sides of the strait. They were made under the pressure of the United States. However, the Kuomintang was still complacent.Beijing will also be regarded as a cumbersome manufacturer by Washington, and it is even more difficult to add points to their people, and let the green camp be happy. If they get the treasure, as Tsai Ing -wen shouted to Beijing in the Double 10 speech, the Taiwanese people are outsideIn terms of relationships and national security issues, each other's distance is getting closer. This is the claim of the people of Taiwan and the consensus of the party and the opposition.

Whether it is Taiwan and the United States, or the United States sent troops to prevent Taiwan, they have stepped on the red line of the mainland.The two proposals of the Kuomintang will not only further destroy the relationship with Beijing, but also exacerbate the risk of war in the Taiwan Strait.In 2005, Lien Chan, then the chairman of the Kuomintang, visited Beijing and established a five -point consensus on cross -strait peaceful development with the then general secretary of the Communist Party of China. The common vision of the peaceful development on both sides of the strait was included in the Kuomintang party platform.Therefore, the two proposals not only departed from the political route of the National Republican resolution in the past 15 years, but also violated the cross -strait policy program that Ma Ying -jeou has been implemented in the 8 years since 2008. It also violated the 92 consensus opposition in the new discussion of the Cross -Strait Cross -Strait Cross -Strait Cross -Strait of the Kuomintang Conference last month.Taiwan independence and other claims.

Step on the red line and the green fight alone

Stimulate cross -strait contradictions and digging traps

This major adjustment of the Kuomintang's political line is also related to the re -election of the party's chairman next year and the 2024 election of the party.As a legislator, the party chairman Jiang Qichen is the true promoter of the two proposals. Except for the next year, he sought re -elected party leader. He already has a strong attempt to look at 2024 and compete for the president's throne.The two proposals are instead of embarrassing the Green Camp. It is better to say that Jiang wants to declare the pro -American and anti -communities, cut the relationship with the mainland, and shake off the means of party competitors such as Zhu Lilun and South Korea.Although the Kuomintang natives and young and strong factions, which are mainly in the southern part, have gradually become green, Jiang Qichen has shot the relationship between the Communist Party and the Communist Party and pushed the Kuomintang to danger.After all, cross -strait exchanges are a major advantage of the Kuomintang relative to the Democratic Progressive Party. Now that the Kuomintang's initiative to abandon this advantage is tantamount to drinking thirst and self -destroying the Great Wall.

The Kuomintang lost in the election and did not review the root cause. Instead, the wrongdoing was blamed on the relationship with the mainland. Therefore, the senior management of the party followed the DPP in the cross -strait policy to pick up the teeth.In addition to the two proposals, the recent series of incidents reflect the mentality of the Kuomintang's abandonment principles and the greenness of being a small green, such as the Ge Xiamen Strait Forum, the Taiwan independence constitutional amendment to the DPP legislators in the Legislative Yuan, and even sent staff to participate in participation.Wait, it is no wonder that if the Kuomintang advocates Taiwan independence referendum in the future, it will not be surprising.

The Kuomintang's move has made the DPP established the legitimacy of the anti -Chinese.After the two resolutions were approved, the National Party was affirmed by the National Party, and it was suggested that the Kuomintang should promote Taiwan's authentic name; Cai Yingwen's remarks were also very satisfied.It can be seen that the Kuomintang seems to have set up a trap to make the DPP's original form, but it may fall into its own trap and become a pusher of Taiwan independence. This should not be seen by the Blue Camp supporters.

The Kuomintang publicly advocated two China and one country to launch a Taiwan independence competition with the DPP. It has severely damaged mutual trust in the KMT and the Communist Party. When Beijing also regards the Kuomintang as a negative forces on the island, the momentum will affect the mainland's confidence in peace and unity.It is a little bit scrupled to solve the problem of Taiwan, which is likely to intensify the hostile emotions on both sides of the strait.The Chinese Kuomintang, whose party names are still crowned, how to be at the critical moment of the Chinese nation is worthy of deep reflection on this century -old party.