01 Viewpoint

The Government proposed by the Kuomintang should request the United States to assist the United States to resist the resolution of the Communist Party and the United States of China (the Republic of China).The two resolutions are undoubtedly a bomb for the already harsh cross -strait relations.The Taiwan Blue and Green Battalion struggle, and the Kuomintang has always been considered good at handling cross -strait relations. This time, two resolutions can be described as expected. It is no wonder that the Taiwan Affairs Office issued a press release calling on the Kuomintang to distinguish between right and wrong and do not harm the Chinese nation.Fundamental interests are peaceful and stable with cross -strait relations.However, the true intention of this wave of operation does not seem to be the superficial contradiction between the two sides of the strait, but the strange soldiers with salary at the bottom of the kettle, forcing the DPP to face the political reality.

The government should ask the United States to assist the two resolutions of the Communist Party of China and the United States of China (the Republic of China) and the United States of China (the Republic of China). Both resolutions encourage Taiwan to hold the US thighs and seek US aid to fight against the pressure of the mainland. It is another negative news for cross -strait relations.On the surface, the Kuomintang seems to have abandoned the policy of adhering to cross -strait cooperation, and changed to follow the mainstream of Taiwan's mainstream, which has embarked on the road of kinship.However, the Kuomintang throwing two resolutions this time was a strange soldier who was in dangers. If it was blessed, it might reverse the very unfavorable political situation of the Blue Camp.

The urgent faction Yangmou

The Kuomintang is like one stone and two birds.First, the most obvious thing is to wash my own image.Due to many new generations of Taiwan's new generation of political orientation, the Kuomintang, which has always advocated that the first China, has long been labeled as pro -Chinese representatives, and is extremely unfavorable in political elections.Last year, the Presidential election of Taiwan, the DPP Cai Yingwen government was not only lacking in political achievements, and the problem of corruption was quite serious.Under the political environment of all independence, the political environment of the Kuomintang is not the same.At this time, the Kuomintang's big and anti -anti -anti -communist cards naturally helped to elute the original crime of politics.

Secondly, this also uses the wisdom of the emergency situation to deal with the wisdom to deal with the DPP's American card.The emergency or forced faction advocates helping the Green Camp to promote the unification of both sides of the strait as soon as possible.Although the Kuomintang advocates one middle school, it has not given a schedule on the issue of unification, and in recent years, it is even more impossible to unify unity in recent years.For the radicals that are eager to hope for the unity of both sides of the strait, they think that instead of waiting for the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan, it is better to strengthen its own momentum, so that Taiwan independence has changed from text games to real political claims.Once the Taiwan independence is true, the mainland has to make a martial arts.

For a long time, urgent factions have only been shadowed, and it is unclear how many supporters, and even it sounds just a conspiracy theory.However, this time the Kuomintang's political operations obviously used the wisdom of emergency factions.No one knows that whether it is the DPP or the United States, the establishment of diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the United States is just a political card. It can be carried up with China in the hands, but there is really serious consequences.The Kuomintang is now attached to the American card, and the DPP government is demanding the DPP government to promote the establishment of diplomatic relations with the United States.The execution of the ability; if the United States refuses, the Kuomintang can naturally question the use of the United States' sincerity to Taiwan, and then attack the DPP's international front of the Democratic Progressive Party.

In case the accident is responsible for the Democratic Progressive Party

Even if you take a step back, in the event of the establishment of diplomatic relations, if any problems are done, the Kuomintang can retreat throughout the body.For example, in the resolution of China (Republic of China), the Cai Yingwen government should use the Cai Yingwen government to use the United States and the Republic of China to respond to diplomatic relations as a target to the United States.The establishment of diplomatic relations is in the name of the Republic of China, which is still in the cognition of the first China; and the DPP government that is responsible for ruling.Therefore, in case of any chaos, even the two sides of the strait really meet each other. Regardless of the results, the Kuomintang conducted a thin Democratic Progressive Party's independent aura, and retreating can push the Black Cycles to the DPP.

What's more interesting is that because the DPP has always been promoted to the United States, even if he knew that the Kuomintang's coming was not good, he could not refuse.In the past, as long as Taiwan -US relations and thin mud -type hype can earn political dividends. Now the DPP obviously eats a stuffy stick. As long as the Taimei relations are treated with a slight problem, it may become the weakness of the attack.For the Kuomintang, this political calculation is naturally carefully designed, but for cross -strait and Sino -US relations, I am afraid that it will add more variables, and the situation on both sides of the strait may face changes.