Author: Huang Zhijin

Source: Hong Kong 01

US President Trump won George Asia with five percentage advantages in 2016.Today, the two Senate seats in the state are re -elected, plus the weight of the 16 election votes in the election, and the rapid change of the population structure of the state. Four years later, it is a veritable battlefield state.Wisconsin and Michigan.

The rapid population changes and the impact of immigration policy have made California in southwestern United States transforming from Hongzhou to Lanzhou in the 1990s, and has since become the Democratic Party's ticket warehouse.Georgia, located in the southeast of the United States, is also experiencing such changes, and the election advantage enjoyed by the Republican Party is gradually disappearing.

The Democratic Party hopes to win the two federal Senate seats in the state.33 -year -old Democratic Senator candidate Jon Ossoff will match David Perdue, a Federal Republican senator.Osov has won the support of Democratic Democratic leader in John Lewis, hoping to break the advantages of Republicans in the southern white voters since Richard Nixon.He hopes that voters will defeat Pudou with the diversification of ethnic and ages, and the cross -regional domain nature of urban and rural areas, and rural areas.

Another Federal Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler was appointed by the state governor Brian Kemp. He took office on January 1, 2020. He replaced the Republican Senator, Senator, Senator, who stepped down in 2019 in 2019.Johnny Isakson).Before accepting the appointment, Roofler was the chief executive officer of the encrypted trading platform BAKKT.

According to Georgian law, although the Esxar Saxon term was only full in January 2023, if Rafler wants to continue his office, he must participate in the election on November 3 this year.In other words, the seats are not held in the primary election, and the candidates will be voted directly. All the candidates of each party will accept voting. Those who get more than half of the votes will be the winner, otherwise the election will be held in January 2021.The Democratic Party hopes to defeat Rofler and win this seat.

However, from the current polls, it is difficult for those candidates for various parties to be able to reach a threshold of 50%of the voting rate.Roofler hopes to be re -elected and plans to spend $ 20 million.If he is re -elected, she will be the first female senator to be elected in the state in the past 100 years.

The two Republican senators and Trump were closely related to Pead and Roofler, but both were accused of participating in the inside story of the stock market during the epidemic.Although the U.S. Department of Justice stopped investigating this aspect, the two also accused the allegations of allegations completely due to political motivation, but the Democratic Party would inevitably seize it and hoped that they could use the advantages of new voters to win these two seats.

Even Pead acknowledged that the state's election was on the cusp nationwide, but he could only bind himself and Trump. For example, in response to the epidemic, the Governor of the Republican Party and his entire team he was in the state would follow the special strictly.The Trump administration's tone.

In the House election, Marjorie Green, a Republican female member of the 14th constituency of the George Asian Parliament, is the highlight of public opinion.Because her Democratic opponent Kevin Van Ausdal withdrew from a family reasons, she had a high chance of re -election in November this year.

Green was controversial because of his remarks on ethnic minorities, including his support for rights to grab the rights, repair the wall, and anti -abortion.She is also one of the supporters of the right -wing conspiracy theory of Qanon, and is very popular with Trump supporters.After winning the Republican primary election in August, Trump congratulated Green on Twitter, saying that she was the future of the Republican Party.

George Asian is the fastest population in the United States.According to the information released by the U.S. Census in 2019, the state's population has reached 10.61 million, of which 32.4%of the African -American population accounts for 32.4%and white people account for 52.4%.For 20 years, the state's federal senators have been won by the Republican Party, and it has been Red State since Bill Clinton.

In the large town, counties, and rural areas of the state, Trump's support among white people is still high.The reason why he was able to defeat Hillary Clinton in the state four years ago was thanks to the strong support rate in this area, and completely made up for his disadvantages among the town and suburban voters in the state.However, with the expansion of the state cities, such as the large metropolitan area of Atlanta, a large number of suburban voters poured in, and the Democratic Party's ticket warehouse gradually expanded.The Democratic Party hopes to quickly increase the newly -added young population, especially new voters in urban areas to help them register and vote.

For example, Democratic Kay Mcbath won the seat of the Federal House of Representatives in the Sixth Congress of the state in 2018.In the 2018 Governor's Election, the Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams lost to the current Republican governor of Camp with the disadvantage of only 1.4%(55,000 votes).From the perspective of the Democratic Party, due to the existence of suppressing votes, this small gap is a victory.

Moreover, in 2020, Georgia added 700,000 young registered voters.The Democratic Party firmly believes that these young voters are diverse and are likely to support the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party hopes that with the increase in the number of suburban voters, the impact of epidemic and protest demonstration on the voting rate, hoping to win the two federal senator seats in the state.Jen Omalley Dillon, manager of Biden's campaign team, clearly regards George Asia, Arizona and Texas as three states recaptured from Republicans.The New York Times analyzed that although George Asia has been a red state for many years, the current public's dissatisfaction with Trump, coupled with the continuous racial conflict and the prospects of the two Senate seats are worrying and may turn the risk of blue.

According to the polls released by Monmouth University at the New Jersey of the United States on September 23, among the registered voters in the state, Trump's support rate is 47%, only 1%higher than Biden.If the state's voting rate is high, this gap is at most two percentage points.According to the polls announced by the Columbia Broadcasting Corporation (CBS) on September 27, 47%of the Supreme Court Justice's nominations support Trump nominated, and 46%of voters support Biden nomination.

According to the National Public Broadcasting Station (NPR), the Trump team had spent $ 12.8 million in the state in the state before September.Concentrated campaign in early October and November.

Georgia State Senator, the State Democratic Party Chairman Nikema Williams, believes that with the growth and diversified development of the state's population, and Trump's bad governance performance, it indicates that it may be a oneChange the critical point of the election situation.The Republican popular investigator Whit Ayres also warned Trump, saying that if he could not win George Asia, he would encounter Waterloo in many states across the country.