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According to the US automotive media Electrek, on the morning of September 23, Eastern Time, Tesla suffered a complete network interruption, and the company's internal system was downtime, which caused company staff to be unable to handle delivery and orders.The owner of the Tesla electric vehicle cannot be connected to the car to mobilize cars and use cars through the application (APP) from 11 am.However, some car owners can still be connected through Bluetooth, so that the owner can unlock and start.

In the intelligent era, when all human clothing, food, housing and transportation penetrates and gradually replace it by intelligence, the intelligentization of the car is played by the role of pioneer.Life, Tesla's electric vehicles without traditional car keys are the same.Opening the door and locking the door, starting, etc., are controlled by the apps in the mobile phone.This also brings great convenience to people, no longer having to carry and manage keys with you, nor is it afraid that the key will be lost.

However, the other side of the problem also appeared.Once the APP is wrong, people cannot open the door and start the vehicle.Some car owners said that they had a hard work of the rescue call for two hours, and some people could not use the car for more than four hours.How big is this consequences and losses, who is responsible?The losses of global owners may not be able to count, but it has been reflected in the stock price.After the internet downtime appeared on the morning of September 23, Tesla's stock price dived sharply, as of the closing of 10.34%as of the closing of 10.34%to US $ 380.36, with a market value of 40.9 billion US dollars (about 55.6 billion yuan).

However, Tesla's accident is not the only time, and the situation on March 7, 2017 is even more serious.Tesla's APP and API (application programming interface) stopped for almost 24 hours.The reason is that Tesla's network downtime, and the same problem also occurred in Tesla's solar products, and owners (users) cannot monitor their system operation status.

Tesla's network interruption is also global, and car owners from all over the world have reported the same situation.Most of the owners who have interrupted the Internet come from the United States, including San Francisco, Boston, New York and Chicago, and some European countries (including Britain, Germany, and Russia, etc.) have also encountered an APP that cannot start cars.

On the evening of May 13th, some Tesla cars in China also appeared on a large area of APP, which caused the key to the mobile phone to fail, unable to obtain vehicle information, unable to light up the instrument panel of the car, and central control screen.Many owners are blindly open, and the accident lasted for four hours.

Just Tesla's own network system failed, which caused global car owners to be unable to use cars. This may be a lesson for people who are superstitious apps and people who are not afraid of all over the world.

If things have expanded again, the global interruption, such as earthquakes, tsunami and other natural disasters and war are disaster, and fiber fiber is destroyed or interrupted. Not to mention people who start the vehicle with APPs can not use the car, they only pay by the Internet, such as WeChat and Alipay., PayPal, Apple Pay, Venmo, etc., will also interrupt life. They ca n’t eat meals, they ca n’t buy things, and they ca n’t enter the door (brush the door to the door), and even the bus cannot be rid of it.The moment I lived at the internet disconnection was stopped.

Now, the APP has a trend of unification of the world, and it is already living in the world.When people tie all the tools into mobile phones and APP applications, the other side of technology also shows its original face.Because, while many technologies are convenient, it is also extremely inconvenient, and even restrictions and discrimination on people's life and life.For example, some elderly people in China have no smartphones and cannot show mobile phone health code software. They will be kicked off the bus.This is not only discrimination against people after the development and expansion of technology, but also a disaster after technology dependence on technology.

The question is whether our dependence on technology has a limit. This limit is people -centered, convenient as the core, and flexibility as auxiliary.Although the original intention of technology design and use is to facilitate people and improve efficiency. For example, APP payment does not need to bring cash, driving does not need to bring keys, eliminating many troubles;It is convenient and cannot be stopped and interrupted.

The better way is to backup or use two systems, which can use the APP to open the door and mobilize the car, or use the key to open the door and mobilize the car; you can use the APP to pay or pay it with cash, and the key and cash cannot be abolished.payment system.

In this failure, a user said on the downdetetor on the downtown tracking website that Tesla's app has lsquo on the iPhone.) And give me an ID.I still have a car card to use.

These words reflect the meaning of several layers.When you can't use the re -downloading APP, it is best to have a solution to return Park Guizhen, that is, open the door and start with the car card. This is a backup, and it is also a way to put the eggs into a basket.This also reminds that no matter how convenient the APP is, you must carry a key card with you.

However, the filing provided by Tesla's car to the car is also difficult to accept.The Tesla Model 3 models delivered in China with only one NFC unlock card, not a physical key in the traditional form.Moreover, the physical key requires the owner to buy separately, selling for about 1,000 yuan (about 200 yuan).Therefore, this also increases the cost of car purchase disguise.Although this cost is not high, it will actually affect the sales and use of the car.

Moreover, when technology provides the convenience of using APP, it means that people do not have to bring keys, otherwise they will be the same as those of the past.Therefore, this will also make people develop dependence, that is, do not carry the card key, especially the North American owners do not have the habit of carrying Tesla physical keys. Therefore, after downtime, the mobile phone key fails and cannot travel.

In addition, there are other issues that use the APP to unify the world, such as a string of cars.On August 21, a Chinese owner posted on the Internet that when he used the Tesla APP to control his vehicle, he suddenly found that he could not find his own vehicle.However, there are five other Tesla cars in their own APPs. After the car positioning, they found that the five Tesla models are far from Europe.

September 15.A gentleman named Jin opened the Tesla APP in the mobile phone and saw that the displayed vehicle was not his own. The vehicle was positioned in Hengyang City, Hunan Province.But the vehicle recognition code on the APP is still its own, and its own car is actually in Chongqing.

Tyrons mean that driving safety cannot be guaranteed, and there will be hidden dangers of privacy and security, because many car owners' personal privacy information is bound to the Tesla APP. If the app is controlled by others, personal information will also be spy on by others., Everbright causes financial losses.

Moreover, when driverless cars can really go on the road in the future, it also means that the driving software APP may not be able to control the car because of the disconnection of the Internet or dying, and it must be drove.Therefore, self -driving cars must also be equipped with artificial driving systems and cannot be abolished; and at least one person who gets a driver's license must be worn together.

On the other hand, the people -centered technology also means that for those who are too late to keep up with technology development and do not use APP, there should be a traditional solution, that is, it cannot be subject to the APP.Living with conveniently, not even the bus can't take the bus.Malls and restaurants should also allow people to settle in cash.

This is actually a supplement to technology and the B program of life. Although the traditional B program is compared to the rapid progress A scheme in modern times, it seems backward and out of scum, but it should also be allowed to exist.Otherwise, there is no backup, and the technology without humanity will not go too far.Because such technology is lame.

The author is a Beijing scholar