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After entering 2020, the sudden huge epidemic situation, coupled with the torture of trade war, economic decoupling, high -tech confrontation, and geopolitical competition, Sino -US relations have been further tense. As an important force in East Asian international relations, Asians seem to have been forgotten.

In early September, in the context of the surging conflict between China and the United States around the South China Sea and other issues, the annual East Asian Cooperation Series Foreign Minister Meeting was held, and Asian and Southeast Asia became the focus.Due to controversy on the issue of sovereignty over the maritime in China and the Asians, the Asian Diplomats of the two major countries in China and the United States are often described as a strategic purpose of winning the game by winning and differentiation of the Asian Sub -safe members.

At the meeting, China and the United States were tit -for -tat, and the Asianan countries were unwilling to choose the side station.Vietnamese Foreign Minister said that he did not want to be involved in the competition in large powers, and Thailand said that he would turn the opposition into a framework of cooperation.But at the same time, it is very interesting that Chinese foreign ministers and US Secretary of State have stated that they support the role of Asian fine security and the role in regional cooperation.

Of course, some people will say that this is just a diplomatic resignation. The small country has always been a back garden for a large country.A solidarity Asian security is in line with the fundamental strategic interests of China and the United States; and a scattered and weakened Asianan will bring huge strategic uncertainty to the region.

The fundamental source of regional strategic stability

First of all, the most successful case of Asianan is a regional organization consisting of developing countries, and it is also the most successful regional integrated case in the world after the European Union, which is the regional political assets of the entire Asian region.

Since its establishment in 1967, Yaxian has two major achievements in more than 50 years of history.The first is the internal achievements of Ya'an, that is, no war has occurred between the member states after its establishment, which has maintained regional peace and stability.The second is the external achievements of Asian'an, while maintaining a good relationship with its own independence and the great countries outside the territory, they also successfully introduced large countries such as China, the United States, Japan and India to introduce the various multilateral cooperation frameworks centered on Asia's Simpan.This is often metaphorized by the regionalism of the big Mara car.

In the logic of the weaker international politics published 10 years ago, the author pointed out that in the international politics dominated by the logic dominated by the world that is generally considered to be a big country and the strong man,Miracle.

Secondly, the opening of the relationship between China and the United States and Asians is based on the success of the success of Asia in Asia in Africa.For China, for a long time, due to historical reasons and restrictions on international patterns, the experience of multilateral diplomacy outside the United Nations is very limited, and regional organizations are often considered to be controlled by the superpower.

After the 1990s, China began to re -understand multilateralism by participating in the various formal and informal regional diplomacy of Yajian.Similarly, the United States has always relied on bilateralism based on bilateral alliances in East Asian diplomacy, but lack of experience in regional multilateralism.In a sense, Asia in the multilateralist region is a teacher in China and the United States.

Third, a solidarity, stability and prosperity Asian fine security meets the interests of China, and a fragmented Southeast Asia will greatly worsen the strategic environment of southeast Asia.Most Southeast Asian countries are small and medium -sized countries, many are multi -ethnic countries, and many territorial issues have not been resolved.Although there are analytics now, as a whole, as a whole, it may be difficult to collect China on issues such as the South China Sea. Howeverof.

We can imagine that if there is no Asianan, Southeast Asia is still in a state of scattered sand, this area will become more vulnerable than it is now and more vulnerable to external forces.The Vietnamese war and the Cambodian crisis, from the perspective of regional structure, is because of the fragmented results of Southeast Asia; and the reason why the five founding member states were formed in the Vietnam War of Vietnam in 1967, and the fundamental motivation was to achieve regional unity and autonomy to avoid caught in falling into it.In the doom of Vietnam War.

Fourth, the pressure of Asian's benign companions brought the independent expansion of the member states after the Cold War, further expanding the strategic autonomy of Southeast Asia, and deepening the quality of economic cooperation.During the Cold War, the Founder of the Land Southeast Asian War was flying, and the founding member of the Asianiman, dominated by Southeast Asian countries at sea, maintained internal stability and economic development.Representatives of the country.

The huge attraction of peace and stability and economic development has a huge pressure of companionship in Southeast Asian countries that have been full of war and poverty.This pressure has also become a huge driving force they want to join Ayan.

In 1995, Vietnam, Myanmar and Laos in 1997. In 1999, Cambodia joined Yajia'an. This not only realized the integrity of Asian'an geographically, but also the long -term multilateral concept for Asianian's multilateralism, which also had a qualitative impact on the diplomacy of these countries.Through regional multilateralism rather than relying on external forces, or to obtain new ideas for security, it has greatly changed the traditional thinking of new members for security.

A stable and development Asianan after expansion, for China, mainly means the further improvement of the southern strategic environment.Because of the certainty of political strategy, China's economic relations with Asianianan have been further closely. In the first half of this year, Ayanan became China's largest trading partner.

Strategic autonomy can win respect

For a long time, whether it is the theoretical world or the diplomatic community, international organizations composed of weak countries have basically no sense.The Arab League is often used as a classic case to support this view.

In addition to the Arab League, there is no other adhesive except that the Arab League can find something in common on Israel and allow these countries to establish a temporary alliance.When this goal cannot be achieved, the new hatred between the Arab countries can quickly fall into the state of the regional civil war. As a result, they can only find the superpower as the object of the alliance to rebuild the power balance in the region.

Is the establishment of regional organizations as small and medium -sized countries that are weak in international politics?

Judging from the case of Asianan, small and medium countries can play an important special role.Many ideas in international relations are easily regarded by the big country, and it is easy to be seen as a means of expanding the scope of influence and strengthening geopolitical influence in order to realize the scope of influence.This suspicion will in turn suppress the innovation of knowledge of great powers.

In contrast, small and medium -sized countries themselves will not pose a threat to big powers. Because of their weakness, their economy is open to the public, and naturally they do not want to choose sides between big powers.They hope to achieve their own security and development of national interests by establishing and maintaining an open and fair international environment. It will naturally continue to think about how to achieve the above principles.

For example, the boom of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in East Asia was first promoted by the Asian Danan State.At the beginning of the 21st century, the Asianan and China, Singapore and Japan's FTAs, largely promoted the process of economic integration between the two major economies in East Asia in the region.For another example, the earliest idea of TPP was proposed by four small countries such as Singapore and Brunei. It has now developed into a large free trade agreement participating in 11 countries.Southeast Asian nuclear -free zone is also an important manifestation of strategic autonomy.

Another point of view is that the Asianan country can make a profitable fisherman through the contradiction between China and the United States.The author believes that this is a very short -sighted idea, because this income may be effective in the short term, but in the long run, it will be unsustainable.On the one hand, this will make the Asianan nation's forge ahead, but to survive by relying on short -term structural dividends, losing its competitiveness and vitality; on the other hand, this speculative attitude will lose respect for the great power.

Therefore, whether it is China and the United States that can be differentiated and weakened as the strategic interests of the sub -security as its ownServices, or Asian'an, can use the contemporary view of Sino -US confrontation, which is extremely wrong, and must be completely criticized theoretically and practically.

For Asia Gyeongan itself, it is necessary to leave the psychology of the recipient of the past as soon as possible.For a long time, Southeast Asia's self -cognition has been a weak economy in the East Asian economy, and it requires the assistance of large powers.However, after decades of development, the old member states of Asan have developed into economies with high -income and secondary income.

Yajia'an itself can also consider creating a development fund.And from the perspective of the development of the Asian financial crisis, we can see that the Asian Simpan country is relatively successful in how to control the disadvantages of globalization and maximize the use of globalization. It is worth learning from other regions, and it is even worthy of reference in developed countries.In the Asianan country, we did not see extreme populist politics, which was a great achievement.

The Ya'an State is also in the transformation. Lee Kuan Yew, Mahathir, Suhahdo and other founders of the founding of the country have left the political stage. The degree of understanding of the importance of the new generation of leaders may change with the times, especially when the times, especially the time, should be the time to the time.The pressure of globalization allows them to spend more energy to deal with domestic problems.At the same time, without the harsh international structural pressure of the Cold War era, it will naturally cause whether it is meaningful to have such densely multilateral regional meetings every year.

The continuous participation and support of the regional cooperation dominated by Asia's detachment in China and the United States have great effects on the spirit of inspiring Asian leaders and identifying their belief in multilateralism.In other words, Ya'an and China and the United States need to motivate each other, cheer each other, and firmly believe in multilateralism.

Historically, a united, stable and prosperous Asian security conforms to the fundamental interests of China and the United States, and it also meets the overall interests of the region.This understanding must be widely recognized and persisted, and it must not shake.

The author is an associate professor at the National Niigata University of Japan

After the 1990s, China began to re -understand multilateralism by participating in the various formal and informal regional diplomacy of Yajian.Similarly, the United States has always relied on bilateralism based on bilateral alliances in East Asian diplomacy, but lack of experience in regional multilateralism.In a sense, Asia in the multilateralist region is a teacher in China and the United States.