The author believes that such a scene occurred in the world's most powerful democratic country today, and it really lost its democratic face.(Reuters file photo)

On the evening of September 29, US time, the first TV debate of President Trump and his candidate opponent Biden, which can be said to shock the world.It is not because the two have no obstacles, but because a country that should be a high -level country is the argument that it is a vulgar scolding that has become out of control, it is simply unbearable.

Such a scene occurred in the world's most powerful democratic country today, and it really lost its democracy.Not only did the two unable to come up with any specific political opinions, they also ignored the rules of debate. They kept interjection and interruption when the other party spoke, and did everything they could to dig each other's ugly history.However, who believes that it is a debate that depends on who should be the president of the United States!

Trump seems to be trying to irritate his opponent and disrupt his thinking in an aggressive way, but the result is counterproductive.He claimed that Biden's son Hunter did business, took the billions of dollars in China, and took the Moscow's mayor's $ 3.5 million; he also mocked Hunter that he was fired due to drug use during the US Navy; he also said on the spot on the spotBiden was not the president at all. When he was in college, he was the first to count the countdown.

Inner heartache (the eldest son of Biden was killed in the Battlefield of Iraq), and his speech was almost interrupted and disturbed. Biden could no longer hold back, so he repeatedly reflected his lips and twice called Trump as a clown. He said thatHe is the worst president in the United States, and he is relentlessly using adjectives such as liar, fools, racists, Putin puppy, and other adjectives. He once said annoyedly: Can you shut up, brother?This is not as president.

Seriously, these two presidential candidates of the two seven veterans are not as presidents. The two scolded and laughed at each other, just fifty steps and a hundred steps.Watching this almost farce performance, I think of Zhuge Liang in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Hao Hao's first husband, Cangya old thief, you are about to return to Jiuquan. At that time, what are the first emperors of the twenty -fourth generation of the Han Dynasty?Wang Lang was scolded with dog blood, full of breath, yelled, hit the horse, and was 76 years old when he died.If you change Kong Ming's words a little, you are: You two are about to return to Jiuquan. At that time, what will you see the late president of the United States?

The worst presidential election debate has been characterized by some people in the history of the United States, which obviously makes American allies worry and has a great sense of anxiety.Can such a United States still lead?Are you still reliable?The doubts in everyone's hearts are whether the democracy in the United States has found a fundamental problem?

It is reported that Ulrich Speck, an analyst of the German Marshall Foundation, said that the European unanimous view is that the situation has been out of control. This debate is a character of bad democracy in the United States.The American allies have always thought that in the United States, despite the differences in political opinions, the contradictions will be resolved through debates and compromises, and power cannot be separated from morality.But now people have begun to question this view.This debate is not the debate at all, but the two people are fighting.

Former US diplomat Jeremy Shapiro said foreigners should regard the debate as another sign of US democracy.Some Americans also look like this.Both the American allies and their opponents feel that Trump and his political culture indicate the decline of American democracy and American culture.The United States treats the impression of crown disease.In resistance, the United States is not only absent from the world leaders, but also has nothing to do with domestic performance.

In our words, this is called the mirror of the pig Bajie, which is not a person inside and outside.It can be seen that Trump has been in the same way for four years, and does not make the United States greatly reappear like the campaign slogan he shouted in 2016.On the contrary, the United States has become worse, the international reputation has deteriorated, and even the confidence of some allies has begun to shake.

What should be asked is that since the World War II, world politics has been dominated, and after the Cold War, the United States, which has become the only superpower in the world, why has it been reduced to today?What is the situation of American democracy?After Trump came to power, it was an indisputable fact that the United States retreated everywhere because of his diligence; the operation of American democracy had long failed, and it was certain.It is worth studying the root cause of the problem.

Americans have discussed and explored this issue. Various books and materials can be described as sweaty, but they can't talk about one reason.The so -called authorities are fascinated by the authorities, and Americans are too superstitious about their institutional superiority.From the perspective of an outsider, the root cause of the problem is that the politics of the United States has deteriorated, and many mechanisms have been out of date. Because of the disability, it is impossible to keep up with the needs of the changes in the times.For example, the practice of freely possessing firearms has unchanged for a century. As a result, the shooting is frequent, and many people die innocently.

Today, the two parties in the United States, the phenomenon of polarization is unprecedented, and the society is basically polarized.The Republican and Democratic Party not only has profound differences in ideology, but also represents social groups that are not compatible with water and fire, including right and left, white and black.Therefore, the two parties have tattooed the issue of racial contradictions and the gap between the rich and the poor.Trump reduced taxes to the enterprise, but abolished the medical reform of the former Obama, a prominent example.

There is a kind of observation.U.S. politics has now been controlled in the hands of strong commercial interest groups. To a large extent, business interests are all around.Politicians need merchant's money support. The so -called short -handed hands and soft mouths. Therefore, politicians have lost their dominance, and merchants are mainly anti -guests.In the United States, companies with high technical content such as the trade war and Huawei, which combat China, have a better understanding from the perspective of maintaining the world interests of American companies.

It is not a problem to serve the world's factory and serve the US corporate.But when China wants to promote the ambitious Made in China 2025, the problem comes.From the perspective of commercial interest groups in the United States, this is equivalent to snatching the world's territory and even replacing it. How can it accept it?

When politics has become a vassal of commercial interests, the government naturally does not have enough ability to solve various social problems.U.S. priority, US business interests are preferred.Some people say that this is Plutocracy.Daniel Markovits, a professor at the Law School of Yale University in the United States, from the other to analyzing the problem in the Meritocracy Trap of his monographs, the decline and affection of the middle class of the American society today, as well as the eliteThe various interests of the class (including income, wealth, power, industry, and even public honor, etc.) are completely blamed on Meritocracy.

He believes that only the wealthy elite class that has been deteriorated in the United States and has gradually formed in the past few decades has now monopolized everything.They occupy various resources and use this advantageous education and cultivate their children. In the past, the middle class could not compete with them.

This can also show that American politics has deteriorated, and Trump is the product of this deterioration politics.The United States should not have no political talents, but because of the turbidity of politics, good people don't want to travel again.Therefore, today's presidential elections are only two ancient old people.

Trump's incompetence has been revealed, and even if he can be elected again, it is impossible to do anything.If he is elected more than he is, it is also impossible to do anything. In such a weak years, you have to disappoint anyway in four years, and it is equivalent to looking forward to the dead wood.There is no meaning to sing the United States here, but I feel that the experience of the United States can remind us that anyThe political system, no matter how superior is it, if you can't keep pace with the times, it will be out of date, deterioration and decay over time.

(The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress)