Trump made two moves on Tuesday and unexpectedly announced that the banner was banned from negotiating with Democrats before the election to stimulate economic plans. The government also announced a significant reform of the H-1B visa system on the same day to try to show concern to national employment.Some analysts pointed out that in addition to being committed to the economy in recent months, Trump has also greatly played the nomination of laws and order and judges, trying to reverse the people's attention to the epidemic.However, as the election campaigns entered a straight path, the new crown epidemic and economy seemed to be the two major issues. After infection, he also tried to shape himself as an anti -epidemic fighter and the leader of the overall situation.

The gap between the people is behind the widen

U.S. President Trump left the hospital with a strong man with a strong man and returned to the White House, facing bad news in succession.His senior adviser Miller and the deputy commander of the Coast Defense Force, Rile, confirmed on Tuesday, and the White House group expanded to spread the military senior management. The latest polls show that the gap between his backward opponent Biden has expanded to the most recently. Even his aceThe economic card also faces collapse, and Powell, chairman of the Federal Reserve Bureau, could not help but pressure to put on both parties to reach an agreement to stimulate the economic solution as soon as possible.

Trump has already played economic cards, and it is also very successful.Under his governance, the United States has improved significantly in both economic growth and unemployment rates, and the stock market is even more innovative, but due to this year's epidemic, the economic situation is reversed.According to the wired news network (CNN) polls announced on Tuesday, Trump's support is 14 percentage points lower than Biden, and the gap shows signs of widening.It is worth noting that the treatment of the economy has always been the most powerful in polls, but in the latest polls, this advantage has disappeared.The same degree.

Trump's ticket targets are concentrated in low education, old age, white gospels, and blue -collar workers who are in the middle of the rice bowl.This year's new crown epidemic has led to heavy economic frustration. He has been dragging Trump's ticket back. He took the opportunity to use anti -racial discrimination and anti -police demonstration to greatly play the order. He dispatched the National Guard to suppressHelp them consolidate these conservative ticket sources.After the death of the Supreme Court Justice Kingsberg last month, Trump saw another opportunity to divert the epidemic, and further sought the gospel support by promoting the appointment of conservative candidates.

However, Trump tried to dilute the epidemic, and was challenged because he was diagnosed last week and was admitted to the hospital.He hopes to shape the image of a fighter and show the strong man's style of not phobia.After he was discharged from the hospital, he announced that he would stop the party from continuing to discuss with the Democratic Party to stimulate economic plans and pull it to the Nomination of Justice and the Democratic Party ’s tax increase.Routine.