United Daily News Agency

The day before, he appeared at the hospital to the hospital to take care of the supporters. It just triggered criticism. Yesterday, US President Trump was discharged more and returned to the White House.Trump's admission to the hospital for treatment of new crown pneumonia is only four days, and even doctors cannot determine whether he is cured, but the most powerful person in the world once again showed the most irresponsible leadership, giving the public not to be afraid of the new crownEssenceThis kind of courage is worthy of the Americans who died in the new crown pneumonia?

Eight months since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in the United States, the Trump administration has never faced epidemic prevention problems. As a result, nearly 7.7 million people in the United States have been diagnosed and 210,000 people have died.The White House itself has never established rigorous isolation procedures to cause epidemic prevention bubbles and collective infections.After the senior consultant Hix was diagnosed, the White House also deliberately suppressed the news and asked Trump to go to New Jersey to participate in a fundraising dinner.Officially released.

The source of Trump and others infected. At present, the most likely occasion is that the White House Rose Park nominated at the end of last month was a press conference on the White House Rose Garden of Budi, and five or six front rowers were diagnosed.According to Taiwan's epidemic prevention procedures, the participants must track and test one by one on the day, including their subsequent contacts should be separated.However, the White House has not contacted those possible infected people and contacts, and has not instructed them how to respond, and did not even contact the US Disease Control and Prevention Center.The looseness of the US epidemic prevention can be seen from this.

Although discharged, Trump's condition is actually more serious than expected.During the White House isolation, he had a high fever and had symptoms of dyspnea. He was treated with oxygen twice, so he forced him to be hospitalized.Generally, the new crown patients will have symptoms five or six days after infection, and the diagnosis period will be observed within ten days.But Trump is a stubborn patient. In addition, the election is as soon as he is lying in the hospital as a weak person. He must prove that he was not defeated by the illness.Therefore, in addition to sending Twitter and sending photos, he showed his official duties as usual. He even rashly discharged and discharged in front of the supporters to break the rumors of the disease.In Taiwan, if the people in isolated walk away, they can be punished by one million yuan, not to mention Trump is still a confirmed person.In fact, even the doctors of the U.S. military hospital disagreed about it, including the risk of infection of the special service personnel to attend the attendance for him. Trump was also criticized not to think for others.

The same ridiculous is the White House doctor Kangli, who was discharged from Trump.When asked when Trump's last test was negative, he couldn't answer.Conley is not a qualified respiratory specialist. He is an orthopedician; he got this job two years ago because he spoke in accordance with Trump's meaning.When Kangli held a press conference, the White House Chief of Staff Mendus could not bear to hear his face; it can be seen that Trump claims to be hearing the White House doctors to go to the hospital, which is actually what he meant.

Trump is a president of the United States. There is a first -class medical team for 24 hours of care, and there should be no danger of life.The problem is that the U.S. epidemic has continued to get out of control, and the number of deaths and deaths has not been reduced. Trump also uses this populist to express his fear and conquest of the epidemic.Demonstration.The reason is that generally the middle and lower stratum infection with new crown pneumonia may not be treated with good treatment, and medical expenses are even more burdensome.Trump's neglect of epidemic prevention has caused a major economic and social disaster in the United States; he also used the opportunity of his infection to show up, regardless of the risks of others. Does this think Americans are really deceiving?

Although there are think tank polls, Trump's support after diagnosis exceeds Biden, but the polls have serious political deviations and are not accepted by election experts.At the same time of other polls, Biden maintained a lead in ten to fourteen.The legendary October surprise refers to the Trump infection, or that Trump ’s magical Huo Ran cured, and it has to be observed a few days later.In this regard, Taiwanese voters may have a foresight. After Trump's infection is reported, some people predict that this is the American version of the A -Bian 319 shooting.Trump is full of drama, and he hasn't finished playing.