The Kuomintang Legislative Yuan party group proposed that the government should request the United States to assist the two resolutions of the Communist Party of China and Taiwan and the United States. In order to highlight the Cai government's open -meat exquisite pigs, but failed to win the substantial benefits of economic and trade and politics.When entering the party group, the snakes followed the stick, and the text was modified to pass through. The two parties each had calculations, and there would also be a sequelae of mutual constraints.

The United States visited Taiwan from the Secretary of Health to the Secretary of State Carath. Parliament members raced the proposal in Taiwan and continued to play Taiwan cards against mainland China.From this to deduct, it is not impossible for Taiwan and the United States to set up official offices and even US military associations. It is not impossible for the US military to defense Taiwan. In Taiwan, there is even a sound of Taiwan and the United States.

However, Foreign Minister Wu Zhaozheng said that Taiwan currently does not seek to establish a comprehensive diplomatic relationship with the United States, explaining the international reality faced by the Cai government.The United States seeks its own national interests, and wants Taiwan to join the world team in the United States. In the scientific and technological war set by the United States, the mainland China is closed back to the iron curtain. In addition to the continued sales of Taiwan troops, the United States has not expressed its clear position on the Taiwan Strait.Even the Secretary of State's Secondary Assistance Qing Stawei reiterated that the United States had never had any position in Taiwan's sovereignty, and expressed a clear posture to Taiwan through pipelines.

The purpose of the proposal of the Kuomintang Central Committee and the Legislative Yuan party, that is, it is nothing more than to highlight the fact that the relationship between the two parties in the United States and Taiwan has no substantial results. It will only use the inner promotion, bragging about anesthesia, and deceiving the Taiwanese people.The Kuomintang calculated that the Democratic Progressive Party did not dare to oppose it, that is, to show the unreasonable conversation of Wu Zhaozheng.

The Kuomintang has another important premise that in addition to the CCP's restraint, it is required that the Tsai Ing -wen government should re -open the dialogue to alleviate cross -strait conflicts.Of course, the Cai government can list the resolutions of Congress as a reference content, but by the leading direction of the Kuomintang, the Democratic Progressive Party also endorses, and its intention is to be relieved. The CCP has no intention of changing cross -strait relations and routes.

The Legislative Yuan has its own strategies for offense and defense, and the resolution does not have compulsory binding power on the administrative department. Therefore, the US Congress also has the so -called recognition of Taiwan and military entry into Hong Kong, but it is not the actual position of the US authorities.

The Kuomintang's proposal forced the people to enter the party and confess to themselves; the DPP will be planned, and the Kuomintang's position is still swaying.Even if the Kuomintang does not want to be the Democratic Progressive Party's brake skin, it should be cautious to be careful to become blind and irritable, fuzzy the risk of political parties. After all, diplomatic affairs are much more complicated than political parties offense and defense, and they cannot play casually.