Current affairs perspective

The 2019 coronary virus disease epidemic exposes the serious vulnerability of a deep interconnection world.In any country, regardless of its size, the rich and the poor, or the level of technology, it cannot deal with the crisis alone.

The impact of the epidemic led to the UN General Assembly last month in special circumstances, and the heads of state of various countries virtually attended the meeting instead of going to New York.The uniqueness of this year reminds us that the only way to defeat the threat of crown disease is through international cooperation, transparent behavior, and obeying common rules and regulations.

The epidemic attack on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations is a great irony.The most important international forum in this world was born on the ruins of World War II (and a downright human disaster).That kind of suffering.

In the Middle East and other conflict areas, the principles of the United Nations and its multilateral cooperation are still indispensable to find long -term and sustainable solutions that can ensure peace, stability and prosperity.The principle of international law is the cornerstone of our global order, providing an important framework for us to defend the rights and exercise power in the face of global challenges.

We can clearly see this in the Baza conflict, and the conflict lasted almost as long as the United Nations history.The best solution is based on the two countries of Pakistan to establish the country. The solution is based on the resolution of the United Nations Security Council No. 242 and No. 2334, and based on the predecessor of the 1967 in the international community.Palestine.

The recent establishment of diplomatic relations with the two Bay countries Arabian chiefs and Barin is a major political progress I hope to help overcome the decades of gap and distrust state of decades.But I still believe that the only way for Israel and the Arab world to truly realize the normalization of relations is to promote all parties to provide a long -lasting solution to provide peace, justice, dignity, and security for both Palestine and Israel.The rights that the people cannot deprive them should never be exchanged by others.

In 1945, many people hoped that countries would finally learn from two catastrophic world war.In the words of the United Nations Charter, the establishment of the agency was to avoid future generations and then suffered the disaster and seek peace and tolerance for global prosperity and democracy.Since then, the network of international conventions and agencies centered on the United Nations has been far from complete.However, for more than 70 years, it has firmly supported countries around the world to pursue peace, security, human rights, economic and social progress.

In order to highlight the above traditions, the independent global leader group veterans founded by Mandela (I am fortunate to be his vice chairman), and recently published a report of defending multilateralism.In the report, we call on today's leaders to take five actions: re -promise to maintain the values of the United Nations Charter; to authorize the United Nations to perform the task of collecting collective actions in peace and security; strengthen the medical system to fight crown disease and the futurePreparation of major epidemics; showing greater ambitions on the issue of climate change to achieve the goal of the Paris Agreement; mobilizing all parties to support all sustainable development goals.

All countries must realize that the only way to achieve these goals is through effective multilateralism, and it eventually meets the interests of all parties.The United Nations failed to achieve its established goals, often because of member states, especially but not limited to the five permanent members of the Security Council (the United States, Britain, France, Russia, and China), and did not fulfill their duties.When countries put narrow national interests above common priority matters, everyone will become losers.

Undoubtedly, in July this year, I welcomed the resolution No. 2532, which was unanimously adopted by the United Nations Security Council, that the resolution called for global ceasefire to avoid further humanistic disasters in the background of the epidemic.When the UN Secretary -General Gutres first proposed the initiative in March, I also strongly supported it.However, seeing valuable time for months, was wasted in the debate of text details, and it was very disappointed.

Faced with bloody conflict and unprecedented epidemic, they are still arguing for the semantic disputes of the resolution provisions and send a terrible information to the global public.In addition to the direct health impact, the economic consequences of this crisis will be long -term and serious. In the future, many vulnerable and conflict areas in the world will feel the chain response.It is not time to adopt diplomatic tough means.

Since then, the World Grain Program has warned that we may face the worst humanitarian crisis since World War II. In Yimen, Somalia, Nigeria, and South Sudan countries, as many as 600,000 children died in the famine.And malnutrition.

The crisis crisis reminds us heavy bonds and vulnerability commonly shared by humans.If we cannot respond to this epidemic and other common threats with a new consciousness and collective action, we will shame the virus victims and disappoint the hope that the ancestors of the United Nations to establish the United Nations on us.

The author is the vice chairman of the Political Organization of Political Organization (The Elders), a global elite leader, and has served as the Secretary -General of the United Nations and the South Korean Foreign Minister.

English Title: Returning TO Multilatoralism

Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2020