With American technology, you cannot sell China.This is the domineering and long -arm jurisdiction of global multinational companies in the United States today.

This domineering is not willing to accept global companies.This bullying of other countries' bullies will definitely bring abandonment of American technology.

China is the world's largest chip market, which directly allows many companies in the world to consider creating products that do not use American technology, thereby continuing to sell China.

This is the current trend of de -USization in the global chip industry.

In 2019, the United States began to restrict Huawei related products and equipment with more than 10%of US technology. Major technology giants were forced to out stock.Further than 2020, it was announced on August 17th that Huawei's technical equipment and products that Huawei obtained new regulations and products were announced on August 17. This regulation was officially implemented on September 15.

After Huawei, his hands reached into SMIC again.On September 4, US time, according to media reports such as Reuters, relevant US government departments are considering incorporating the largest chip manufacturer SMIC in mainland China in the blacklist of trade.On September 28, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wang Wenbin responded that China resolutely opposed the concept of generalization of the US government's generalization of national security, violated the principles of market economy and fair competition, violated international economic and trade rules, abused export control and other restrictions, and unreasonably suppressed Chinese enterprises.Destroy normal international economic and trade order.China will continue to take necessary measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises.SMIC issued a clarification announcement on the evening of the 27th.On September 26, some media network asked or forwarded a document suspected of being issued by the Industrial and Security Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce. According to the content of the document, for some products exported by SMIC and its subsidiaries and joint ventures,, Will be controlled by export.

As the world's largest chip importer and chip consumer, China has exceeded the US $ 300 billion mark every year. This has been irreplaceable in the Chinese market for many chip companies in the world.At the beginning of the year, the United States began to include more and more Chinese technology companies such as ZTE and Huawei into the entity list, limiting American companies to cooperate with Chinese companies in these lists.Since 19 years, it has restricted trade between global companies and related Chinese companies, and it is getting longer and longer. Enterprises around the world have to listen to its American words.

What ending will this American bullying that will obedient global companies?

It doesn't seem to be in the direction that Americans think completely.

Germany Yingfei Ling, as the top ten semiconductor manufacturers in the world, has always been in the global TOP1 and TOP2 positions in the security chip market. In the field of security chips, it has great reputation.In the field of installation, the most cutting -edge technology has been directly grasped; although Ying Feiling is also unavoidable to use American technology and equipment when designing and manufacturing related chip products, but according to German media reports: Ying Feiling does not care aboutThe U.S. chip ban is that in the future, Yingfeeling will promote a group of non -American semiconductor companies to launching a beautification operation, thereby achieving the goal of continuing to expand the layout of the Chinese chip market.Recently, the German semiconductor giant Ying Feiling has seen this big cake in the Chinese market. Most of the original Chinese chip import channels came from American companies.The post stated that their companies were registered in countries such as Germany and Australia in terms of core technologies, and they were 100%controllable for their company's technology.

Not only did Germany Yingfei Ling say that it will gradually beautify, the French software giant Dasau has also publicly stated; in the future, the company will gradually beautify to ensure that it can continue to provide services to Asian customers.You must know that more than 90%of the world's aircraft have used services provided by Dasau Systems.

TSMC, which is affected by the new command of the United States this year, also has its own ideas.On September 23, Liu Deyin, chairman of TSMC, suddenly announced a new decision. In an interview, he said that after Huawei encountered restrictions on supply, the global semiconductor industry chain was affected, and companies near Pacific have begun to build their own supply chain.As the world's largest chip foundry giant, TSMC also started its own new decision, that is, using engineers to improve their technology to improve their technical level.

The US trade restrictions on multinational companies have allowed many multinational companies to deeply understand the danger and adverse consequences of the use of American technology.For a long time, although more and more long arms in the United States have been abused, they often need to follow some rational factors that can be seen on the surface.For example, overseas anti -corruption still needs to be based on the fact that overseas transactions have corruption. Strict export controls have been mainly targeted at countries with terrorist factors.

However, in recent years, the long -arm jurisdiction of the United States has obviously no longer so just and reasonable. It is already a great power competition, unreasonably suppressing.And this is a huge damage to global multinational companies.Most multinational enterprises do not want to participate in the competition between the major powers of China and the United States. Most of the major companies want to continue to have a huge market in China, and let these multinational companies that use more or less American technology to listen to the beauty.It is by no means what they want. Many of their companies in China's market benefits are much larger than in the United States.

At the same time, China ’s continued adherence to reform and opening up has also eaten reassurance for global multinational companies.The Chinese market has maintained its global opening up, giving clear expectations for multinational companies in Europe and East Asia to develop countries, not only slogans), not to respond to American bullying with simple domestic replacement. Instead, they continue to welcome outstanding global companies worldwideHugging in the Chinese market, this provides a stable and reliable expectation for global multinational companies to de -Americanization.

The stable expectations brought by this continuous opening and inclusiveness of China will cause many multinational enterprises to achieve further beautification.For non -American multinational companies, technology de -Americanization can ensure that they can continue to obtain the two largest markets in the United States and China. This ending is their most ideal ending.

The United States also understands people, and Bill Gates is one of them.Bill Middot; Gates uses American jet engines, entertainment industries and expensive chips as an example, emphasizing that these chips can create high salaries.He then said that although Sino -US relations have more distrust, it does not mean that the areas of mutual beneficiaries are reduced to zero.When answering whether the host should be cautiously considers high -tech products to China, Bill Middot; Gates expressed his clear opposition to the United States.Now forcing China to make chips by itself, it means that if conflicts occur in the future, you will not only give up these high -paying jobs, but also forced China to fully achieve self -sufficiency.Bill Middot; Gates asked: Is it really good to do this?

You have curbed each other for a while, pushing each other's progress, and bringing that your company's market in China will always lose.Bill Gates's words are completely right, and the fact that China is pursuing self -sufficiency is also presented on the land of China.China is working in government -enterprise cooperation to build semiconductors into a pillar industry, and in 2014, a policy fund was established.As of 2019, the investment reached 140 billion yuan (about 20.5 billion US dollars).If the relevant funds of local governments are added, the cumulative investment is the scale of more than 500 billion yuan.China proposes that 70 % of semiconductor's goal will be produced in China by 2025.The high -tech field has become the main battlefield of China and the United States.

The United States is also damaging the enemy's eight hundred.In order to promote the domestic production of semiconductors, the US Federal Congress began to discuss a subsidy of $ 25 billion in new investment.It is hoped that through huge public support to fight against China and enhance the development capabilities of large American companies such as Intel.Its background is to ignore the overseas relying of semiconductor production overseas. In addition to the decline in industrial competitiveness, it is also worried that it may have a negative impact on security guarantee and military strength.The analysis of the American Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) shows that in the world semiconductor market, the share of US companies represented by the largest manufacturer Intel accounts for 47 %, far exceeding South Korea (19 %) and No. 2 in the second place.3 -bit Japan (10 %).However, beautyAccording to statistics from the National Boston Consultation Group, from the perspective of production capacity, the United States accounts for only 12 % of the world.This is because Nvidia and Qualcomm of the United States focus on the design of semiconductor circuits design. There are many factors that have been commissioned to Taiwan and other overseas situations.If the domestic production directly related to military technology is empty, the supply channels will become unstable and become a risk of security.On the other hand, the global share of mainland China has reached 15 %, surpassing the United States.It is predicted that it will increase to 24 % after 10 years, and it will jump first in the world.

The US side's act on the Chinese chip industry not only stimulates the determination of the Chinese technology industry chain to de -USization, but also brings the worst of the American chip company.Many American semiconductor companies have also encountered big trouble. Many American chip companies have a large number of chip inventory backlogs. In this regard, Microsoft founders Bill Gates, Qualcomm high -level, etc. have issued warnings.The chip inventory of the enterprise is not resolved, so the subsequent development of American chip companies will also be severely frustrated.According to a report issued by the US Semiconductor Association, affected by the ban on related chips, the procurement of Chinese customers' purchases of American chips and equipment has declined sharply. It is expected that US semiconductor companies will suffer a loss.After seeing American chip companies, after leaving the Chinese market, they encountered a series of dilemma, which also made many non -American chip companies began to pay attention to the Chinese market.After losing the corresponding buyers in China, a lot of chip inventory backlog problems. If it is not solved, these chip products can only become a pile of scrap iron.

The United States must see these situations that hurt their eight hundred self -harm.Recently, chip giant AMD and Intel have announced that they have obtained permission to restore the supply of Huawei, which also means that in the field of notebooks and desktop computers, Huawei will not be restricted by new regulations, and Qualcomm, MediaTek, Samsung, Sony, SonyThe suppliers have made an application, hoping to continue to supply Huawei after September 15.However, this has made the world's non -American multinational chip companies see the irony ending: saying that the world companies are not allowed to sell, and now they sell themselves, not for other countries to sell.Not only do you have the jurisdiction of the long arms, the long arm is under the jurisdiction, and you have lost your own losses. Now you still want to eat solo food to nourish blood. This directly makes other multinational companies in the United States clearly see the bullying, hypocrisy and selfishness of the United States.Global companies are even more disobedient and even go to the United States.

The trend of de -USization in the global chip industry, I think, it is just the beginning. On the fake time, the United States will understand that the global bullying of his global bullies prohibit the use of cross -border enterprises in American technology and China to trade with Chinese technology.Will eat bad results.

Author: Peng Shengyu

Strategic Researcher, Researcher at Chahar Society, Special Researcher of the International Financial Forum (IMF) Research Institute