The first two -party candidate for the Presidential Election of the United States in 2020 was held at 9 pm on Tuesday (29th) of the Eastern Time (29th), offensive and defense around the six major issues.Republican President Trump and Democratic opponent Biden were accused of making this election campaign into a referendum against the opponent's governance.Trump was revealed by the New York Times on the Sunday and added the ammunition that Biden attacked.Some analysts have pointed out that television debates have a greater impact on some voters' voting intentions, especially the countryside and low academic voters that are regarded as Trump's main ticket warehouses, or reverse the election.

This debate will be held at the Kisxi University of Crveland, Ohio, and hosted by the Hox News name Chris Wallace.And anti -police violence related violence, election fraud questioning and other issues.Among them, the New York Times Sunday (27th) disclosed Trump's tax record in the past 20 years, showing that it has repeatedly exempted the federal income tax on the grounds of business losses, and has been listed with a large number of personal expenditures as business expenditure.If there is no accident, it should be the focus of debate.

Trump's tax scandal, Biden added ammunition

The Biden team immediately published an electronic advertisement after reporting the street in New Year. The average of more than 5,000 US dollars (about 39,000 Hong Kong dollars) of middle -class professionals such as teachers, firefighters, and nurses, and Trump 2016 with Trump 2016During the presidential period of the year, he only paid $ 750 (about HK $ 5,850) in the first year of taking office, and questioned whether Trump's tax payment was reasonable.Trump issued a post on Twitter on Monday (28th), and then it was a fake news media when it was reprimanded. It provoked the allegations of its tax arrangements with illegal information and other troubles.Reading the taxes of millions of dollars in their own taxes, but they also have the same tax benefits as other citizens.

The election campaign is converted into a referendum of ruling ability

The Wall Street Journal said that Trump's election strategy of Biden was a referendum that turned the election campaign into a referendum for the opponent's governance, of which Trump attacked Biden Biden's physical and mental state.He had previously questioned Biden to take medicine to improve the preliminary debate performance.He may also talk about the Nomination of the Supreme Court Justice to overthrow the possibility of the legalization of abortion and attract conservative Catholics and gospel voters.Biden will fully attack Trump's uninvanced manifestations of the new crown virus epidemic, and describes it as an iron certificate for Trump's leadership capabilities.For a strong topic of tickets.

Trump has less capital practice

Sources quoted by the United States CNN (CNN) pointed out that Trump refused to practice formally for debate and believes that daily work is enough to prepare for debate. The formal training time is less than two hours.Biden formed a comparison.A person familiar with the matter revealed to the Washington Post that Biden and his staff expected Trump to make unreal statements and negative attacks in the debate, and even launched a personal attack on Biden and his family, or affected Biden's performance.Kevin Madden, chief consultant of Republican presidential candidate Romney, pointed out that the epidemic and economic recession that followed caused Trump to be trapped in disadvantages. He needed to reverse the situation by debate than Biden.

Baying people's hope to lead 6.8 percentage points

The latest polls of RelclearPolitics, a poll, showed that Biden temporarily 49.7%supported Trump's 42.9%, with a gap of about 6.8 percentage points.Although the poll made by the Wall Street Journal and the National Broadcasting Corporation in September, it shows that TV debates are only 29%of the voters with very or very important voting intentions to decide, which is lower than the 4th elections in the past.For Latin -American, there is no university degree and voters in the countryside, it is an important factor in determining the final voting intention.When the US presidential election held a television debate for the first time in 1960, the lower candidate John Kennedy, a lower -looking candidate John Kennedy, was in a calm performance in the debate.