Source: Taiwan United Daily News

The US State Department's Second Qing Krachi arrived in Taiwan, but the Taiwan -US high -level economic dialogue, which was originally highly anticipated in Taiwan, was not planned in this trip; the focus of his visit to Taiwan was to participate in the farewell meeting of the old President Lee Teng -hui.Such a sudden turning point makes people disappoint.For three days when Krachi visited Taiwan, the United States announced its schedule until he arrived in Taiwan. It can be seen that the State Council was dissatisfied with the publicity or arrangement of the Taiwanese side, and it temporarily reduced the key activities.This is also a head -up for the Tsai Ing -wen government.

The United States Association in Taiwan (AIT) released a message at the end of August, announcing that Claric would host the US -Taiwan economic and commercial dialogue; Taiwan Economic Minister Wang Meihua also confirmed the matter and praised it as a big step in deepening Taiwan -US cooperation.Unexpectedly, after Clachi arrived in Taiwan, the original economic and commercial dialogue was canceled at the high -profile economic and commercial dialogue, which was bizarre.Although the Tsai government temporarily renamed the preliminary dialogue to fill the empty gear, it was necessary to use a stand -in actor to play, and it was difficult to hide the embarrassment of the writing and loss of the plot of diplomatic plots.

The secondary of State's visit to Taiwan should be regarded as diplomatic progress; but the Taiwan -US economic dialogue, which has been bragging about and highly hoped, exposed the Cai government's ability to implement the exaggerated goal.Ceralci is an entrepreneur. He only served as the Secretary of State under the recommendation of Secretary of State Pompeo last year. It is not a long -time official of the State Council. With his past background, he may not know who Li Denghui is.And he flew to Taiwan thousands of miles, and the attached activity of Li Denghui suddenly became the main play. In addition to the difficulty of Ceratic, it also showed that the United States had no intention of covering up his dissatisfaction with the Tsai government, which was very embarrassing.

As for the dissatisfaction of the United States, it is very intriguing.One month ago, the US Minister of Health Achar came to Taiwan and visited four days.Because of this, the opening of the American pig and beef is dependent on the visit of Achar's visit, and it is also the former gold negotiated by the US Taiwan to launch a bilateral trade agreement (BTA) negotiation.Based on this logic, all circles are also guessing what the purpose of Clarch comes to Taiwan. What conditions will the Cai government take?Among them, seven weapon sales cases worth 17.6 billion were negotiated, Taiwan's industrial supply chain and contaminated in the mainland, and even the sale of American oil were speculative.

However, after the three -day visit to Taiwan's visit to Taiwan, it was not difficult to see the dissatisfaction of the United States for the Tsai government.The Tsai government used Clarch to visit to make a big inner propaganda, but the United States found that the US pigs' ascension is not as smooth as imagining: for example, the problem marked by the place of origin may discriminate against the pigs.; When Craphi's business charter landed at Songshan Airport, there were people outside the field protesting the American pigs.Because of this, the Cai government officials also blame the Kuomintang's cup of the Kuomintang that the United States believes that the U.S. pigs are still bumpy, so they temporarily recovered the arrangement of Claric's economic and trade dialogue.

Pushing all the dishonesty to the opposition party is not an effective way to solve the problem by the DPP's consistent logic.The reason is very clear: President Tsai Ing -wen announced that the opening of Mei Pig and Beauty, from beginning to end without any communication or consultation, can be described as a hand -made decision.Not only that, how to cooperate with the opening of beautiful pigs in response to the opening of the overlord's hard bow, and the relevant departments have not proposed a complete supporting facilities beforehand.superior.With such a stingy attitude, how can it teach the people to serve the people's heart?

In the cognition of the Tsai government, as long as Taiwan can make diplomatic breakthroughs inviting high -level officials to visit Taiwan, it is the improvement of Taiwan's sovereignty and visibility, and it is worth paying for any price.However, from the cognition of the people of Taiwan, it is a good thing for diplomatic breakthroughs. As for what price to pay, it is still necessary to weigh them carefully. It cannot pay the huge price but only exchanges the flashy diplomatic fireworks.In particular, the open -shaped power of the American pigs forced Taiwan to open the portal, and it is necessary to use national health as a price. Where does this diplomacy come to sovereignty and dignity?How do you want to say that sovereignty is in the people?

Without an honest internal affairs, it cannot support the gorgeous diplomacy of the Tsai government.Cerach's visit to Taiwan has depreciated greatly. It is precisely that the Cai government wants to please the United States with rough decisions, and the result is not fast.The Cai government wants the people to sacrifice health, but refuses to spend the energy to explain communication and get it. Even the United States see its hands and feet.