Author: Ling Yichen Huang Yunna

After many publishing houses participated in the professional consulting services of the Hong Kong Education Bureau's general teaching materials, they deleted or modified Hong Kong to pursue the contents of the three powers.Hong Kong is not a separate power, and textbooks should describe Hong Kong's political system in accordance with the Basic Law.The official meaning of the official words means that the textbooks have conveyed an inaccurate knowledge content in the past, so the original Qingyuan mdash; mdash;Very controversial content?Do you pass the correct information to students?

The dispute has been for a long time, and the Hong Kong government never clarifies

It must be pointed out that although the SAR Government, the Hong Kong China Cooperative Office, and the Hong Kong and Macau Office of the State Council have recently officially denied that Hong Kong pursues the separation of the three powers, the dispute has been long for a long time.In the early days of drafting in the Basic Law in 1986, the Drafting Commission's political system under the jurisdiction of the political system had suggested that Hong Kong should adopt a three -power separation model, but the relevant opinions did not get China accepted. For exampleDuring the period of the grass committee, it has been clearly stated that the Hong Kong system cannot be fully westernized and will not implement the separation of three powers, but it is allowed to check and cooperate with administration, legislation, and judicially.Powers will be translated into a separation of three powers, and even the official text is the same. Although there are always mainland grass committees and scholars to refute the statement at that time, they cannot lift ripples, and they will not be officially blessed.This is the public opinion field; and then the vice chairman of the state, Xi Jinping, visited Hong Kong in 2008, and proposed that administrative, legislative and judicial organs should understand and support each other.However, the SAR government did not respond positively.

This is a controversial issue.Liang Enrong, deputy deputy professor of the Department of Education Policy and Leadership of Hong Kong Education University, said that from the perspective of education, controversial issues cannot be taught, especially incidents that affect the entire Hong Kong.He pointed out that the special education law of controversial issues to teach the professor, that is, to show students different views and the reason behind it, so that students can cultivate students' ability to think and create thinking and create thinking, and also help them understand the society more deeply.

The question is, what is controversial issue education law?Is it simply presenting the opinions of both the positive and negative parties, and then the students judge by themselves, or can they lead the students to recognize the right or wrong on the basis of presenting the statement of all parties?

In this regard, Zhuang Yaodi, a senior lecturer of the Education University Education Policy and Leading Department of the Hong Kong Education Professional Association, is explained in conjunction with the general science course and evaluation guidelines.Guidance specializes in the exploration of topics and multi -angle analysis, and divides the teaching process into three steps: first, master the facts, understand the phenomenon, and clarify the concept; second, understand the differences and conflicts;Evaluation, explore the way out and put into practice.

Leisure students judge VS to guide students to understand correctly

Zhuang Yaoyuan said that in the first step of the teaching process, teachers need to tell students the facts based on the content of the basic law and combine the official statements of different periods.Why did I make mistakes before?Why do society say this (Hong Kong is not separated from three powers)?It is necessary to help students understand the background of the times and the development of Hong Kong all the way.In the clarification of the concept part, what spirit and principles are needed to introduce students to the division of the three powers, how to develop, and cover.Zhuang Yaoyu said that when students understand the concepts, teachers can help students understand the political system in different places, and look at the political model of Hong Kong.

So, is this model in Hong Kong?There are obvious different views in society now.Zhuang Yaodi believes that teachers should discuss different views and behind, so that students can understand the differences and conflicts behind them.Can't just talk about one view.He emphasized that in teaching, we must first talk about the government, because this is a very important point that will affect the specific operation and implementation of the system. At the same time, in the process of distinguishing the three powers, the court cannot ignore the courtthe opinion of.

Zhuang Yaosheng took the first law of waiting for the special launch and settlement as an example. After 1997, the convicted juvenile prisoner must be determined by the Chief Executive's sentence.Many people have waited for a long time, and they appealed collectively and eventually won.The judge's judgment is based on Article 80 of the Basic Law. MDASH; the courts at all levels of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region are judicial organs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and exercise the trial rights of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.Therefore, the trial power is in the judicial organs without the administrative organs, which actually reflects the spirit of lsquo; the division of the three rights.As for the last one, students must have a certain point of view after studying, and Zhuang Yaoyi believes that students can allow students to hold different opinions.

It is allowed to hold different views of mdash; mdash; it is the issue of controversy in the education community. Some people support this to promote diverse thinking. Some people criticize this as an excuse for irresponsible and as a teacher.

However, the most difficult dispute between Hong Kong's three powers is not whether there is a division of power in Hong Kong, but whether the power distribution of Hong Kong is a logical logic based on national sovereignty mdash; mdash; this is obviously the most concerned issue for the central government.Because in Western constitutional government, the separation of three powers is generally based on national sovereignty, and it is necessary to keep administration, legislation, and judicial constitutional status and political power independent and equal, in order to effectively play a role of checks and balance or even supervising his rights;However, because Hong Kong is only a special administrative district that is directly under the jurisdiction of the Central People's Government, and has never gained sovereignty at all. Its high autonomy is derived from the central authorization rather than decentralized with the central government.The division of power is enjoys the division of power dominated by the administrative power under one country and the two systems, and the judicial independent MDASH; mdash; therefore, under the framework of one country, the two systems, the central government believes that the issue of sovereignty cannot be vague.What about a correct view of a grant?When the teacher teaches, does it have a clear knowledge background about the concept?

These are issues that educators cannot avoid.The effectiveness of the Hong Kong General Activities Education mainly depends on the performance of teachers. Whether the above -mentioned teaching process can be implemented and the maximum teaching goal is a great test of generals.

Take the lead in clarifying the dispute vs to cut the toe to avoid sandworms

In addition to the general science of middle school, university education also involves controversial content mdash; mdash; then, is the teacher's teaching focus on students at different stages of growth?Liang Enrong believes that the two teaching goals are different. The middle school generals are mainly to train qualified citizens, and universities need to deepen the theory of disciplines.He explained that middle school students were about 18 years old when they graduated. They were basically an adult citizen with the right to voting, so they should master the knowledge and ability that can effectively care about society and fulfill their responsibilities.

Therefore, the teaching of middle school generals is based on cultivating students' ability and teaching basic concepts.That is, through discussion of different views, cultivate critical thinking, creative thinking and analysis ability, and in the process of discussion, students can master basic political concepts, such as what is power checks and balances, so as to understand how the legislative, judicial, and administrative operations in Hong Kong.When students enter the university, because the discipline is more detailed, the discussion of related theories will be deeper into MDASH; mdash; taking political science as an example, students need to read a large number of classics and scholars' discussions to understand the division of three powers.At the same time, compare and compare the three powers in the United Kingdom, the United States, France and other countries, what are the characteristics, how to execute, and each of the advantages and disadvantages.

Liang Enrong did not agree with the deletion of the three powers to delete the three powers, because political issues are indispensable content of general subjects. In Sun Yat -sen's words, politics is the matter of managing everyone.Since it is a matter of everyone, is it necessary to know everyone?... to give everyone a chance to learn so that when he becomes a qualified citizen, he can fulfill his responsibilities.He mentioned that when there is a controversial issue in society, the duty of the teacher is to help students understand whetherAt the same perspective, respect for multiple views, and clarifying the basis behind, the Education Bureau should take the lead in discussing these issues instead of cutting toes to avoid sandworms.