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With the gradual relaxation of epidemic prevention measures, the cinema lines that have been stagnated for many months have finally ushered in a new film.Mulan, produced by Disney in the United States, was launched online Disney+streaming media and offline physical theaters. For a while, it became a box office week champion and popular movie viewing topic in many countries and regions.

A familiar classic Chinese classic story, nearly 300 million US dollars of US capital investment, including the director, including the director, and the starring actors of Asian actors.Extremely poor.

Most of the positive film reviews come from non -Chinese audiences, and even on the Internet platform of foreign language media, it has set off a wave of imitating characters in the play.On the Chinese authoritative film review website Douban, the score of this film has fallen to 4.7 points (10 points).

Although there are a thousand Hamlet in the eyes of a thousand people, the two polarized film reviews of Hua Mulan, a new Hollywood film, reflect more humanistic differences in the East and West.

If such differences are placed in the background of the increasingly fierce competition relationship between China and the United States today, it will become more and more highlighting the necessity and importance of common deposits and cultural tolerance in various countries in the world.Singapore, which is in the intersection of Eastern Wisdom and Western Culture, can provide an objective and rational neutral perspective.

China and the United States are the two largest consumer markets in the world, with 1.4 billion and 330 million people, but according to the data of Chinese and American official agencies, China has a ratio of citizens with passports only 10%, while the United States is 46%.The vast majority of destinations are neighboring countries around; in 2018, the number of Chinese citizens traveling to the United States is about 2.9 million, while the number of American citizens traveling to China is about 2.48 million.Considering the current epidemic and trade friction factors, the number of interoperability between the two peoples will show a downward trend.

Although China and the United States look at each other across the Pacific Ocean and have close economic and trade connections, the more than half of the population of the two countries has not experienced their own experience, and the number of people visiting each other on the spot is far less than that of the total population.%.Most people's understanding of each other's culture depends on literature and film and television works, and cognitive deviations are inevitable.Compared with the strong creativity and manufacturing power of Hollywood in the United States, China's cultural products that are equal to the same number and accepted by mainstream western society are still far away.

Because of this, Mulan presented from the perspective of the West is even more precious.Although the adaptation deviates from the original Chinese history, the mysterious oriental a long time ago, who also said that women are not as good as men's modern feminist thoughts, but also the spirit of the Western Knights who fight for the glory of the family and fight for the country.The four words of loyalty, courage, truth, and filial piety are not just explaining the universal value of the Chinese people's upholding loyalty to the country, brave sacrificing, pursuing the truth, and respecting the elders?

This also reminds me of another American film American factory. The success of this documentary with good reputation and box office, thanks to the oversupply of Cao Dewang, chairman of China Fuyao Glass Group.He authorized American independent producers to shoot the original material of 1200 hours without restrictions in his factory area, and China did not participate in the editing review session of the film at all, which made some non -harmonious pictures such as China -US employee cultureConflict, friction between Chinese management and US trade unions, etc., are truly presented one by one, so that the world can truly understand the inherent logic of the formation of the global industrial chain;Essence

Tell the story of Chinese stories to the world. This is the issue of the increasingly powerful China.Ancient Mulan, Cao Dewang today, China needs more such cultural symbols or carriers, which can tell non -ordinary Chinese stories from the perspective of Western society.

Strictly speaking, this article is not a film review, but the author still hopes that the Chinese audience who see this article can raise the expensive hands and make Hua Mulan's scores rise.The world is very large, and it is inevitable that the gap is very deep, but as long as there are more cultural tolerance attempts, there will be less populist disturbances.

The author is the president of the Enterprise Group, the crew of the crew