Regional focus

Recently, the situation of the border between China and India has continued to upgrade, and the army of the two countries has once again staged.From June to August 2017, the China -India border defense forces had a military confrontation in the Donglang area. Fortunately, the leaders of the two countries also shook their hands at the BRICS Summit (Xiamen) Summit (Xiamen) summit in September of that year.However, at this moment, the current crisis is imminent, and the conflict of force seems to have been on the string, and it is immediately out of touch.

At the time of the confrontation of Donglang, the author issued a post with a Indian scholar friend and predicted it optimistically that the crisis would end peacefully because we believe that both countries hope to be expensive.First, as the two largest developing countries in the world today, China and India's urgent princes are still peaceful development.Second, the two strong fighting must have their own damage. If you meet the soldiers in China and India, it will only make other countries sit in the country.Third, the world is peaceful and the region is stable, and it is inseparable from the friendly cooperation between China and India.

Now that three years have passed, in the face of the current conflict between the two countries, the author and Indian friends no longer have the confidence, and the dare to guarantee that the conflict will not be upgraded, but there is more worry because the time has changed.

First of all, the crown disease has disrupted the international situation and caused the nationalism and protectionist mood of various countries to rise. There are countless war caused by the epidemic in history; the epidemic has deepened the suspicion of the five BRICS countries.

Today, India's crown disease cases have jumped in the world, the third in Brazil, the fourth Russia, and South Africa ranked among the top ten.Essence

In particular, India's epidemic is almost out of control, and it may continue to worsen, which will make the weak economic snow worse. The domestic anti -China excretion is unprecedentedly high, and the border conflict with China will naturally be regarded by Indian politicians as a life -saving straw.

Secondly, the Indian border defense army was worried about the old hatred and hatred with the Chinese army, and has been waiting for revenge.The border between China and India is 3,500 kilometers, and some territorial disputes are suspended.In 1962, the two countries broke out by the border war. As a result, China won and actively stopped war. Although India also claimed victory, it was considered failure and shame.This conclusion can be confirmed in the Handson Middot; The Henderson Brooks Report, which was once regarded as a high -level secret and sealed.

For decades, although the China -India border has frictions from time to time, the situation is basically controllable.However, in June this year, severe physical conflicts broke out in the Galwan Valley area, causing 20 Indian soldiers to die, and China has not disclosed the specific casualties of soldiers so far.In September, the Chinese and Indian armies accused each other of the police to warn each other. This was the first time that the gun was used for decades, and it was an extremely dangerous signal.

Thirdly, the tide of raging nationalist public opinion in the two countries makes it difficult for both governments and troops to concessions, and they can only continue to show strong.Recently, the Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe held talks with Indian Minister of Defense Raienat Star. Unfortunately, the two sides accused each other, not letting each other, and the negotiations fell into a deadlock.China said that the territory cannot be lost in one inch, and India insists that it will not compromise the territorial sovereignty.

In fact, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Modi should believe in harmony, because they have been committed to promoting peaceful coexistence between the two countries.They held two informal meetings in Wuhan, China in April 2018, and in October 2019 in Zhennai, India, all emphasizing that they are committed to maintaining peace and peace in border areas.However, in the face of territorial and sovereignty issues, and taking into account the face of the leaders of the great power, it is estimated that the situation is no longer completely controlled by the two leaders; before Modi had publicly given the Indian border front -line troops to open the fire.

In the end, the exchange of the country lies in the relatives of the people, but there is a huge cognitive gap between China and India.China and India are close neighbors, and they are long -term civilized countries. The interaction industry between the two countries has gone through more than 2,000 years. Therefore, it cannot be said that they are unfamiliar, but it seems difficult to say that they are familiar with each other.Between the people of China and India, there are still common misunderstanding, suspicion, ridicule, and even hatred.

The humanistic exchange deficit of the two countries is still very huge. In recent years, the number of mutual visitors between the two countries has just exceeded one million, accounting for about 0.036%of the total population of the two countries.The two countries are not convinced in military aspects. Chinese public opinion often believes that the Indian army is vulnerable, while the Indian media boast that they can win the PLA. Both sides seem to be eager to try their wrists.

Xi Jinping once told Modi that the two countries and India should be dancing together instead of the dragon elephant, which is a good wish.However, now the army of the two sides is deploying forces, tanks, artillery and fighters on a large -scale deployment of their respective borders, and there is a risk of wiping guns at any time.Although the foreign ministers of China and India have recently reached a five -point consensus in Moscow, in order to cool down the tension, the frozen three feet is not a day cold, and the thunder of the border between the two countries will not be eliminated so simple.

We don't want to see the war, because the war is cruel, but sometimes we do not know each other or not. Is it necessary to restore the head of the two sides to restore the rationality of the head of the two sides to cherish peace?

The author is living in Singapore

Comment when Chinese nationality is independent