On July 23, U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo gave a speech in the Presidential Library of Nixon, California. This speech claimed that 50 years ago by President Nixon's China -US contact policy failed.In response to China, it is recommended that the United States and Asia -Pacific countries such as Vietnam and Australia set up a new democratic alliance to counterattack the Chinese government's hegemony.The speech mentioned (we have) the United Nations, NATO, G7, and G20. If we are commanded, we combine economic, diplomacy, and military forces to believe that it is enough to face this challenge.Our method should not only become tough, and at the same time let the Chinese people participate and give them strength.If the free world does not change China, then China will change us.On September 7, local time of US President Trump put forward the view of the China -US economy's decoupling, implying that if China and the United States no longer do business, the United States will not suffer.Trump said at a press conference on the Workers' Day of the White House that the word decoupled was mentioned, which was an interesting word. We lost a billion dollars.So many dollars.This is called decoupling, so you will start thinking.Trump vowed that his government would ban the federal government from signing contracts with Chinese companies in the future and demand that China is responsible for the spread of new crown viruses around the world.He said that we will make the United States a superpower in the world's manufacturing industry and will end our dependence on China once and for all.Regardless of whether it is decoupled or levying high tariffs as I have already done, we will end dependence on China because we cannot rely on China.

I have to admit that Pompeo and Trump's extreme remarks have obviously attracted various words and deeds of Chinese high -level levels.

Faced with Pompeo, who attacked China almost crazy, on August 25, the People's Daily published a full three layouts of Pompeo's mouth -related lies and facts.Pompeo slammed a series of lies on China.At the beginning of the article, the People's Daily did not politely blamed that Pompeo's remarks ignored history, disregarded reality, and flooded strong ideological prejudice and cold war thinking.

Moreover, China not only has a response to speech, but also the major movement adjustment of national behavior, in order to meet the existing and possible huge international situation changes that have been presented in the United States.

On July 30, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting to analyze the current economic situation and deploy economic work in the second half of the year.It is proposed that the epidemic has exacerbated the changes in the external environment. The senior management of the central government has made new changes in the current opportunities and challenges. Many problems encountered in my country are in the middle and long term. It is the new development pattern of mutual promotion of the main body and the domestic and international dual cycles.In the external environment of the current protectionism, the downturn in the world economy, and the shrinking global market, we must focus on our own business, give full play to the advantages of the large -scale domestic market, and gradually form a large -scale domestic cycle as the main body and the domestic and international dual cycles.Promote the new development pattern, improve the level of modernization of the industrial chain supply chain, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation, accelerate key core technology research, and create a new advantage of future development.On September 11, 2020, President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at a scientist forum.It is pointed out that today the world has undergone a major change in a century, and the domestic and foreign environment facing the development of my country's development has undergone profound complex changes. In the 14th and fifth period of our country, the development of my country's 14th and fifth periods has put forward more urgent requirements for accelerating scientific and technological innovation.In the face of fierce international competition, in the context of rising unilateralism and protectionism, we must go out of innovative paths suitable for national conditions, especially to improve the original innovation capabilities in a more prominent position, and strive to achieve more from 0 from 0 from 0Breakthrough to 1.

As a world's oversized countries that are about to do with the United States, the upcoming and long -lasting competition in China and the United States must be firmly grasped.Internal circulation is the main, domestic and international dual cycles, attach importance to scientific and technological innovation, and do not be subject to each other. It is very correct.

However, the author was thinking that Pompeo's big -looking library lecture, Trump clamoring for a lot of response to China?

The author believes that China must also prevent the cheap trap of the U.S. extreme words and deeds that may be carefully designed.

This possible trap is that the United States carefully designed with openly publicity and extreme words and deeds, which intentionally stimulates our deep fear of the future international situation, and let us use this kind of fear of the future, inspire the future, inspire to inspireOut of our active strategies, policies, and behaviors of great adjustment or contraction.And this adjustment or contraction may be what the United States wants, and it can be said that the power of not abolishing the ashes to change China's strategic behavior.At the same time, the excessive fear of the future international situation is also a great gain of the United States.

This is a cheap trap we must prevent.

Pompeo's criticism of China and the call for allies can only be more verbal attacks and persuasion, and subsequent specific operational behaviors cannot be done.Trump's decoupling is basically shouting, and the possibility of being completely decoupled is very small.But this kind of follow -up operation may have few words, but it has stimulated our great attention, great touch, great concern, and great concern.If the author is Trump or Pompeo himself, I am the following way of thinking: I didn't want to do something at all, I just use words to provoke you, scare you, bluff itThere is no loss.If you are bluffing, you just do what I think you want to happen, that is what I want.This is an extremely cheap speech trap.

China must not be led by the U.S. extreme words and deeds, otherwise we will really become a bird of a stunning bow that is worried about the changing international situation.When dealing with the extreme words and deeds of the United States, China must think about our response, and may bring all the advantages and disadvantages.In particular, we must consider that our response behavior has the advantages and disadvantages that we do not have, and the Chinese side must carefully measure the advantages and disadvantages of the United States.Because, yes, it may be what the United States wants.No, it may be what we should do most.

We have to stabilize ourselves, do better ourselves, listen to their words, look at their behaviors, discern and observe, and be careful to prevent the cheap trap of the U.S. extreme words and deeds.

Author: Peng Shengyu

Strategic Researcher, Researcher of Chahar Society, and International Financial Forum (IFF) Researcher