Recently, the US Science and Technology Think Tank Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) issued a report with Chinese competition: strategic framework, systematically analyzed the complexity of the Sino -US dispute.ITIF is the most authoritative technology think tank in the United States.Its founder and president Robert Middot; Robert D. Atkinson participated in the writing of the report.This person has worked with the two governments of Bush and Obama, and has also frequently participated in Congress hearing in this US government.The author of the article believes that the competition between China and the United States has exceeded the US -Soviet Cold War and the US -Japan trade war. The four parties of the Sino -US economic competition are mainly reflected in four aspects: market, supply chain, commercial competition, and geopolitics.

The report mentioned that China is the world's largest car, electronic products, smartphones, steel, and many other products of many other products; China is also the world's largest manufacturing supply country, accounting for about 25%of the global manufacturing output value; China is increasingly increasingly increasingly increasinglyThe more the industry is stronger in competitiveness.China is regarded as the main market.For many companies such as Apple, Boeing, Nike, GM, Intel, Hollywood, McDonald's, NBA, Procter & Gamble, Starbucks, Qualcomm, Wal -Mart and many other companies, China is usually its largest non -US market.Leaving this market will not only reduce the sales of these companies, but also give market share to Chinese companies or other non -American companies, thereby harming the long -term economic competitiveness of the United States.At the same time, China is regarded as the main supply country, the main business competitors, and the main military and geopolitical rivals.ITIF pointed out that in the United States, there are more industries that support the integration of Sino -US and the United States than that of Sino -US decoupling industries. This is the basic reality that most governments and media discussions have not fully recognized.This means that short -term commercial interests exceed the long -term strategic interests of the West.

Most industries (10) are regarded China as the main market, and at least two industries (banks; capital markets and insurance) are striving to expand their impact on the Chinese market.In addition, for the five industries in these 10 industries, China is also the main supply country.Finally, ITIF proposed a strategic framework for long -term revival of Western countries such as the United States.The strategic framework targets the four dimensions of Sino -US competition MDASH; MDASH; market, supplier, business competition, and geopolitics. Each dimension proposes five countermeasures for each dimension.

I. Market dimension: The five ways to adapt to China to become the world's largest economy.1) Expand the market.2) Use English advantages.3) Pursue the application of advanced technology.4) Re -examine mutual benefit.5) Collective sound.

Second, supplier dimension: five steps to re -balance the supply chain.1) Require transparency.2) Provide economic incentive measures to reduce dependence.3) Use the power of consumers.4) Promote domestic production in key areas.5) Carefully use targeted tariffs and local content measures.

Third, business competition dimensions: five methods to ensure that the West maintains more attractive social models.1) Respect China's achievements.2) Government (demand) should become world -class users.3) Maintain attractiveness to talents.4) Cooperate with allies.5) Strive time.

Fourth, geopolitical competition dimension: five methods to enhance Western competitiveness.1) Preferentially considering technical leadership.2) Attract first -class talents.3) Cooperate with India.4) Reduce the cost disadvantages of the United States.5) Cultivate value chain Siwei.

The above is the 20 specific schemes proposed by ITIF with China's long -term competition.ITIF believes that most American companies support these schemes compared to hard negligence.

In fact, the competition between the four dimensions of markets, suppliers, commercial competition, and geopolitics has been carried out in recent years.The author believes that if it is just such a four -dimensional competition, China does not need to worry too much. Since China and the United States are deeply globalized, these areas are extremely normal.China can also introduce the response strategy of each dimension of its own system.

Nvidia's acquisition of ARM is essentially a major measure of the United States to compete with China in the field of science and technology. The purpose is definitely to monopolize the upstream industry of chip design to better suppress the development of the Chinese chip industry.On the evening of September 13, local time in the United States, Nvidia officially announced that it will acquire ARM for $ 40 billion to create the world's top computing companies in the AI era.According to the transaction terms approved by Nvidia, SoftBank and ARM board of directors, Nvidia will pay SoftBank a total of US $ 21.5 billion in Nvidia ordinary shares and US $ 12 billion in cash, including paying for $ 2 billion.This is the largest acquisition in the global semiconductor field. In 2016, SoftBank acquired ARM for $ 32 billion.On the one hand, the famous American graphics processing chip (GPU) company is Nvidia, and on the other hand is ARM controlled 95%of the smartphone CPU design architecture. Once the two parties are merged, the impact is huge.They will have important impacts.First of all, strong and strong will make the shortcomings of both parties develop rapidly, and ARM will use Nvidia to break through the field of desktop processors. Nvidia will use ARM to enter the CPU field.For the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, especially the chip company such as Apple, Qualcomm, and Samsung in the ARM system, ARM has changed from a British company to an American company.Mode and neutral identity will be impacted.In China, most smartphones use ARM technology, and China contributes 20%of ARM sales.ARM has always been considered to be the best choice for domestic computing architecture.For example, if ARM is acquired by Nvidia into an American company, if the US ban is disturbed, Chinese manufacturers will not be able to continue to obtain an upgraded version of the instruction set authorization, it may face problems.From the perspective of the entire industry pattern, the combination of Nvidia and ARM will form a pattern with Intel and AMD three -legged. In the future, market competition in high -end servers, data centers and other fields will be even more intense.

Nvidda's acquisition of ARM also needs to be approved by many countries (including China). I think that this possible acquisition that constitutes a global monopoly will be difficult to obtain national approval.However, this acquisition really reflects the American competitive ideas in the field of cutting -edge technology, that is, in a special field, global mergers and acquisitions can be carried out, and global technology cores are firmly controlled to the United States's own hands.Broken China's possibility of obtaining advanced technology from other countries.From December 2018 to January 2019, officials of the US Department of Defense have discussed the so -called safety risks in the Dutch Embassy in Washington.In June 2019, U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo visited the Netherlands, while speculating about the security issues of unfair trade and 5G of Chinese trade, while asking the Dutch allies and other allies to stand.One month later, the Dutch Prime Minister Lulut visited Washington. During the period, the White House Deputy National Security Counselor Charles Middot; Kuberman showed him an intelligence report that the content was the possible consequence of China to obtain a light carved machine.Subsequently, the Dutch government chose the export permit of not renewing ASML.

From the above incidents, it can be clearly seen that when the United States competes with China, it is not only to prevent the core technology of the United States' own technology practical, but also uses various means such as mergers and acquisitions, diplomatic pressure, etc.The possibility of obtaining core technology.

However, it is worth noting that the capital and corporate community in the United States are not consistent with the call of Washington.Hong Kong Asian Weekly September 14th article, original topic: why the United States relations with China have contradictions between the political and economic contradictions, the relationship between the United States and China, and the Politics of the White House.$ 200 billion.This exposes the White House's hearts differently, the mouth is fierce, but the body is honest and constantly fighting.In recent months, the relationship between Wall Street and China has become closer.On the occasion of the Secretary of State Pompeo, US financial institutions have been in accordance with Beijing, and they have invested in China and set up new offices.Bellaide Group, the largest investment management company in the United States, has just obtained Beijing's allowance to open a new financial business in China. Its opponent Pioneer Group has also moved the Asian headquarters to Shanghai. Morgan Chase Group also invested US $ 1 billion to purchase Chinese currency management projects.In the past year, foreign fund management agencies in the United States are inChina bought $ 200 billion in Chinese stocks and bonds.Pompeo's values stayed during the Cold War, showing that he was the most powerful eagle everywhere, but made huge mistakes, and finally harmed the national interests of the United States.He represented the right -wing populist concept on behalf of the Republican Party.All of them want the United States to give priority and want to move the manufacturing back home.But the Wall Street Elite thinks this is a dream of dreams.Pompeo's remarks of Huaying faction lack professional knowledge because of their thinking and understanding of China.On Wall Street, Pompeo is regarded as a joke.He demands that the US financial forces are everywhere with Beijing's clearing boundaries, but the development of the situation is just the opposite.Investment in China is not short -term arbitrage in China, but reflects long -term deployment. It is believed that the focus of the global financial community is moving eastward, and the close cooperation of US -China finance will bring huge reciprocity.

At the same time, the core allies in the United States are not intimately followed by American politicians.British Foreign Minister Dominic Raab told British officials to deal with it carefully, deal with relations with the United States and China, and avoid Britain in the new cold war between the two countries.According to Bloomberg report on the 15th, Labu held an internal meeting attended by British diplomats and officials on September 2. He put forward the idea of the world in the world at the meeting and outlined the newly established diplomatic department (diplomatic department under his leadership (diplomatic department (diplomacyThe Federal and Development Department) practices.According to the details of the meeting shared with reporters, Labu almost did not mention the so -called special relationship between Britain and the United States in his speech.Conversely, he reminded that Britain needs to explain to the United States and China carefully.Bloomberg commented that this shows that the British government strives to avoid directly condemning China, although the Trump administration is expected to exert pressure and requires it to be tougher.As Britain tries to shape its new role outside the European Union, this route will be a key challenge to the Johnson government.

The U.S. election is about to be held, and the results of the election are still unpredictable. After Trump and the Pompeo election are still on the stage, it is not easy to say.However, whether the United States will be the president next year, the competition of the four dimensions of the Sino -US market, supplier, business competition, and geopolitics will continue, and will only be the different degree of competition.

There is a fact that can pay attention to and study China.The revenue and profit composition of Sino -US enterprises in Fortune 500 companies worldwide.Data show that more than 100 companies in China have seven income from the Chinese homeland, while more than 100 companies on the United States have income and profits from the United States, but they are much lower.The results of the research results of the income profit of more than two hundred and top 500 companies in China and the United States and the proportion of foreign countries will directly see that companies in which countries in China and the United States need globalization. Which country in China and the United StatesIt does not require globalization.This will be possible to decide the trend of the voices of the rejuvenation and globalization recently.China's strategy must be studied carefully. It is a very valuable thing to analyze the analysis of the earnings of the top 500 Sino -US enterprises in the world within five years.The results of this study will be able to guide China how to deal with the United States' competition against China, and it will be able to see where the US weakness is.

The decision -making levels of the United States and the United States have been thinking about competition with various dimensions with China, thinking and behavior of competing with China, and China's strategy should continue to strengthen the observation of hellip; hellip;

Author: Peng Shengyu

Strategic Researcher, Researcher at Chahar Society, Special Researcher of the International Financial Forum (IFF) Research Institute