Author: Wei Guoyan

Source: Zhongshi Electronics News

Ding Yungong, a spokesman for former Presidential Palace in Taiwan, was on the stage, and randomly chaos anyway; in the office, Yunyu Wushan and the upside -down phoenix were amazing.His scandal caused a negotiation. Scholars and legislators who had the only one in the former green camps struggling with the gender equality and defending the dignity of women. We lost their voice because of the love of political comrades. We laughed.

When they strive for justice, they righteous; when they met their families, they were cold.We saw a hypocritical face again.This is the case for environmental protection issues, and the same is true of the American pig and pigs. As a theorem, hypocrisy, we scolded it, it is better to reflect on the inferiority of this human beings.Apostle.

Pseudo -goodness is often parasitic in greater sentiment or aspirations, and is also tolerate because of merit.During the Second World War, German Nazi enthusiastically revived from the Germanic. There were many doctors in the heads and a lot of piano.The compatriots sent off and applauded elegantly by side.The pianist's sister -in -law is not noble because he can play Beethoven.

The independent revolution in the United States is fought for the name of defending economic independence and fighting for freedom.The founding of the country was successful, constitutional, and the history of the name, but the leader's manor and house still raised a large number of black slaves in the house. This is the biggest hypocritical of the founding of the United States. It was only time to wait for the 16th President Lincoln to liberate the slave.In fact, the United States has not yet gone out of ethnic inequality. The upcoming presidential election is still pulling, and we will see more hypocritical face again.

There are also heavy provincial problems in Taiwan. Various public policies and ethical issues are enlarged or reduced or attacked perverted due to colors, and they are even endangering their own safety.For example, when the DPP strongly opposed fuel coal -fired power generation, the heads of the regulations of anti -air pollution autonomous regulations in various counties and cities that year are now in power, and they even become accomplices.IntersectionCoincidentally, he was required to be detected by lean meat, but the national anti -American cattle and pigs were also required to be the same group of people.

Mayor Chen Ju, who reused Ding Yungong in Kaohsiung, is now in charge of the Supervisory Court.She said: What should I do.Until the intention, who dares to hang bells on a talented wolf?We can only wait to see it, wait for Taiwan's political correct color, and for Taiwan's hairpin bending angle.

Originally thought that democratic politics could choose sage and ability, it would show universal value. Two political parties rotated, and the horse lamps became a demon mirror.For the first rotation of political parties, Chen Shui -bian disappointed us. Fortunately, many people came forward in the Green Camp at that time to attack him for corruption. Unfortunately, these people have become lonely birds in politics and are yellow flowers tomorrow.

Now that the political party is rotating for the second time, Tsai Ing -wen is re -elected, the DPP is fully governed, and the situation in Taiwan has improved?Looking at several recent cases, the Democratic Progressive Party has a collective hairpin, the opposition dog barking train, and the citizen groups are dumb, and the righteousness is not affordable.

How many people are hurting the past?Six dynasties are like dream birds!

Long live a hypocrisy, we have no escape.