The second child gets along with the boss, testing the international policies and political skills of the second child, and the test is not the virtue of the boss.One day, when he communicated with Professor Ren Jiantao of Tsinghua University on the current international relations, he said the above.Its words can be used as an introduction to this article.

At present, the United States' containment and suppression of China are becoming increasingly severe, and some Chinese people complain that they even hate the boss, unreasonable and domineering of the boss of the United States.Some of these hawks advocate toughness against the United States and even fight.

Can China be regarded as the second power?In terms of GDP (GDP), calculate; but on technology strength and soft power, it may not be.This problem is shelved regardless of whether China is the second child.The key question is that in the anarchy international community, what is the use of the second child's complaints and hate?How can the second child do the second child?

The skills of the second child and the virtue of the boss

Some people may say that no matter how good the second child is, what about it?Isn't the boss still going to suppress?The problem should be separated.How to be the second child is one thing; how to be the boss is another.Although the international community is in an anarchy, it does not mean that there is no morality. The international community must abide by some basic ideas and rules, otherwise it is a pure animal world.If the second child is doing well, there will be fewer opportunities and reasons for the boss to find faults.Even if the boss finds faults, the second child will get more sympathy and support.

Is it because the boss is looking for faults anyway, and the second child can be unconcerned.If this is the same, can it be said that since the thief always steals things, we simply don't need to prevent it?This is obviously ridiculous.The more the thief is rampant, the more we have to prevent.The more the boss is looking for, the more the second child is calm and calm, should be careful, and leave less.The second child does not want to surpass the boss, so.

If the second child wants to surpass the boss, when the strength is not as good as the boss, he must hide the light and even tolerate the burden of humiliation; otherwise, as Ren Jiantao said: to maintain hegemony and find external enemies, it is the boss's conventional operation, and the second child is usually its external enemy.EssenceIf you do not have the strength far beyond the boss, the second child first is to find death.This is the successful experience of the United States from the second child to the boss, and it is also a failure lesson in Germany, Japan, and the Soviet Union.

Although there are some morals in the international community, after all, it is anarchy and there is no strong rule maker and executor. Therefore, unreasonable things often occur, which is a basic reality.Accepting, or not accepting, it is there.In terms of nature, which country should not be strong?The princes are all kinds of?But the reality is often that a country should not do what, but the current situation and ability to allow it to do.This principle is general, and it is established for individuals and collectives.

The second child who has successful and failure in history

If there is only one behavior in history in history, we have nothing to say, so we should treat it as fate.But in fact, the behavior of the second child in history is very different, so there are different endings.

Let's talk about successful cases.

The earliest successful second child may take a few weeks.Sima Qian said: Sibber is restrained, and Zhou Yi (Sibber is Zhou Wenwang Jichang).The Zhou people were bullied by the King of Shang Yang, and the humiliation was bears the burden of humiliation.

The most famous forbearance of the second child is the second child, which is the king of Yue.After the Vietnam was defeated by Wu Guo, Gou Jian went to Wu Guo to do hostages and work for servants.Even when Wu Wangfu was sick, Gou Jian tasted Fu's stools and diagnosed the condition for Fujie, which could not be described as shameless.For the sake of the country, Gou Jian finally gained the trust of the husband, and was released back to China.After returning to China, Gou Jian was daring, gathered in ten years, ten years of lessons, and finally defeated Wu Guo.

Those who have the deepest conspiracy, the most coherent consistency and long -term humiliation in history are the Han Empires fight against the Huns.It is not appropriate to say that the Western Han Dynasty is the second child.If you regard the Western Han Dynasty as the boss, the deep conspiracy of the Western Han Dynasty and the nourishment of the trees are even more admirable.Dahan fought against the Huns and started planning from the period of Liu Bang. After more than a hundred years after the Liu Bang's period, after the Han Gaozu, Emperor Han Hui, Han Gao, Emperor Hanwen, Emperor Han Jing, and Emperor Hanwu, for more than 100 years.During the period, the Han Dynasty not only presented property, but also presented beautiful women (and relatives).

Han Gaozu had intended to attack the Huns and was discouraged by Liu Jing to alleviate the relationship (Historical Records Middot; Liu Jing uncle Sun Tong).Emperor Hanwen made it clear that in order not to cause the Huns to endanger the border, the Han Dynasty and the Huns were brothers and presented rich property (historical memories of MIDDOT; filial piety).These are the measures of moving light and bearing humiliation.After several generations of people's rest and rejuvenation, they finally completely defeated the Huns.

The second most successful in modern times is the United States.In 1896, the US GDP surpassed the British Empire, but the United States still pursued Monroeism, approaching Deng Xiaoping's tightness, and never take the lead.After 50 years, after World War II, the United States exceeded Britain, only to replace Britain's dominant position.

Besides the failure case.

Athens in ancient Greece has made extraordinary achievements in the history of human culture, but it is a typical second child.The emerging Athens is going to challenge the authority of the traditional Dangbang, that is, the authority of the hegemon, but it is very lacking in the wisdom of hidden light. It has publicly declared that the weak should be surrendered to the strong.Normal University Press, 2004, p. 40).However, his strength was not enough, eventually defeated by Sparta, and Athens also declined.

The recent failure of the second failure (or the third child, the fourth child) has Germany, Japan, and the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union is model.The Soviet national strength, especially military forces, was close to the United States, but it was revealed, attacked everywhere, overdraft national strength, and eventually defeated.

From the perspective, the second child can be done or so.How to do the most favorable to the second child, readers judge themselves by themselves.

Real politicians have no personal dignity

It is quite important to do a good job in the second child.The second child who fails and the second child who is successful often has a major difference, that is, the former confuses two dignity, and the latter distinguishes two dignity.The former is Japan.The slogan of the Japanese soldiers was fighting for the Emperor, and the comfort women in Japan also presented themselves for the Emperor.

In some countries, people regard the honor and disgrace of politicians (or leaders) as the honor and disgrace of the country, and politicians also regard their honor and disgrace as the honor and disgrace of the country.This concept is not conducive to the prosperity of a country, because in the course of the prosperity of a country, whether it is a leader or a country, it will inevitably encounter interference or even humiliation of other countries, especially large powers.

If you can't treat it calmly, the leaders will easily lose the honor and disgrace of one place, one city and one pool, and the people will easily lose this honor and disgrace.The combination of the two, that is, the leader's use of the people's emotions or the people's emotions to abduct the will of leaders, it is easy to advance.Once it is rushed, it is easy to be suppressed by the great power more quickly and more, so the road to strong is more difficult and even died.This is not only suitable for the relationship between the boss and the second child in the international community, but also the relationship between adjacent to the big nations and the small country, but also the relationship between the boss and the second child in the collective (such as the company).

Therefore, real politicians do not have personal dignity, only national dignity, and the long -term interests of the country.Politicians' personal dignity is won by maintaining and improving national interests and dignity.The motivation of national diplomacy should never be for some kind of vanity, nor should it be to cater to the people's pleasure.

Although the ancients could kill or humiliate, such a taxi was a scholar, and the scholars could be flexed and stretched.Wei Zhengding hit Tang Taizong, which seemed to damage the dignity of Tang Taizong's personal dignity. In fact, it helped the country's prosperity to maintain the dignity of the country. In the end, Tang Taizong's dignity was also enhanced.

Revisit Deng Xiaoping's wisdom

Since the reform and opening up, China's strength has continued to be strong, which is the fact.The United States' strong vigilance in China is both a fact and inevitable, and there is no need to emotional.In the same way, China, as the boss of the East Asian system in history, is also very vigilant for the strong neighboring countries and nations.This is the norm of national exchanges and competition.The question is how to reduce the boss's concerns in the strong process, thereby reducing the obstacles of the development of the country.HeavyWen Deng Xiaoping's wisdom is not difficult to solve.

At that time, in response to the international situation, Deng Xiaoping proposed a calm observation, calmly cope, and kept the light, never take the lead, and had a good foreign strategy.Deng Xiaoping's wisdom is also a transformation of traditional Chinese wisdom.Shang Shu talked about full damage, and humble benefited.In the Analects of Confucius, Zigong asked Confucius: Poor and no, wealthy but no arrogance, why?Confucius said: Ke also.If you are not poor, you are rich and ritual.Confucius also said: If there is the beauty of Zhou Gong's talent, it will make pride and proud, and the rest will not be enough.Pride, no invincible.

From the perspective of people, are you prefer a successful but arrogant person, or do you prefer successful and humble people?Some people's vocals promote traditional culture, but in fact, Ye Gong is a good dragon, and they cannot understand the advantages of traditional culture at all.Some experts claim that China's strength has surpassed the United States, and the sharp remarks have continued, encouraging the people's arrogance, fighting emotions, and even disturbing national foreign strategies.This is a typical unhealthy and arrogant, not strong and horizontal.Imagine what will this situation think of the United States and other countries?

Revisiting Deng Xiaoping's wisdom, in order to improve China's external environment and help for national development, you should grasp some basic principles:

First, diplomacy must think that the country's development has created a benign international environment as the overall situation and reduce the cost of international exchanges.The intelligence required for national development (including science, technology, management, etc.), energy, and resources require a lot of purchases from the international market, and Chinese products also need a lot of external output.Therefore, China's development today relies on the benign international environment.

Secondly, in some international disputes, especially in disputes with neighboring countries, do not take the initiative to change the status quo, and can respond to specific provocations.In general, the boss is not worried about some military measures (such as the construction of military facilities), because the measures of small countries have no threat to it.However, the second child of the second child will make the boss be vigilant.Therefore, don't think that the small country can do, the second child can do it.Thinking from another angle, even if the small country fills the island for ten years, it is not a threat to China.China wants to counterattack, and one year can be stronger and stronger than the small country.So why not worry about it?Of course, in terms of law, the legitimacy of the inappropriate measures of small countries cannot be acknowledged.

Third, don't be abducted by irrational public opinion. This kind of public opinion is actually populist.There are many radicals and warriors among the people, and they strive to advocate the country's toughness.The country cannot be abducted by this kind of public opinion.Netizens are happy, but they do not bear any responsibility.A classic case is that during the war of Berobennesonia, the reason why the conflict between Athens and Sparta performed more and more, and a large part of the reason and responsibility was that the people of the two states became more and more radical and wrapped the leadership of the two states.

Fourth, don't be too concerned.The motivation of diplomacy should never be vanity, but the interests of the country, especially long -term interests.It is reasonable, favorable, and there are festivals. It is still the guiding principle of international communication.

Fifth, do not confuse the pursuit of international status with the pursuit of hegemony.Even if China continues to be strong, do not go to domineering, but go to the king.

Sixth, you should express your reasonable proposition, but complaining and hate the boss are useless; the key is to do a good job of yourself, including doing a good job in domestic development and playing a good international role.

The author is a professor at the School of International Relations of Sichuan University in China

Doctoral tutor

Since the reform and opening up, China's strength has continued to be strong, which is the fact.The United States' strong vigilance in China is both a fact and inevitable, and there is no need to emotional.In the same way, China, as the boss of the East Asian system in history, is also very vigilant for the strong neighboring countries and nations.This is the norm of national exchanges and competition.