
Ji Yan Chunqiu

When can the crown disease epidemic be in the end?Zhang Wenhong, a well -known anti -epidemic expert in China, gave the answer yesterday.He believes that the global anti -disease dawn has now appeared, hoping to wait for us not far away.

Zhang Wenhong published an article on Weibo that the world's epidemic seemed to be boundless.The reason is as follows:

First, the world has gradually reached consensus.The biggest good news is from the United Nations. The UN General Assembly passed the 2019 crown disease resolutions to carry out international cooperation, practice multilateralism, and unite and help. It is the only way for the world to respond to the global crisis such as the new crown epidemic.Global cooperation is the basic condition for controlling the epidemic. Otherwise, the world will be closed for a long time due to the epidemic, misunderstanding due to closure, and is isolated due to misunderstanding. Various disasters will occur due to isolation.Unity is the primary condition for success.

Second, the antibody level after natural infection and vaccine injection still does not decay after 4 to 6 months.The analogy of Chinese creatures announced the earliest pioneer of 180 pioneers who first tested the medicine. The earliest vaccine has been five or six months old. They have continuously drawn blood to monitor its antibody values., No decrease.

At the same time, according to a heavy article recently published by the New England Medical Journal (Nejm), the national Coronatte serum science screening of Iceland's national coronary virus shows that 91.1%of the infected recovery is positive, and it lasts for four months to maintain a high level.

These data show that the 2019 coronary virus is still a natural virus derived from nature, and its induced antibody response failed to escape the inherent self -immune response and immune protection of the human body.This means that the protection time of the vaccine in the future may be more than one year, and it will provide a valuable time window for global collaboration through epidemic prevention measures.

Third, Iceland's crown disease mortality is 0.3%, and the mortality of 600 input cases in Shanghai's second wave of epidemic in Shanghai is 0%. The mortality rate of diseases in the region with better control of countries around the world has decreased significantly.After the vaccine is coming out, it can greatly reduce the medical crowding of economic and underdeveloped countries and regions due to the epidemic. The mortality rate of the 2019 coronary virus infection will be reduced to less than 1%due to 2019. At this time, the world will gradually be fully opened.

After the outbreak of the crown disease at the beginning of this year, Zhong Nanshan, Zhang Wenhong and other scholars won social respect with their scientific spirit and frankness.The fact that China ’s successful control of the epidemic also shows that the epidemic analysis and countermeasures made by these scholars are effective and effective.

Zhang Wenhong did not make an optimistic judgment from the perspective of vaccine research and development, antibody response and other technical perspectives. He first talked about the United Nations's recent consensus on global resistance.

Indeed, compared with the technical problems faced by resistance, the division of the international community caused by the epidemic and the game caused by the game has become a major obstacle to global control.

At present, the world's major economies are developing vaccines. The vaccine is only a matter of time.However, the bigger problem is that even if the vaccine enters clinical applications, it may be beaten to the competition and even ideological labels of major powers, which makes the majority of developed countries unable to develop vaccines to be confused.As long as the epidemic is still raging in a country, it is hard to say a victory in global resistance.

Fortunately, the UN General Assembly high ticket on September 11 passed a resolution to respond to the crown disease epidemic.The resolution stated that the crown disease epidemic is the largest global challenge in the history of the United Nations. It is the only way to carry out international cooperation and practice multilateralism, unity and mutual assistance, and is an effective global crisis in the world.

Decide to urge member states to strengthen the health system and social care system; urge member states to work to allow all countries to get high -quality, safe, effective and affordable diagnostic tools, treatment methods, drugs, and vaccines; encourage member states and all related interestsGuan Fang cooperated to increase the research and development funds of vaccines and medicine, and use digital technology to strengthen the international scientific cooperation required to fight coronal virus.

The UN General Assembly passed this resolution with the overwhelming nature of 169-2. Only the United States and Israel voted against it, and several countries abstained.

At this conference, the United States and China unexpectedly broke out again.The United States continued to accuse WHO accusing WHO when the coronary virus appeared in China, and did not take sufficient measures to prevent virus transmission, and pointed out that China concealed the truth to the world in the early stage of the epidemic.

Chinese representatives refute the allegations of the United States representatives and said that the United States recognized the risk of the epidemic in the early stage of the epidemic, but intentionally diluted the risk of the American people to avoid panic.

Aside from the saliva war between the United States and China, the UN General Assembly passed the decision with an overwhelming majority, indicating that the vast majority of countries did not want the international community to split in front of the raging epidemic situation, but hoped that the global power was used to defeat the epidemic.

This is also the primary reason for Zhang Wenhong's prospects for anti -epidemic.