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Academic papers published by China each year will attract widespread attention from all walks of life.Some academic papers cut from people's daily life and conduct quantitative analysis. Seeing small and big, it has very important academic significance.For example, some dissertations study hot pot bottom materials, and some academic papers researchers use halogen products.Although the research objects are commonplace, the conclusions are refreshing due to the use of chemical experiments and quantitative analysis methods.

However, there are also some academic papers that try to cut in from people's daily lives and come to some academic conclusions.Due to the lack of strict quantitative analysis and no authoritative statistics, the conclusions are simply.

Recently, a doctoral dissertation of the University of Science and Technology of China is attractive. The core of this degree thesis is to study the issue of paying gifts.This academic analysis of this common social phenomenon is a challenge to yourself and a challenge to society.

If you can adopt quantitative analysis or mathematical statistics, you can conclude a conclusion that doctoral dissertations will become a classic; but how much sorry, the author seems to be more willing to hover in the language trap of the self -designed language and get it to get it to get it.The conclusion is dumb.

For example, the author believes that if the ceremonies have a low degree of dependence, and the intimacy between them is low, the gift giver should vote to the greatest extent to avoid disappointment of the ceremony.However, as the relationship is getting closer and the degree of dependence of the courtesy, the gift giver can no longer be cautious and can try to perform moderately self -expression.According to some scholars, the basic meaning of this sentence is that if you are not familiar with what you like, you can send gifts casually after you are familiar.The author has a long story and using some so -called academic languages. It has not made the question clearly, which is regrettable.

Since the New Culture Movement has put forward vernacular, Chinese language has undergone tremendous changes.Simple and bright, is the basic feature of Chinese language.Although in academic papers, in order to strengthen the accuracy of expression, some dedicated languages have to be used, which is understandable.However, the use of professional terms is to express the accuracy of expression, not for obscurity.If you ignore the purity of expression during the use of language, such language expression is deceiving himself.

It is regrettable that such degree papers abound.Many degree papers are not pursuing simplicity and refinement, but to patent their algae.In terms of professional terms, some degree papers lack accuracy and universality.Some degree thesis authors believe that when well -known philosophers such as Kant and other well -known philosophers can use their own expression systems, why can't the dissertation form their own language expression system?This view is dumb.

Language is a continuous development process that should be developed in the right direction, rather than walking back.The author of the dissertation must respect China's language and use universal language to express his thoughts as much as possible.If the mind is pale and trying to cover it with the help of language, it will inevitably lead to corruption of language and text.

Frankly speaking, most of China's degree papers have no ideological value. The author just repeats the conclusions that has been reached. There is neither a novel perspective nor a novel point of view. The author only blindly makes articles on language.

In order to ensure that the dissertation does not have a large area of duplication, the author of the dissertation often chooses a special expression.On the one hand, the dissertation can make the dissertation look high and widow, and on the other hand, it can bypass the censorship rules and allow the dissertation to pass smoothly.As some scholars have pointed out, if you write in vernacular, whether the review can be passed is a problem.

The use of language and words, on the surface, is the author's own problem of the author of the dissertation, but fundamentally reflects the evaluation standards of Chinese degree papers.In the 1990s, China comprehensively introduced academic norms such as the United States and other Western countries, asking authors to use relatively complete academic expression specifications to write degree dissertations.It seems that China is somewhat overkill in terms of the rules of degree thesis.

Due to the emphasis on the format of forms or papers, the author will use a lot of time to avoid or meet the existing evaluation standards. There are many strange expressions in the dissertation.On the one hand, these expression methods have caused the dissertation to become obscure, and on the other hand, it seriously damages the purity of Chinese language.If you listen to this phenomenon, Chinese academic corruption will become more and more serious, and Chinese language will be severely polluted.

The author believes that education administrative departments and educational institutions should propose slogans of pure Chinese language and encourage academic workers to respect Chinese language and expressions.If you do mysteriousness in the dissertation, express it tedious, and lack popularity, the author should be required to re -write in simple and bright languages, because only in this way can the academic atmosphere be prevented from worsening and complicated the simple truth.

Field survey and quantitative analysis are the basic requirements for writing degree papers.For degree papers in the field of social sciences, there must be no quantitative analysis, but at least the original data of field surveys should be available.If you build a car closed at the door and write with your own imagination, such papers must be a language game.Under the guise of academic research, the behavior of playing with and staining Chinese language should be condemned.

Education administrative departments shall require all educational institutions to comprehensively disclose their degree papers and accept the inspection of all sectors of society.If there is a false problem, it should not meet the most basic requirements in terms of language and words, and it should be judged as unqualified.

In response to the disadvantages of the paper, an academic member of a university had said that the dissertation of teachers and students had academic dislocation behaviors and was reported that the academic committee would intervene in the investigation.The academic committee does not evaluate the good and bad of a person's thesis, and the thesis review and publication are not within the duties of the academic committee.

This reflects the current attitude of Chinese colleges and universities on such behavior.Scholars can express their academic views freely, but academic expression must stand up to social tests.If the old is always talked about, or deliberately uses irregular languages to cover up the empty point of view, the academic committee should review it and re -consider whether it should be awarded a degree.

China is in the period of academic research, more and more national scientific research investment, and the field of academic research is getting wider and wider.Scholars must have a sense of responsibility and mission, down -to -earth, and engaged in valuable academic research.If in order to obtain a degree, do articles in language and use language games to avoid the evaluation system of national degree papers. Such a dissertation will inevitably become a laughing stock.

The author is a professor at the University of China Zhongnan University of Economics and Law