01 Weekly

Author: Lu Weiwen

Since the end of the last election, several swing states in the Midwest and the Five Lakes areas have become observation stations for US politics.

Four years ago, Hillary was accused of neglecting many states such as Ai Ova, Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. As a result, the Democratic Party collapsed in the Blue Wall that has gradually constructed in the five large lakes areas since 1992.Unexpectedly, only 227 Electoral College was obtained, and the presidential throne was lost.

Judging from the votes of Hillary and Trump in various states at that time, the two votes gap between Aiwa (6) and Ohio (18) were about 10%of the votes.Michigan (16) and Pennsylvania (20) are less than 1%of the three votes. The election votes in the three states have been as high as 46, which is enough to subvert the entire election results.

Back to this election, all situations and factors have both changes and similar: Trump has transformed from an amateur challenger to the defender of the president's throne today.Although far less than Hillary's strength, it is more ground than the latter; after nearly four years, a lot of changes have occurred in the American society and political ecology, and the factors that affect voters' voting intentions are naturally different.However, many polls show that, like four years ago, multiple swing states in the United States and the rust belt are still the key to determining the victory and defeat of this election.Taking the political polls analysis website FiveThirtyeight's polls on Wednesday (September 2) as an example, five of the nine states with the most tight support rate of the two parties are located in the Midwest, including Ohio, Pennsylvania, and the state of Pennsylvania.Wisconsin, Eva and Minnesota.

Since the Midwest is still the key to victory, the voting intention of voters in the central and western regions naturally has become the focus of attention of all parties mdash; mdash; would they send Trump into the White House again?