Author: Mao Yuelin

Source: Hong Kong 01

Around September 6, shocking news was reported on the south bank of Ban Gonghu in the confrontation.In the Expert Interview program on September 4th, the country's famous defense analyst at the Expert on September 4th, the former Indian Express reporter Sushant Singh pointed out that the inaction of Indian authorities and the military leading to the majority of the media is in the media.Missing audiovisual and reporting military conditions.

Singh said that the Indian Times, the Indian Express Daily, and the Business Standard Daily scattered the Indian side to seize the two highlands on both south banks of the Bandong Hunan.Down.On the same day, New Delhi Television (NDTV) also confirmed that the PLA still retains the frontier highlands in the TV show, and the Chinese main battle tank and heavy artillery also aimed at Chushale and other places in front of them.

At this point, a new round of China -India border confrontation is gradually showing its fantasy side: news from New Delhi is overwhelming, hiding everyone outside the front line, and the outside world almost thinks that the Indian army has an advantage.But once someone checks, the situation will reverse.

Since August 31, except for the sudden attack of the PLA announced by the Indian Ministry of Defense, major media in India claims to be a variety of war reports disclosed from military people, but all kinds of authenticity and unknown fierce materials are to varying degrees to varying degreesShow the advantages of the Indian army.

The immortal light newspaper, the Indian ANI news agency said that 500 people in the PLA came to the camp; today India said that the PLA dispatched 200 people; the commercial standards reported that the PLA dispatched 2,000 people;On the south bank.

By September 1, the Daily Telegraph of the British Daily Telecommunications comprehensively comprehensively Indian media in various ways, guessing that 500 PLAs attacked Chu Shul from August 29th to 30th, but was repelled by the Indian Army.Show revenge.

After September 1, the Indian military finally clarified, emphasizing that the PLA and the Indian Army had stopped contact after meeting.This made all the rumors that boasted a hundred people in front of them became fake news.But this does not prevent New Delhi media from providing some reports of semi -true and semi -fakes, or use the style of spring and autumn.

For example, in the later September 1st, the Indian Stan Times passed the personnel in front of the interview. It was learned that the PLA had used Heavy-Caliber Weapons on the front line to point to Chushu, and forced the Indian army GIVE IN (Pay concessions or surrender).

In this regard, the Indian side opposes the same weapons, and on the other hand, the Special Border Force (SFF) walks around the north and south pass.By the night, Indian TV today also confirmed the deployment of the PLA artillery and tanks.

However, the TV station also stated in the show that the Indian Army had seized the two highlands in front of the PLA's post, and implied that it had presented a siege on the south bank of Ban Gonghu.This report soon set off in the Chinese world.Indian patriotic people in social media have also begun to celebrate Dajie.

But the outside world has gradually discovered that the Indian military's attitude towards victory is gradually fading.They not only pointed out that the Indian army released by some Indian media to seize the news of the north bank of Ban Gonghu as false reports.Its troops only conducted defensive deployment, and also emphasized that its purpose was to work to maintain peace and peace through dialogue.

From this time, the New Delhi media focused on the SFF that moved with the Indian army without being subject to the Indian army.

The free magazine of His Majesty of the Indian People's Party stated that this was the first time that this was the first time that New Delhi was formed by SFF; the daily news and analysis (DNA) claimed that the organization was an intelligence force of the Indian Army;For the first time, the Indian Army's special forces used special tactical signals to retire the PLA.

Considering that international media such as the New York Times have long pointed out, the Indian army and the PLA on the front line of Radak have tacit understanding of each other since 2013, but the outside world can read another kind of information:After the SFF of Modi), after the SFF of the authorities was sent to the front line, the organization quickly used the trust relationship between the front line.

The various intelligences of the Indian side have once again exposed the unprepared responsibilities of the New Delhi authorities in this confrontation.On September 4, the outside world was finally surprised to find that the Indian media could lie to the military situation without hesitation.

Unfortunately, on September 5th, when the Indian media did not see the Chinese Indian defense chief Rajnath Singh in the mouth of the Indian media, he specially met with the Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe on the 4th to try to change the crisis and resolve the crisis.When the lake of the lake shore was also diminishing, New Delhi found a new breakthrough.

The Indian newspaper Trust (PTI) and the Indian Times suddenly disclosed, saying that the PLA's five local people in the ABDUCT (abduction) of the PLA in the south of Yinzhi County.A nearby area was caught by an Indian side, and after 19 days, the person was transferred to the Indian military police.However, at the local Arunachest Times, the outside world can also find that the family members of the five people did not contact the Indian military personnel, and the five people also went to the north mountain forest to hunt.

Beijing has given a police officer: India should not only strengthen the management and control of front -line troops, to avoid its provocations or take any moves that may cause the situation to rise. New Delhi should be more restricted and do not deliberately speculate and spread negative information.The latter may be very difficult for India.The major media in New Delhi are eager to try, and the National University Party and other party groups in the field are also actively wrapped in Modi. When they ask for a justice for the brothers, the outside world may also clearly see the appearance of New Delhi to ignite.