The seal -China border, which has been quiet for a while, why is there a wave of waves, which is obviously American.

China's recent military exercises, especially Taiwan -related exercises, have not only attracted various frequent investigations in the United States, but also greatly strengthened the United States.How to restrain China's possible martial arts, India is a very good chess.It makes China feel that it may have to fight with the United States and India in the two major countries in the west and south of the United States and India at the same time.This is the excellent strategy of the United States decision -making layer to make good use of India.

After the conflict of the La Wanwan Valley in June, the China -India army at the end of August and the south bank of the Bandong Hubi and the Gulin Mountain Ests of Lataqi, the Ladaku area, and a new confrontation broke out.A spokesman for the western Chinese theater, Zhang Shuoli, said that on August 31, the Indian Army once again illegally Out of control near the south bank of Ban Gonghu and the Kiqin Mountain Exit, and blatantly provoked, causing the border situation to be tense.

In time, US President Trump said on September 4 that the United States is willing to help the Sino -Indian situation for ease.The American Naval Academy published the former Vice Chairman of the Federation and the retired general James Middot; Winnfield and the former Deputy Director of the Central Love Bureau Middot; Mirrell's joint article The War that Never Was?(Wars that have never been there?), Predict that mainland China will solve the Taiwan issue within three days from January 19 to January 21, 2021 to solve the Taiwan issue.The identity of the two authors is very important. The major information revealed by the articles is definitely wanting to stop the war by writing.

The big white shark, which is close, is the nickname of the former vice chairman of the Federation and the general retired James Middot; Winnfield. It is the ninth vice chairman of the joint meeting of the U.S. military.EssenceHe has graduated from the Naval War Institute and the Naval Nuclear Power School with the first grade, and has won a number of awards including William Middot; General Crowe Navy and William Middot; Lieutenant General Billez.He has proposed a sharp and unique war of war and the idea of empty sea, and is committed to promoting the US military to focus on core capabilities and creating a joint information environment.Former Central Intelligence Bureau Deputy Director Middot; Mike Morell.During the 33 -year CIA career, he served as deputy director for 3 years to manage the daily operation of the CIA, spoke in the White House and the Congress representatives of the China Love Bureau, and maintained the cooperation between the CIA and the intelligence service department and foreign leaders.Morrell is also the only intelligence officials around the president on the day of the 911 incident and the Middot; Ladden Laden.

It can be said that these two are masters of the US military strategy.The possible preparation and strategic planning for China must have far -reaching observations and judgments.The core judgment of the joint articles of the two US military ginsengs is that the PLA regains Taiwan's unstoppable momentum and can end the battle in three days.

This is the core judgment conclusion of this unstoppable three -day conclusion of the battle that can end the battle. It has created the US military strategy and the decision -making layer of the United States. It must focus on preventing and stifling China to launch martial arts against Taiwan, rather than focusing on China to Taiwan against Taiwan.How to help Taiwan cooperate against Taiwan to resist China after martial arts.In other words, the core is to allow China to regain the war of Taiwan not to happen, not what to do if it happens.

In fact, this defense -launched thinking of the US military strategy and the decision -making of the United States should strengthen China's determination to launch war to regain Taiwan. The more they are scared, the more we should do.

Recently, the Chinese exercise has trained the west ends of the Taiwan Strait, and also trained the maritime mobile warships that launched missiles from mainland China.It can be said that a series of military exercises have allowed the United States to see China's preparations and the power of China.These military exercises have continued to destroy the idea of provoking China in the South China Sea, and it has also given birth to a great vigilance to prevent China ’s might be a military show.

If Taiwan is recovered by China, Taiwan’s resources, population, industry, and military forces are merged into China. China will not only have a great strategic place like Taiwan, but also to accelerate the competition between China and the United States.The United States must try its best to ensure that Taiwan is not recovered by China.

How to prevent China's war on Taiwan's recovery, Americans also moved the strategy of saving Wei Zhao.As I said in the idea of how I had extinguished the Mujun Music in the United States in Lianhe Zaobao and Kunlun Ce, the core of the South China Sea was preventing the United States, and the core was preparing to regain Taiwan.If the United States dares to start war in the South China Sea, China should directly attack Taiwan.The more fully the preparation in China is, the greater the determination, the more they dare not provoke the South China Sea.The war to regain Taiwan can be surrounded by Wei to rescue Zhao Jienan's trouble.The Americans's siege of Wei rescued Zhao's plan, using India.

You can see the map of China that India intersects with western China, and Taiwan is in southern China.Make India's nervous manufacturing in western China can greatly contain China's martial arts in Taiwan.There may be few people in China who have thought about it, and one -to -two fights at the same time with the United States and India at the same time.Therefore, the United States believes that as long as this possibility is created, the Chinese decision -making level can scare the decision -making layer or at least to increase anxiety and hesitation.This can play a great effect on the idea of collecting the concept of China. Therefore, India's strategy can make conflicts and tensions in the west, and it can indeed contain China's idea of collecting platforms.

At the same time, India (at least a large stock of India's domestic forces) is also very willing to invade the border territory with support behind the United States, because they originally thought that these controversial territories belonged to them.

During the confrontation and conflict of the border, the U.S. politicians were unprecedentedly high -force in India.Among them, the Secretary of State Pompeo was the most active. He posted on Twitter on June 15th to explain to Indian soldiers who were killed by the Chinese side because of the initiative to provoke the Chinese side;And take the opportunity to accuse Chinese tensions from India; on July 8th, China said on the border to adopt incredible aggressive operations.The heart of the United States printed with China is clear.The continuous upgrade of US -Indian relations has also led to the continuous explanation of India's presence to India.For more than two years, the consultation between the four Indications (the United States, Japan, Australia and India) has been accelerated. It has been held 6 times to mid -2020, which is more substantial than one at a time.The four countries of the United States, Japan, Australia and India have established a network of 2+2 Foreign Ministers and Defense Mission Dialogue. The logistics system of the four countries officially signed the Logistics and mutual support agreement on June 4, 2020.It is also further grid.

At the same time, India's epidemic is out of control and the economy has fallen into unprecedented decline. It also allows India to make more toughness and show power. This is not incompetent internally. It can also transfer domestic vision and contradictions.

According to the latest data released by the Ministry of Health of India, as of 8 am on September 6, local time (10:30 in Beijing time), the cumulative confirmed cases of new Indian crown pneumonia rose to 4113812 cases.In the past 24 hours, 90,633 newly confirmed cases in India have once again set the largest day of a single day since the outbreak of the country's epidemic, and it has also set a global record for new cases of new cases in various countries.There were 1,065 new deaths, and a total of death rose to 70,626 cases.The cumulative cure cases are currently 3180,666 cases.At the same time as the new coronary pneumonia epidemic has intensified, India's economy in the second quarter of this year also declined sharply.QUOT; India QUOT; Network reported that India is experiencing the announcement of QUOT since the quarterly GDP in 1996; the most serious economic shrinking QUOT;Analyst's prediction is bad.The new crown epidemic seriously affected the Indian economy, the number of unemployed people rose sharply, and the service industry ushered in a wave of closure.The current problem that the Indian government needs to solve is how to balance between epidemic prevention and restoration of the economy.India has continued to deteriorate after the national blockade was lifted in early June, and the governments of the state had to tighten the local epidemic prevention restrictions again.Because of the concerns of affecting the economy and people's livelihood, the Indian Central Government also issued a statement specifically, saying that this restriction has affected all localitiesThe normal operation of cargo transportation, personnel flow and supply chain will lead to economic activities and employment interruptions.The central government requires that all local governments must ensure that the unsealed policy is not affected, and the free flow of protection personnel and goods flow.However, India has now obvious presence, unable to prevent, control, and unshakable epidemic.The number of infections in India is already equivalent to Brazil, and it is likely that it will soon surpass the United States to become the country with the largest number of people in the world.

India, which out of control, may continue to deepen as the number of deaths may increase and the economic recession will continue to deepen, and the unemployment will be extremely serious.It has to be guarded to transfer domestic contradictions with a conflict.Before the world's public opinion, the conflict and even war that the United States may be indirectly spawned due to plague. In fact, the conflict of indirectly spawned by the plague and even the war must be guarded by the world.

The current status quo of India, where the epidemic is out of control, is also the most affected by the US decision -making level.The fragile India has also become the most important thing in the United States to use to restrain China.Pursuing India and China conflict is a hundred limels and no harm to the United States.This is estimated to be the consensus recognized by the US strategy and decision -making layer.

India also needs, the United States also supports, then India's strategy to make conflicts in the Border manufacturing point at the Sino -Indian border can not only maintain India's determination and courage for national territory, but also echo the Indian nationals and enemies (China and India have war in war).The domestic atmosphere that is consistently tough and China can also have the support of the United States and the United States allies to continuously transport equipment ammunition and international public opinion support. It should be that the United States creates conflicts and stress in the west.There is no loss, only all kinds of benefits and gains.

How should China resolve this collusion behind the United States and India?

The author believes that if China wants to do what you want to do, he will do it firmly.If you don't want to do it, then the soldiers can cover the water blocking to cover up.If there is something to do, China does not need to worry about the joint policy of the United States and India.The US strategy thinks that China can recover Taiwan for three days. It is an objective evaluation of China's capabilities. I really want to regain Taiwan. They do n’t have to worry about fighting at the same time with the two major powers of the United States and India at the same time.An India does not dare to fight against China, and the United States and India will run faster than anyone else.That is, they are determined to use war at the same time at this time. China can also adopt the strategy of India before Taiwan and then India.Let India drill, after solving Taiwan, then solve the Indian army in their pockets.

It is best not to happen in such a scene. Our generation is peaceful, China, and extremely maintaining and cherishing peace.I also hope that China is not used as a soft persimmons. I always want to wipe the small profit of the ball map. It should be considered the current situation in the long run in the long -term pattern of the big country.

China's vaccine is about to be successfully studied. If India is needed, China can help it.The epidemic is early, and humans will return to peace as soon as possible.Don't play that little cleverness in the United States, challenging India to make China, not only use India, but also to win the friendship of more than 2 billion people in China and India.

China's unity, whether it is peace or war means, all resistance will be futile.The Chinese just want to achieve unity with the greatest patience and the best way. It really provokes China. It is completely okay to put down the patience and sincerity and simplicity.

Author: Peng Shengyu

Strategic Researcher, Researcher at Chahar Society, Special Researcher of IFF International Financial Forum