Steering wheel

The Cold War between China and the United States seems to have become a foregone conclusion, and many people even start to worry about whether there will be a hot battle.

In this intense atmosphere, Yang Jiechi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, visited Singapore a few days ago.In a very compact itinerary, accompanied by Zhang Zhixian, the Minister of State and Minister of State, and the Minister of State Security, he took a walk on the Singapore River and admired the bronze statue of Deng Xiaoping standing there.

This arrangement has attracted attention.

Because in recent years, there have been people who have been lamented that Deng Gong's tight light is no longer. How much is Deng Gong's political heritage?

The author believes that Deng Xiaoping's greatest political heritage black cat and white cat theory and dislikes have made China out of ideological disputes, embarked on the road of reform and opening up, and creatively combined with socialism and market economy, thereby laid decades of high -speed growth in high -speed growth.EssenceIt is really impossible to see that Chinese people who have tasted the 40 years of reform and opening up have any reason to abandon Deng Xiaoping's political heritage, go back to reform and opening up, and the ideological dead end.

Today, China has long been incorporated into the international system and global market economy, and does not want to output any doctrine or system.U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo and others should fight a new Cold War with China, and even require countries to fight against the CCP together with the United States, and play the banner of the Democratic League to defend the so -called free world.These old tunes have no new ideas and are doubtful.Do we really need to return to the Cold War?

There are ideological differences between China and the United States. In fact, this is the case from 1949.After playing the Han and Vietnam War, Nison decided to visit China.He said in a speech in the Great Hall of the People: I came for the interests of the American people.You are convinced of your system, and we also believe in our system.We meet here are not because we have a common belief, but because we have common interests and common hope.

And in 1972, China was still in the polarization of the Cultural Revolution.At that time, both sides could let go of ideological disputes, realized ice breaking, building diplomatic relations, and entering the honeymoon period. I can't see it. What must the two countries have to fight a new cold war for ideology today?

In his new iron curtain speech, Pompeo believed that the US contact policy in China has failed completely in the past 50 years because China has not changed ideology.However, China has gone out of the left after the reform and opening up, and has long been incorporated into the world system dominated by the United States.In terms of ideology, China and China when China and Nison visit China are too far away, but they are more similar to the United States.

However, Dr. Kissingh, who paved the way for Nicon's visit to China, said surprisingly two years ago: Sino -US relations can no longer return.Coincidentally, Chinese leaders have also frequently described the changes in the world's world pattern in the past two years with a large change in a century.

What happened between China and the United States?What exactly does a hundred years of changing situation refer to?Is it just that China's attitude is too high -profile and arrogant, stimulating the United States, and recruiting?If so, it will be solved if you return to Deng Gong's tight light.

Ke Kisinson said very clearly and couldn't go back anymore.Obviously he was not ideological or attitude, but pointed out.

Premier Li Xianlong talked about Sino -US relations in the US Foreign Affairs Magazine in June this year.He said that the United States must make a decision to treat the rise of China as a threat of survival or acknowledge that China is a big country?If it is the latter, it should promote cooperation and benign competition as much as possible.

But what if the former?Is that necessary to fight?

Premier Li said yes.The United States to China is just a difference in attitude mdash; mdash; acceptance still does not accept the rise of China.But what I want to ask is why the mainstream of the United States can accept the rise of China in the past, but now it is unacceptable?Is it because China's ideology has become more communist?

Obviously not.In my opinion, in the past, the United States could accept China from a poor and backward country and rose into a middle -developed country with a total economic aggregate.But now, China is the second largest economy in the world, and the gap between the two sides is getting closer and closer, especially in the field of technology.If China tolerates the rise of China, it means that tolerated China will surpass it one day.

To put it bluntly, the United States cannot accept the rise of China, but cannot accept it.

Regardless of the Republican or Democratic Party, there are definitely two parties in this regard.Obama once said that the United States did not accept the second child.Trump even shouted repeatedly that the United States is the first, which is probably the consensus of the United States.

Therefore, the essence of China and the United States in this round of confrontation, non -ideological disputes, is the trap of Xunxidide, which is a dispute between the boss and the second child.

As a big country, the mainstream society in the United States has determined that it is the last window period for the rise of China to prevent China, otherwise it will be difficult to stop China's rise (surpassing) in the future.Therefore, all means must be used to suppress this rising country.

The United States has irreversed China as competitors, not partners.But this is not terrible.Because the competition of great powers can also be a benign MDASH; mdash; the two sides can cooperate in the competition, promote each other, and comply with the rules of the game together.This is not only good for China and the United States, but also good for the world.

What if it is malignant?The two parties or one party do not focus on improving their competitiveness, but put their energy on destroying each other, and even for competition, at the expense of destroying the rules, provocation, falsification, doing everything, and even wanting to cause the other party to death.Such competition will inevitably go to confrontation and war.

Both China and the United States are nuclear powers and have the ability to destroy each other, so they cannot imagine that these two Congress broke out.So more people hope that they just fight the Cold War.This is probably the new essence of the new Cold War mdash; MDash; has nothing to do with ideology and is related to vicious competition.

The author is a columnist, editor -in -chief of the website