September 7, 2020

A new round of conflicts broke out in the Bandong Lake in Ladaka from the evening of August 29th to 30th from August 29th. On the 31st, the military of the two countries accused each other over the boundary of the actual jurisdiction of the border.The situation is tight.This is the situation in China and India's border again since June 15th.

After a new round of conflict broke out, the two sides resumed the conversation of long -level commanders on September 1st, but the Indian government decided to expand its military deployment in Radakh, allowing the Indian army to take all means to prevent the PLA from invasion, and it clearly showed that it would launch long -term with China to launch a long -term for a long time with China.Confrontation; although Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Europe has called for not to upgrade the conflict, the Chinese official media has said that China must be prepared for combat and emphasized that China's strength is several times in India. It is not our opponent at all.Essence

As the border situation continued to be tense, Wei Fenghe Wei Fenghe, the Chinese Defense Minister who was attending the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Defense Minister in Moscow, Russia, held talks with Indian National Defense Minister Lajanat Star last Friday night.This is also the first meeting of the China -India Defense Minister after the outbreak of the Ladaka area in May this year. However, in the talks for more than two hours, the two countries were disagreed, and they did not give up.

Wei Fenghe reiterated that the responsibility of the current tension of the border is exactly the Indian side, and China's territory cannot be lost in one inch; Rajanatxing said that the peace and stability of the border is critical to bilateral relations.Measures.However, Indian diplomats also told the media again that India will not compromise in territorial sovereignty.

Although China and India agrees to solve the problem by dialogue negotiation, the tension of the border has actually expanded.According to India today, India and China tanks have been deployed very close to each other and entered the range of each other.Hetian Airport.

As the border conflict was rapidly upgraded, India launched a revenge on China in the field of technology, announcing that it has further blocked 118 Chinese mobile phone applications, including Tencent's popular mobile game Jedi Shengli, photo editing software Cut Cut, video application VOOV, mobile Taobao, Taobao, Taobao,Youku and so on, the reason is that these applications endanger India's national security.

India has banned 59 Chinese applications at the end of June, including Tiktok, including short video sharing platform, and social media applications WeChat and Weibo; in July, India has banned 47 Chinese applications. In addition to this sealing operation, India has been disabled so far.224 Chinese applications.

Chinese President Xi Jinping said with Indian Prime Minister Modi in October 2019 that the two countries danced together in the dragon elephant instead of dragon elephants, which is already out of reach.Judging from the recent military mobilization and action deployment, the probability of a gunfire on both sides exists.

According to media reports of the two countries, the Indian Army has added 30,000 troops to the border, deploying a large number of tanks, artillery, and air forces to deal with military facilities such as roads, bridges, airports such as the PLA on the side of the Chinese actual control line;A large number of troops have built buildings in border areas to make a good preparation for troops to cross the winter in the border plateau.

In order to solve the problems left by historical history such as border territories, China and India have tried to contact and talk at all levels in the past for a period of time to actively seek peaceful resolution of border disputes. However, the expansion of contradictions and disputes have further deteriorated bilateral relations.

Judging from the words of government personnel and media of the two countries, accusing each other and provocation have become common actions. In the future, the two sides will reach any military and diplomatic consensus in the negotiations to maintain stability in the border area.Coupled with the serious out of control of the Indian Coronary Virus epidemic, it has dragged down the very weak economy. Facing the powerful China, the Modi government cannot have any weakness to China, and China cannot bow to India's actions.

China and India broke out in 1962. The conflict that broke out after May this year was the worst in more than half a century. On June 20, the two countries clashed in the Ladalwan Valley in the Radaku area, causing 20 India to India, which caused 20 IndiaThe soldiers died, and the two countries later agreed to withdraw the army, but the army of the two sides has been confronting the western Himalayas and deployed huge troops, tanks, artillery and fighters near the border.

In the past five months, the dispute between the China -India border has been deepened, and the differences in other areas have also expanded. The contradiction between the two countries is actually greater than the common interests. As the world's two major economies and the population country, the ending of the dragon elephant is only two defeats.Damage, China and India must continue to communicate and dialogue on the actual situation, and achieve some important consensus as soon as possible in order to prevent the two countries from moving towards the edge of war.