Ming Pao News Agency

COVAX, a new crown pneumonia vaccine plan initiated by the International Alliance, has participated in more than a hundred countries. The representatives of the alliance also made progress with China and the European Union. However, Washington has stated that it will not participate.The Presidential Election was distributed before the Presidential Election.The new vaccine is fully put into use and must have sufficient clinical data support. It has not been confirmed that the safe and reliable storage is launched. It is a dangerous gambling. The outside world is concerned about whether Washington will not wait for the results of the clinical test, and it will be large -scale.The COVAX plan is to ensure that the vaccine is fairly allocated to the world after the vaccine is fully distributed, and the weak countries and regions can also be dew. Washington refuses to participate.EssenceCOVAX currently covers 9 vaccine projects, including vaccines under the University of Hong Kong University. The Hong Kong Government should actively participate in the plan, and also pay close attention to the influence of vaccine nationalism.

Before the Moumou Election, the vaccine was launched by vaccine in the rich country to drag global hind legs.

There are more than a hundred new coronary pneumonia vaccine research projects in the world, and 10 of the third -stage large -scale clinical tests have entered the third stage.Based on past experience, the success rate of the vaccine through the third stage trial practice is only 10 % and a half.Western rich countries have strong financial resources, and can be submitted bilateral agreements with a number of major pharmaceutical factories at the same time. Early ordering vaccines are still under research, and even the pharmaceutical factory must be given priority.Can't sprinkle the net like a rich country.COVAX's big goal is to want to integrate armpits to ensure that weak countries and regions can also obtain vaccines to avoid the wealthy country monopolized vaccine.

COVAX is led by the WHO and Global Vaccine Immune Union (Gavi). It is a plan to coordinate global vaccine financing and supply.The Alliance supports a number of successful vaccine research projects with potential potential and shall be a procurement agreement with different pharmaceutical factories.The alliance will be distributed fairly after the vaccine is obtained. Each participating in the country and region can obtain the vaccine doses required for 20 % of the population, preferentially for medical care, patients and weak people.If there are more vaccine supply in the future, it is preferred to be used in countries with serious epidemic conditions.At present, COVAX covers 9 vaccine research projects. In addition to the British Oxford vaccine and two US vaccines, Hong Kong University and the Mainland also have each vaccine project.Although the Hong Kong University vaccine project is still in the early stage, it can be seen by COVAX to prove the level and strength of Hong Kong in Hong Kong.Earlier, the Hong Kong government explained the direction of vaccine procurement. In addition to consulting with individual pharmaceutical factories, it also included participating in the COVAX plan.

For the poor country, COVAX is a life -saving grass, but for the wealthy country, it is just to buy additional insurance and increase the opportunity to obtain vaccines. In addition, the planned operation model is to a certain degree to subsidize the country in the rich country.A lot of low.COVAX has not been like the ideal in terms of financing. In July this year, the Vaccine Alliance announced that there were nearly a hundred and low -income countries participating.Date to the middle of this month.The European Union talked about multilateralism, but was accused of being similar to the United States in vaccine procurement. Focusing on the signing of bilateral agreements with the large pharmaceutical factory, the support for COVAX was verbally oral. Until the recent vaccine alliance compromised to the rich, the EU agreed to let the member states pass on their own.COVAX purchase vaccine.The attitude of the United States is even less cooperative. Washington stated that one of the reasons is that WHO is corrupt.

The United States failed to resist, and President Trump has passed China, WHO, and even domestic authoritative experts in the United States.Washington announced his withdrawal from the WHO and owed nearly 100 million yuan to refuse to pay.The White House is engaged in vaccine nationalism, emphasizing the United States priority, throwing tens of billions of dollars, investing in multiple vaccine projects, and indicating in the contract. After the vaccine is launched, it must be supplied to the United States to meet the needs of the United States before supplying others.Earlier, the United States almost bought the supply of anti -epidemic drugs, Radelville's supply, and countries were all sideways. Now Washington has stated that it does not participate in COVAX, which may threaten future global vaccine supply and fair allocation.

Vaccine may be accelerated by the monopoly port

Trump strives for re -election, repeatedly putting pressure on the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and strives to be available before the November election.Many experts point out that with the current clinical test progress, a number of candidate vaccines cannot be launched before November.It is ready to take over a large scale before election.This is simply a political bet with public health and safety. If some people have obvious side effects, they may even promote the global anti -vaccine movement, which hinders vaccination and application in the future.

In 2009, pig influenza was popular. In the early days of the vaccine, the Western rich country almost monopolized all the supply. Fortunately, the virus was limited, and the poor country had no vaccine. It was not too bad.Again, it will be a disaster in the poor country.Experts estimate that if a number of new crown pneumonia candidates can pass the third phase of clinical testing, the world will have the opportunity to mass output about 2 billion doses of effective vaccines at the end of next year, but if the rich in the Western country will be injured again, all citizens are prioritized to take priority to take priorityThe supply of vaccines in many developing countries and regions will be extremely short.Experts from the vaccine alliance pointed out that assuming that each person is vaccinated with two doses of vaccines, 1.7 billion doses are used in the United States and Europe.The United States refuses to participate in COVAX. In the early days of vaccine, there was a problem that it was possible to hoard and raise prices. The Hong Kong government must prevent it early.Mainland vaccine research is multi -way. If the R & D is successful, of course, it can support Hong Kong. However, the Hong Kong government must also work hard to speed up the vaccine procurement progress and not sigh slowly.