In recent years, the decline in the US national strength, the international status of international prestige has fallen seriously, and various groups have also made international leadership decline significantly.However, although the United States has not been able to withdraw, the United States will not withdraw from the international political stage.Even if the United States has no ability to lead the world, can Western countries accept China? Although this world is not in the West, no matter whether people like or not, the current world order is established by the Western world and has always been dominated by the Western world.Even if other countries have accepted the role of Chinese leadership, it is difficult for China to lead the world without the acceptance of the Western world.At least from the present point of view, the Western world does not have any willingness to accept China's leadership; on the contrary, Western countries are always alert whether China will obtain international leadership.

I once put forward a thinking in the 100 -year prediction of the US power in the article.What is the most fundamental pursuit of all development?I think: It is the prosperity of our own life and happiness that allows us to have a happy life of 1.4 billion people.If we work more directly in the inside, the directness of the country and the prosperity of the country and the country may be more efficient and high -quality than that in introverted.At the same time, it is not enough to pursue the recognition of the outside world. It does not pay attention to global leadership of the world's influence, and it can also make China's development better and faster.If it is too pursuing the world's influence and the pursuit of world recognition, it may not only fall into our people's people, which may not be conducive to development.Too much pursuit of being recognized by the world and attaching too much attention to global leadership of world influence is also an unconfident forward path.In fact, it can be counted as a account. We spend that the total cost we pay for global leadership and influence to pursue the total cost of the world will be lost. Whether it must exceed these influence recognition leadershipWhich is bigger.This account is not good, but it can be counted.

Focusing on your own progress, reducing international competition reasonably, and modifying the pursuit of world influence and leadership moderately, it may make the path of China's development more caters to the inner desire of 14 billion people.The friendship of 100 million people.

This thinking should fit the core thinking of China's internal circulation.

First look at China's internal circulation.On September 1st, the 15th meeting of the Central Committee of Comprehensive Deepening Reform emphasized that promoting deeper reforms to implement higher levels of opening up to provide strong motivation for building a new development pattern.The meeting clearly pointed out that to accelerate the formation of a new development pattern of mutual promotion of domestic large cycles and domestic and international dual cycles. It is a strategic decision based on the development stage, environment, and conditions of my country's development. It is a systematic and deep change in global.We must continue to use the key movement of reforms, maintain the strategic determination of the courage to move forward, and unobstructed, and focus on adhering to and improving the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities, promote deeper reforms, implement a higher levelOpenness provides a strong motivation for building a new development pattern.At the same time, when we build a new development pattern, we have a significant institutional advantage and a solid basis for reform.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we have launched a series of major reform measures around the implementation of new development concepts, promoting high -quality development, and expanding opening up to the outside world, forming a series of theoretical achievements, institutional achievements, and practical results.It is necessary to make good use of these reform results, increase the efforts, speed up, and expand the depth in the effective results, so that various reforms focus on promoting the formation of a new development pattern.It also pointed out that in the current situation, the construction of a new development pattern is facing many new situations and problems. We must be good at using reform thinking and reform methods, and considering short -term response and medium- and long -term development.Settled.It is necessary to accelerate the reform of the reform of the efficiency of resource allocation, the reform of the quality and efficiency of development, the reform of the enthusiasm of all aspects, focus on key issues, strengthen the system integration, coordinated efficiency of reform measures, and open the stasis point blocking point, Stimulate the overall effect.It is necessary to connect the construction of a new development pattern with the implementation of the coordinated development strategy of the national regional regional and the construction of a free trade pilot zone, and take the lead in exploring the formation of a new development pattern in the conditional areas to create a new highland for reform and opening up.It is necessary to strengthen the foresight research of reform, grasp the laws of contradiction movement, abide by positive innovation, open up and innovate, be more active and effective to respond to unstable and uncertain factors, strengthen the ability of struggle, expand policy space, and enhance institutional tension.The meeting pointed out that at present, economic globalization has encountered reverse flow, unilateralism and protectionism have rose. We must not be blocked by reverse wind and back waves. We must stand on the correct side of history.Effect, coordinate development and security, and comprehensively prevent risk challenges.To promote the development of foreign trade innovation, we must implement new development concepts, focusing on building a new development pattern, focusing on supply -side structural reforms as the main line, deepening scientific and technological innovation, institutional innovation, formats and model innovation, accelerating the quality of trade, stabilizing the industrial chain supplyChain, cultivate new momentum of foreign trade, further promote trade facilitation, and optimize the development of foreign trade development.

Look at the United States in the United States.The core is a kind of belief mdash; mdash; we firmly believe that the country exists for the people.Our country wants to provide children with excellent school education, provide a safe living environment for families, and provide good jobs for everyone.These are the reasonable demands of the integrity, the integrity public.But many people face the reality that is inconsistent with our expectations.In the inner urban area, mothers and children are in poverty. The rusty factory is covered with the land of our country like a tombstone. The education system is full of dark and money transactions. Our young and handsome students have been deprived of.Knowledge learned.We belong to the same country, and their pain is our pain.Their dreams are also our dreams, and their achievements will be our achievements.We will be able to share dazzling achievements in the same home.The employment vow I made today is loyalty to all Americans.For decades, we have transported nutrition to the industrial industry at the cost of the decline of the American industry and assisted the army of other countries, but the consumption of our military forces has gone a blind eye.We have been committed to defending the territory of other countries, but ignore our own territory.We once transferred thousands of dollars to overseas, but our own infrastructure has been disrepairing for many years and has been deserted for many years.We helped others embark on the road of wealth, but our own wealth, strength and self -confidence gradually disappeared on the horizon.Our factory closed one after another, and thousands of workers who were behind were ignored for a long time.Our middle class's wealth is exploited and then assigned to other countries in the world.But these are all past, we have to look at the future now.Starting today, our country will have a new vision.Starting today, only the United States is the first MDASH; MDASH; the first in the United States.Every decision on trade, taxation, immigration, and diplomacy will be made for the interests of American workers and American families.We want to protect our national borders from being damaged by other countries. They produced the goods that belonged to us, stole the companies that originally wanted to invest in our land, and destroyed our job opportunities.Only protection can there be real prosperity.We will get back our job.We will re -guard the border.We will recapture our wealth and our dreams.In our vast and great land, we have to build new roads, highways, bridges, airports, tunnels and railways.Rebuild our country.We will follow the two simplest principles MDASH; mdash; buy American products and hire American workers.We will cultivate with other countries in the world.But based on the following consensus: All countries have the right to take their own interests first.We do not seek to impose our own lifestyle in others, and we hope that it can become a role model by ourselves.

In summary, it can be compared that China's internal circulation and the United States are preferred, based on how to seek the people's more real well -being.Both are the fundamental purpose of the core development of the two countries.

It has to admit that globalization has greatly exacerbated global competition, especially in major powers such as China and the United States.The primary meaning of globalization is that capital can flow freely in a larger scale, which means that capital will beEnergy to flow to areas with lower costs and higher profits.Due to the flow of various industrial capital to China and emerging market countries, the traditional advantageous industries in some countries and regions have rapidly declined.For example, Egypt's textile industry was an important industry in the country. It has now been completely declining, and the electronic industry, which has formed an advantage in Taiwan in Taiwan in 1990s, has also entered a period of decline in recent years.The changes in the industrial structure will of course reflect the changes in employment opportunities. With the decline of traditional advantageous industries, employment opportunities in these countries and regions have also decreased.In China, there are also problems of imbalanced regional development. The gap between regional development has gradually expanded, and the gap between the rich and the poor between different social groups has also expanded at the same time, which has laid a foreshadowing for political turmoil.Globalization may leave the political strata of many countries with huge cracks or even unpredictable movements.Globalization has exacerbated social inequality in the West.This is the so -called global dilemma.Globalization is an inevitable trend, and it is difficult to reverse. Whether someone praises openness or some people lament chaos.In recent years of observations, we can see that the development of the country and regions is not only different under the global pattern, but also increasingly different.The Big Macs with technology, funds and advanced management are even more giant, and the third world is even more third (not from short -term interests, from long -term interests).In the huge market in the current Earth Village, the trajectory of the market growth and decline is steeper and cruel.Because globalization will inevitably follow the jungle law of maximizing interests and survival of the fittest.German political scientist Karl Middot; Schlis believes that the world in the Cold War is either an enemy or a friend, and correspondingly, in the global world, all friends and enemies have become competitors.

Globalization is indeed a great exacerbation of various competitions between countries, especially large powers such as China and the United States.Such as scientific and technological competition, technology competition, employment competition, geopolitical competition, etc. are intensified in this big cake with globalization.Because when there is no globalization, there is no conflict of interest at first.

The deterioration of Sino -US relations under the global epidemic, and the sharp increase in the United States' containment of China has actually allowed China to stop reflecting on its development path over the years.In the past, we would not understand more. More about the weak and uncomfortable industrial chain, and more needed to go out to come in.Today, China's foreign dependence has been greatly reduced.Of course, it is not to say that when we can close the country, a country should not be closed at any time.All need to continue to learn from outside with a humble and cautious mentality.Zheng Yongnian recently proposed when attending the Central Conference that China will continue to open.It is a very good suggestion.If the United States closed the door to China, China would open the door to a larger door.In this world, China is not more closed than anyone else, which country is more open, and which country is the last winner.However, this openness, the author is more willing to advocate that it welcomes the world to enter China, while not blindly seeking a lot of attention to the key opening of the outside world.We put more openness to let the outside world work more with ourselves, rather than let us do it more to do it.

Therefore, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the focus of the opening of the internal work and the opening of the external work.Supplying in the internal circulation as the main and external circulation, that is, the focus is on the opening of the internal work.His efforts focus on more domestic, while continuing to welcome the world to the world, the world's future.

It is clear that the United States in the United States has never put forward the market that does not want the Chinese market, but just wants to make American companies employment back to the United States. What they built in the United States still wants to sell China.In other words, the United States priority is to focus on doing work internally, and at the same time still want to enjoy the global market, it is not a retreat.And more, letting enterprises return to China, return employment, and return national resources and energy to the country, no longer pursue global leadership global influence, reduce international obligations and national burdens, and expand the United States themselves.

The United States in the United States is actually worthy of our learning.We must keep more in the internal cycle than the United States, so that China ’s itself and the world’ s countries that are attracted to China are more focused on China ’s development.

Author: Peng Shengyu

Strategic Researcher of Petroleum Central Enterprise, Researcher of the Chahar Society, Special Researcher of the IFF International Financial Forum Research Institute