Wang Yingliang: This marks the extension of the US sanctions on China's investment in China from a strategic field to a civilian field, announcing the end of China's strategic opportunity for direct investment in the United States.

The greatness of Tiktok is that she almost grabbed everyone's psychology that everyone wanted to be an actor and wanted to be a spectator.In the development, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter in the community form a competitive advantage, creating a new legend of business.It can be said without exaggeration that Tiktok has created China's most successful business model for the nearly half century of the United States.

Tiktok, as a socially high -quality assets cultivated in the United States, was forced to sell under Trump's administrative pressure, which attracted many powerful buyers.On August 24, 2020, Wal -Mart confirmed that Microsoft will tease Microsoft to acquire Tiktok's US assets.The US White House economic adviser Larry Bull; Larry Kudlow said the U.S. government did not think about who the US government acquired the Chinese short film sharing platform.According to US media, sources said that Tiktok will sell business in the United States and Canada for $ 20 billion to 30 billion US dollars.

On August 24, Western time in the United States, TIKTOK formally filed a lawsuit against Trump's administrative orders in the California District Court, but on the other side, TIKTOK will be forced to close its United States if failed to reach an agreement with the acquirer before SeptemberThe possibility of business is prepared.It can be said that the high -level industry has deeply understood the uncertainty accompanied by the long judicialness and the threat caused by the authority of the presidential administrative order.Tiktok actively sued and strive to maintain the value of assets to ensure the decently evacuated in the US market.In the case of difficulty seeking high -level target MDASH; MDASH; continuing to maintain operation and control (status quo), Tiktok's choice of evacuation can be said to be the inevitable conflict between the United States and the conflict between China and the United States' political and economic structural contradictions.

On December 18, 2017, the national security strategy report released by the Trump administration is a watershed in the United States' policy on China.China's positioning in the US National Security Strategy Report is obvious, and it has gradually transformed from historical partners to the current national security threat.The strategic report marks the US government's public reflection of the past contact with peace in China and define China as a Strategic Competitor.The strength of a multinational company on behalf of one country is an important component of national viscosity power. However, the biggest weakness of multinational companies is that in international conflicts, it is often easy to become hostages or become a state of Economic StateCraft.The Trump administration tends to seek absolute returns in diplomacy. After the use of taxation, the weapon of taxation has greatly limited the flow of Sino -US trade commodities, the bias pursuit of the national security strategy indicates that the Trump administration will inevitably target specific specific targets for specific targets.Actions of multinational companies.

Sino -U.S. Economic interdependence relationships are mainly based on Sino -US trade, mutual investment, Chinese enterprises listed in the United States, and China ’s purchase of U.S. Treasury bonds.At present, Trump cuts a relatively large Sino -US trade with high tariffs, and has severely weakened China's direct investment in the United States (especially investment in strategic assets) through new legislation.The compliance survey of listed companies in the United States has made a large number of Chinese companies in a tense and self -protection situation.Trump's series of operations in terms of tariffs, legislation, administrative means and other aspects reversed the golden period of mutual trust in the Sino -US economy under Obama in a short period of time.This reversal is intuitively manifested in Decoupling, but the depth formed by China and the United States before Trump's job relies on each other.of.Among all economic dependence, direct investment can form in -depth associations and interests of interests.Different from the existence of a fair legal system and path in dealing with the trading relationship. To deal with direct investment in the United States, the Trump administration needs to upgrade the legal system to deal with complex property rights and interest conflicts. In addition, it must face possible revenge and countermeasures in China.

Target refraction interests.Specifically, Trump's state officials are the following points for the goal of striving for Tiktok's restrictions.I. Back the Chinese industry with a scale of multinational companies, use asymmetric dependence and manipulate this asymmetry to quickly drag Chinese enterprises into passive situations, and strive to shame Chinese multinational companies.Second, the United Union allies carry out siege and sanctions to quickly weaken Tiktok's market in the United States. It not only requires Tiktok to withdraw from the United States, but also mobilizes its leadership information.Third, the experiment suppressed the multinational company of Chinese enterprises in the whole government model. The large U.S. government has no objection to Trump's power without any opposition, reflecting Trump's power and authority.Fourth, beauty strictly sanction Tiktok shows the United States' firm attitude towards China.Direct investment can deeply infiltrate the object of the object country, cracking down on the opponent's country's multinational company in its own country, and sanctions are the sign of desertation towards deepening.V. Use the attitude of fighting Tiktok to test the Chinese government. The United States determined that China will not turn their faces with the United States because of individual companies. Especially when the United States is in a relative offensive stage and global shrinkage and cold, China will show it to the world to show the world.Attitude, the United States will not be held on Tiktok's affairs.He is good at speculative and with a small Trump for winning another economy before the election, stimulating domestic economic nationalism, adding points to the election.From the current tendency of public opinion, it is difficult for Tiktok to win the victory in lawsuits. It was originally a green land company that China directly invested in the United States but faced the US giants' enclosure, and it is more likely to be mergers and acquisitions instead of acquisitions.This is conducive to stimulating the nationalism and patriotism of the American people.6. A deterrent of China's existing investment in the United States, the U.S. government understands that not only does it oppose Chinese -style political and business relations (such as state -owned enterprises/sovereign wealth funds and other government -supported US investment in the United States).Chinese -funded multinational companies that threaten the security of the United States.

Sanctioning Tiktok is not an isolated incident, and its significance is extraordinary.

I. Trump's restrictions on TIKTOK and strike or end China's strategic opportunity for direct investment in the United States.China ’s direct investment in the United States has entered a rise in 2006. By 2016, the direct investment volume reached 45.63 billion U.S. dollars, which began to decline. China’ s direct investment in the United States has achieved more than ten years.In the strategic world, more than ten years of development is often defined as a strategic opportunity period.Unlike Huawei and ZTE, such as technology -based companies that are obviously engaged in emerging technology research and development, TIKTOK uses AI and algorithms to focus on the entertainment industry, and the investment scale is huge.In terms of market share and brand awareness, it is unprecedented in the history of direct investment in the United States.Trump strives to reverse the trade deficit. Shortly after he took office, he limited Chinese enterprise investment and ignored the positive role of China -Enterprise investment in alleviating trade deficits.On August 13, 2018, after the signing of Trump, the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act (Firrma) officially took effect.The bill is a summary of the historical experience of the United States' foreign security review. It has further made up and repaired past regulations and measures. The goal is particularly targeted at China's investment in the United States.It can be said that Firrma can make preventive blows to all investments that can threaten the US industry and national security, and generally highlight the strict, heavy, and fast -point point.Tiktok's restrictions can be explained from Firrma.If the style and bottom line of the Trump administration's small test of the Trump administration is just a small test of the Trump administration and gradually understanding the Chinese government's economic diplomatic negotiations, it is the exclusion of ZTE and Huawei's stuck in the neck to continue living.Sanctions Tiktok marked the extension of the US sanctions on China's investment in China to extend from the strategic field to the civilian field, and sanctions Tiktok substantially announced the end of China's strategic opportunity for direct investment in the United States.

Second, sanction Tiktok indicates any anyChina's investment in the United States may face political risks.Chinese multinational companies can shape themselves as high -quality assets with capital advantages and modern market operations, producing first -class products and gaining global attention in the short term.However, Chinese enterprises have a relatively advantageous advantage in a certain field. Although some Chinese multinational companies have constructed deepening dependence with the US interests, the legitimacy of investment is often questioned in the face of US national security interests.Destiny can't help but be passive.

3. The U.S. government and some large consortia have formed a close political and economic community. This kind of alliance often uses national administrative and security forces to ensure its own country while facing the challenge from a competitive state multinational company.The monopoly and widow of multinational companies.When Chinese multinational companies are bigger and stronger in the United States, or the global trend will form an oligopoly market, the US government will intervene.It can be said that the formation of the advantages and status of multinational companies must not only develop its own efforts and have core competitiveness, but also requires the support of the parent government.Global industrial competition and cooperation represented by multinational companies is essentially systemic confrontation and cooperation including government forces.

4. China's direct investment in the United States has gone for half a century, but Chinese companies still have lack of experience in dealing with the relationship with the US government and risk prevention, and they can't even see risks. It is necessary to build economic dependence to bring political/property security.TIKTOK and investors (capital/shareholders in Western countries) failed to build a community of destiny, they just built a profit community. Under extreme pressure, these investors may become the final straw that crushes Tiktok.The management of Tiktok saw the cooperation of Sino -US relations but did not see the unbelievable and vulnerable side; Chinese business forces that failed to unite in the United States such as the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in the United States.In the face of the US market and the US government encouraged investment, some Chinese companies have relaxed pre -precautions and have not studied in depth that the United States has a long -term strategy against China.This is manifested in the lack of relevant talents and organization preparations. The high -level high -level consciousness is weak in the construction of emergency management teams and political risk prevention.Facing the power suppression of the US government, the byte beating failed to organize forces to perform positive effects, and rushing to fight in the passive mid -term, so that American decision makers have aware of the lack of preparation and obvious vulnerability of Chinese enterprises, as well as shorts in strategic negotiation capabilities.plate.

In the game, Chinese companies seem to be large but still in unbalanced and asymmetric status compared to the state power.It can be said that although TIKTOK has innovation in the business model and has a prominent advantage in profitability, it is not strong, rich and Shaowei's reality.

5. The US investment market is brutal, and the Trump administration has implemented recreationalism and blatantly leased.Mercantilism is an economic form of nationalism.Its goal is to maximize the country's wealth to improve employment development taxes; promote manufacturing and industries, especially military -purpose products, occupy priority in the global market.Readlists try to ensure that the country can produce as many products as possible, thereby reducing dependence on foreign suppliers.On the sanction of Tiktok, the Trump administration's reorganized businessist performance was vividly.Objectively speaking, TIKTOK has explored a new business model in the competitive entertainment market. Trump uses administrative means to squeeze TIKTOK to help cultivate similar industries in the United States, and purchase (and) Tiktok's high -quality assetsIt reflects Trump's pursuit of business advantages and competitiveness.The nature of the Trump merchants has made it more confused. Without any legal basis, it requires Tiktok to pay the US Finance Ministry of Finance in the transaction.

6. Trump's sanctions on Tiktok will further crack down on China's recovery of investing in the United States, increase the uncertainty of Chinese -funded companies 'investment, and further threaten the stability of investing in US stocks and weaken Chinese investors' confidence.The United States' sanctions on Tiktok proceed from network security and national security and combined with realistic political interests.In the past, the United States had used the reasons for ZTE and Huawei to use violations of intellectual property rights and trade embargo. In reality, the US dollar hegemony and long -armed jurisdiction based on American strength.The national security system is becoming increasingly complicated and sensitive, and related laws/policies are becoming more and more sophisticated. Chinese enterprises' multinational companies have to be cautious.

7. Sanction Tiktok also serves the needs of political elections at the same time.During the election, the Trump administration was worried that Tiktok was operated by opponents as a tool for political mobilization.Young voters are important relying on the Democratic Party, and many young voters in the United States are Tiktok's loyal users. Trump's loss of epidemic response has caused the economic situation to reverse, and young people have worsened their employment.Under the pressure of survival, young people must seek a certain channel of interests. Trump's main support is not in young people but financial capital owners and rust states.Originally Trump's main concerns were network attacks from hostile countries such as Russia and North Korea, and did not consider the political participation of Tiktok's huge market share among young people and the political mobilization that may be brought about by this.Uncertainty makes Trump feel stress and fear.Tiktok is a pure commercial app on the surface, but behind tens of millions of American young people with voting rights.Under the epidemic, a considerable number of young people make a living by operating TIKTOK, limiting the order that will make these groups have to suffer economic losses or transfer to other platforms to continue their operations.Compared to the data and information leaks that Tiktok may cause, Trump is more worried about its use of political opponents for election mobilization to form a campaign advantage.

As Kissinger said, China and the United States can no longer return.Sanctioning Tiktok is a historic event, and China's overall political environment for direct investment in the United States has changed.China's strategic opportunity period for direct investment in the United States may end.It's time to let the multinational companies of China and the United States think about the political risks of Sino -US conflicts and implement new adjustments to the investment strategy.

The core goal of byte beating to US investment is to achieve investment profits.In the current situation, ensure that the company's asset security and value preservation are fundamental.While taking judicial procedures, price negotiations will be launched randomly.In this regard, byte beating must actively build a strong leadership core, especially the company's senior management can consider going to the United States to negotiate in person.It is certain that Tiktok's operations and business communications have been monitored and monitored by the US government and legal departments. The next business negotiations and confidentiality will be the focus.In this regard, the confidentiality work for business negotiations is particularly important, such as using encrypted communication to contact TIKTOK, reorgan and supervise Tiktok senior management, etc.Some non -core assets can be handled by special asset companies in advance. Byte beating can only negotiate core assets.Strive for the use of buyers' competition, avoid mergers and acquisitions, strive for specific persistent income equity, and negotiate business income from data security separately.Tiktok must protect business interests and protect shareholders' yields.Actively seek the possibility of acquiring in Chinese -funded enterprises in the United States.There are huge number of multinational companies in China in the United States, including large companies such as Bank of China, AVIC, China Architecture, Lenovo, Alibaba and other companies.Seeking a means of checking the price of US buyers.In addition, Tiktok must strictly adhere to political neutrality during the US election, standardize users' words and deeds, do a good job of security prevention of the enterprise, and prevent upgraded sanctions such as network virus attacks or attracting huge amounts of fines in the US government during the final critical period, so that itself is in the negotiations.The pricing power/initiative is passive.

On August 28, the Ministry of Commerce of China announced that the government has expanded its export control technology list, updated China's prohibition of export restrictions on export technology catalogs, and incorporated new rules related to artificial intelligence.The Chinese government has previously emphasized that Internet technology innovation is a strategic pioneer for economic and social development and a significant symbol of national competitiveness.China regards AI and intelligent algorithms as a tool for achieving curve overtaking in the new industrial revolution.Tiktok uses related technologies.Article 21 of the rules for data -based analysis of personalized information push service technology, Article 18 Regarding the control points of artificial intelligence interaction interface technology, TIKTOK may involve the company's technology.With comparative advantages and patent property rightsIn the field of technology, the Chinese government shows a posture that is not easy to concession, which means that the US -funded managers will face the determination of the Chinese government to defend technical sovereignty (intellectual property).The Wal -Mart, Oracle and Microsoft, which are currently publicly stated in the bidding, have huge markets in China.

This signal shows that multinational companies are the consequences of competitiveness in China and the United States. At present, the Chinese and American governments are currently running from behind the competition of multinational companies to the front desk and carried out new wrestling with the means of fighting.Can TIKTOK seize this powerful opportunity to reverse the situation, will the seemingly finalized bureau set a different approach into a new bureau?The performance of Tiktok and the Chinese government around the world.

(Note: The author is a candidate for PhD in International Relations of Fudan University. This article only represents the author's personal point of view.