Zhongshi Society

The US missile destroyer Haier has traveled through the Taiwan Strait on the 30th. This is the 11th of the US warships to sail the Taiwan Strait 11 this year., East China Sea, Bohai, and Huang Navy continued.The military confrontation of the United States and China Action / Anti -Action has continued to rise, and Taiwan's security has been threatened for a long time.In the face of the change, Taiwan must recognize that security is in me, and any external force is not enough.

Former Ma Ying -jeou used the first battle, the final battle, and criticized Cai Yingwen to bring Taiwan to the edge of the war, setting off a political drool war in the country, and further intensifying Taiwan's internal opposition.There are three contexts for the future issues of Taiwan: Will the Chinese Communist Party launch martial arts operations?In response to the ability and support time of the Chinese army's military attack?Will the United States get involved in troops?Strictly speaking, Taiwan's security is like these three factors that cannot be controlled by themselves, and the future is difficult to optimistic.

Playing ideological buffer characters

The Taiwan Strait's military balance has long been inclined to the mainland. The number of troops, the number of weapons, and the scale of national defense budgets are not proportional. Taiwan has even lost the excellent training and advanced weapons of weapons.The main weapon system in Taiwan depends on the United States. Many experts have questioned that the United States sells too many expensive traditional weapons such as F-16V fighters, M1A1 tanks, and large surface ships to Taiwan.One of the hidden worries.

As for whether the United States will send troops to intervene in the military conflict of Taiwan and maritime, the strategic ambiguity of the United States for more than 40 years does not have enough scary effects, but has encountered the Chinese Communist Party's martial arts criminals.Facing the strong modern military power of the Communist Party of China, the specific guarantee for the security of Taiwan represents more heavy responsibilities and risks, which has made the United States ahead.Trump recently said in the relevant inquiry of the reporter that I think that the CCP knows what I will do and still maintains the consistent vague position in the United States.

From the analysis of pure military level, such as the sound of the Taiwan Strait, Taiwan will immediately be trapped in the most dangerous situation. It is a meaningless debate to be supported by the death of personnel injury, public facilities, and private property. It is a meaningless debate to support the US forces.It is not enough to obscure and resist the CCP's criminals by military strength. Taiwan must be backed by the overall strength, consensus, and democratic freedom value. At the same time, the bilateral relations between Taiwan and the United States will be deepened, cross -strait relations are improved, and bilateral enemy proposals may be governed for a long time.

Taiwan must break the myth of the deterioration of the deterioration of US -China relations to Taiwan. This time, US -China relations have been fully evil, which has caused a serious impact on Taiwan's security.On the contrary, such as the improvement of cross -strait relations, Taiwan can play an ideological buffer role in the competition between the two major power, which will help their own security.

Taiwan must adhere to an independent foreign policy.The Trump administration's support for Taiwan is indeed surpassed the United States, but there are still two phenomena worthy of attention: the relationship is too shallow, and it has not taken off the Chinese strategy category and anti -China priority to help Taiwan.

Tsai Ing -wen recently told the US think tank that it should establish a more constructive Taiwan -US security cooperation relationship, start negotiation of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA), and strengthen the connection with other democratic countries with other ideas.Relations still lack the mechanism and standardization of institutionalization and legalization.

Taiwan's announcement of the full opening of the import of American pig and beef next year is to pave the way for the FTA or bilateral trade agreement (BTA) with far -reaching strategic meaning to deepen the US -Taiwan relations.The U.S. Trade Representatives of the Trade negotiations have not stated. The Asia -Pacific Assistant Qing Steve of the State Council did not make any positive response at the video conference on the 31st.The United States comprehensively checks the strategic structure of China.

Cai Yingwen's greater challenges actually come from the inside, a split -and -no society, and cannot cope with foreign threats. The DPP government has a strong and proud style.Pig Niu imports further tear the society and weaken the energy of foreign agencies and negotiations, let alone respond to the CCP's military threat.

There is a considerable difference in the cognition of the people of Taiwan. The polls show that nearly 80 % of the people believe that the CCP cannot attack Taiwan; once the cross -strait conflicts broke out, nearly 60 % of the people think that the United States will send troops to assist;The party to enter the party is willing to operate, and to create a unreal sense of security and self -confidence, and then double the opposition to the mainland, it will become the biggest threat of national security.

Sino -US relations have deteriorated, and the foundation of cross -strait relations has been loosened. Although the United States is strongly selling military sales of Taiwan, the United States shows concern and commitment to Taiwan's security. However, the United States has no intention of changing the policy of China.Have your own plans.In the past 4 years, Tsai Ing -wen has always had hope for cross -strait relations. He believes that the Cai Xihui will be quite attractive. Facing the new situation in China and the United States, cross -strait relations may collapse. She has a responsibility to clearly say a new attitude towards cross -strait relations.