Ge Hongliang

In 2020, the smile country in Thailand probably wanted to cry without tears. First, the tourism economy was severely damaged by the crown disease. The protests developed from student activities now have a gradual breakdown.

Not long ago, there was a rally of tens of thousands of people participating in the Bangkok Democratic Monument, which pushed this round of protests to orgasm.Judging from the demands of protests and demonstrators, this round of protests is unusual, which can not only constitute a comprehensive political challenge to the Pakistani government and the royal family, but also may lead to a change in the constitutional monarchy in Thailand for nearly a century.

The Constitution of the Thai monarchy was established in 1932. It is currently the most fundamental political system in Thailand and has been nearly a century.In the past century, the development and practice of the constitutionalism of the Thai monarchy has significant characteristics in general.

First, the establishment of the constitutional monarchy has a direct relationship with the United Nations of Thailand's Political Affairs Corporation and the Officer Group; and the three -party relationships formed by the formation between the Civilian Group, the Officer Group and the royal family actually dominate the development context of the Thai political situation.During the period, this also experienced the co -emergence of the royal family by the civilian and the officer group. The Civilian Group and the royal alliance, the officer group alliance with the royal family, and the royal family over the world of secular political forces. There were no strict time lines.

Second, under the constitutional monarchy, the power and status of the king of Thailand and the royal family appeared up and down with the development of the national political situation.After the Constitution of the monarchy has just been established, the king and the royal family are gradually expressed by the marginalization and dwarfing of the royal family. The royal etiquette has been simplified. The king has almost nothing except for a name.This situation continued until Rama -nine Pu Mei Biopen was ascended.

With the superb political wrist and the contradiction between the military group and the civilian group, although Lama 9 has several military coup and political situation several times, it has the overall ability to turn the tide, resolve the crisis, and stabilize the political situation.At the same time, Lama 9 has gradually established prestige in the people through religious and affordable projects.For a long time, he is also known as the elephant back king, which is regarded by the Thai people as a god -like existence.In this way, the royal family can override the secular political authority.

Third, under the constitutional monarchy, in addition to the three -party relationship between royal family, officers and civilian groups, the contradictions between traditional political authority and democratic movements in Thailand have also run through.From the perspective of the subject, the participants of the democratic protest movement are mainly students. Since the 1970s, the student movement has often targeted the politics of the officer group.Therefore, the occurrence of military coup is usually triggered student movement and street protests.

From another level, the student's protest movement did not point the finger to the king and the royal family. On the contrary, Lamajiu and the royal family also played the role of the protector when dealing with the military protest movement.Not only that, with the development of the rich and the poor in Thailand, the development of the rich and the poor in Thailand, and the development of regional development, it has shown a trend of differentiation and opposition. The long -standing street protest against sports red and yellow battle is the main manifestation.

However, the Constitution of the Thai monarchy faces a comprehensive challenge after the impact of the 2019 election and the impact of the student protest movement.After the 2019 election, the red and yellow disputes that have long existed in Thailand's politics in the past have changed. The main representative of the Huang Shijun's Democratic Party has transformed into a small party attached to the military after the election.Gradually rising, and with the newly revised constitution in 2017, it has established greater advantages and authority.The leading party of the Red Shirts is the Thai party. Although it experienced a heavy blow after the coupon in 2014, it still active in politics with clear political claims, and formed a democratic line after this election.

At the same time, it is even more vivid that another new situation in Thai politics has appeared, that is, the rise of emerging democratic forces represented by the future forward party.This force has actually formed new opposition and contradictions with the traditional political parties and power in Thailand.This emerging democratic force represents changes and dislikes for new and political traditions; from the perspective of members, most of them are students and young voters.

Under the evolution of this political situation, the protest movement of Thailand's rounds of protests has also become a confrontation between the democratic front and the Batoyu government and its military front.New symbol of change.Therefore, the student protest movement requires the prime minister's steps down, another general election, and re -control the constitution as the first three demands. The spearr point directly to the Bayu government and the military front, but at the same time, it has begun to be on the level of speech and belief.And challenge the preparation of kingship.

On August 10, the student rally expanded the original three demands to 10 points, including allowing the royal family, reducing the royal budget, and prohibiting the royal family.This is obviously very different from the past, and the controversial Lama Tenth La Julong has repeatedly worked hard since the throne, trying to consolidate power and flashy style, let the royal image fall thousands of feet, and let the younger generation of the belief of the king and the royal family of the king and the royal familyThere was a huge contrast change.

Also in the protests on August 10, some student leaders sighed: In the past, some remarks were fooling us, saying that people born in the royal family are the incarnation of God and Angels, but please ask yourself. You are sure that angels or gods have this.Personal?This also shows that protesters have publicly opposed the traditional beliefs of the royal god rights.

From the current point of view, although the demands mentioned by the student protest movement are difficult to become a political reform program and have been implemented quickly, it is certain that unlike previous political situations, it has accompanied the rise of the emerging forces and democratic forces in Thailand's political circles and the rise of democratic forces.It kicked off with this round of student protest.In the future, how to reform the constitutional monarchy, in order to achieve the stability and democratic political development of Thailand, it will constitute the core topic of the game of all parties.

The author is the Guangxi University of Ethnology, China

Deputy Dean of ASEAN College

Senior researcher at the China Chahar Society