01 Weekly

Author: Kong Xiangwei

For Seth Berkley, the chief executive of GAVI (Gavi), the biggest problem with vaccine distribution is Vaccine Nationalism.Nowadays, a lot of rich countries only pay attention to priority to ensure that their nationals can vaccine.For example, under the Operation Warp Speed, the U.S. government aims to distribute 300 million doses of new crown vaccines in early 2021 to citizens, and has signed a pre -order order of about $ 10 billion in about $ 10 billion in R & D companies.The message is very obvious.In Europe, the tolerance vaccine alliance (IVA) consisting of France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands has signed an agreement to purchase 400 million Astrikon vaccine for EU member states; the United Kingdom has pre -order with four pharmaceutical plants about 2.5100 billion vaccine.Biontech and Pfizer have also agreed to provide 120 million vaccines to Japan in the first half of next year.

The big -handed snap -up has caused friction between countries.For example, the United States subscribed to the headquarters in Sanofi, headquartered in France, and Paul Hudson, chief executive of the latter, believes that the United States has the right to obtain the maximum pre -order form because of its investment risk.French officials cannot accept this statement, saying that vaccines should be a global public interest, and they cannot be concessions when everyone obtains vaccines (rights) equal.The big amount of money in the United States also suspected to cause Germany to worry.The German government acquired approximately 23%of the local vaccine company Curevac in June for 300 million euros.The company's MRNA vaccine has entered the second phase of clinical trials.Economic Minister of Economic Minister Peter Altmaier admits that vaccines are non -selling products.We will not sell the heir home.I am a global free market economy supporter, but in some areas, our position must be very clear.

But who should be vaccinated first?Many medical experts believe that it is very obvious: first, a global medical personnel, and then a high -risk person who suffers from serious diseases, and the people who spread quickly in the area of the epidemic are finally others.Dutch lawyer and public health activist ElLENT HOEN reminded: If low -risk people in rich countries are vaccinated, the medical staff in South Africa will not be very ridiculous.

Thomas Bollyky, Director of the Global Health Planning of the United States Foreign relations, and Chad Brown, a researcher at the PIIE Institute of the Institute of International Economics (PIIE) of Think Tank, published a tragic article entitled by the Foreign Affair Magazine in Foreign Affairs.To describe the vaccination battle between this wealthy country is the so -called prisoner's dilemma.Just as Berkley pointed out that a better way is to allocate the initial vaccine output to some of each country's population by inoculation compared to all people in a few people in a few countries: unless everyone is safe, you are not safe.