Author: Yi Yan

The Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held a press conference on the evening of the 28th to explain the illness of ulcerative colonitis, expressing his words. After the Liberal Democratic Party advanced the new president in mid -September, he unloaded his position.

Abe's cabinet was unsatisfactory due to the new crown epidemic prevention and economic revitalization, and the support rate of the cabinet fell. The original Liberal Democratic Party's second -order Junbo held that under the unannounced consensus of the party's faction, Abe continued to serve as the fourth president.The power of the post -Abe era competed in advance.

However, the term of office of the President Abe is still more than a year. Abe's core supports the second -order Jun Bo and Makotaro Masaki, and Abe still supports Abe to fulfill his term.Saying cautiously, after Abe reported the recurrence of the old illness, he still stated that he supported Abe's renewal, and there was no way to force the palace, but the coexistence of the factions has quietly begun.

After Abe's resignation, the competition of the Liberal Democratic Party's factions will be complained. This decides Abe's succession candidate, but the president's approval method will be able to qualify.In accordance with the Democratic Party rules, the re -election of 47 party members, party friends and other local votes and party members of the party members of the Capitals and Party members must be re -elected.In the second round of voting participated in the participation of members, when the president was missing for the reason for the reason for the reason, Chapter 2 of the Liberal Democratic Party Constitution stipulated that the members of the two houses can always be selected.

At the press conference, Abe will be re -elected by the party's president second -order operation.This is not conducive to the high prestige of polls, but it is still a lonely bird in the party, and Shipao, who lacks faction support.Although the President of the President of the Liberal Democratic Party and the former Foreign Principles Kishita's public opinion support has not improved, it is the head of the Kishida faction. He was deeply appreciated by Abe and rebuilt the old good with Masheng Taro.There are absolute advantages in the meeting.However, Kishida's relationship with the second order is inconsistent. Under the compromise with the second -order and Masaki, the publicity nickname Ling and the uncle's cabinet chief official Tan Yiwei may be favored in order to exchange the next support of Kanada Tana or Kono Kono.

Cabinet official house chief has a prime minister's politically female house (wife), and Yiyi Yiwei is the official house chief of the Prime Minister who is the prime minister. He is skilled in various government affairs promoted by Abe's cabinet and has a good relationship with the public party that co -governed.The policy orientation of the Pu Yiwei is not obvious, and he is in danger in the Chaos World Bureau. It is expected that the peaceful and solid period of the current internal affairs and diplomacy is expected to be safe.

Regardless of whether the power of power in the post -Abe era is two -stage transition or in place, it will have a deep impact on future Japan and international politics.Abe's long -term governance in the past 8 years is not accidental. It is longer than communication and coordination. It can review the situation in the opinions of all parties, respect the bureaucratic specialty, and do not take extreme decision -making styles. It should bring a sense of stability to the Japanese nationals.If the successor of the prime minister lacks this harmony, it may bring Japan to the political turbulence of the prime minister's change in the age of the year.

Abe is a leader who is senior and good at diplomacy and is good at diplomacy, and leaders of the United States, China, and Russia to maintain friendly relations.Faced with the severe challenges of the global political and economic order and the intensification of American and China -China confrontation, how compatible the US -Japan alliance and the United States and China relations have been compatible and accommodated. Whether the next Japanese Prime Minister can continue Abe's achievements, the challenges and pressure are not small.This not only affects the international situation of the Indo -Pacific region, but also is more important to win or defeat the next Japanese House of Representatives. Who belongs to the Japanese regime?

(The author is a university professor)