Duanyun to see the stars

In the past, it was impossible to go back. Will the entire economic field be like the ruins after World War II, bringing an opportunity to rebuild the world and bringing another opportunity to prosper?

The coronary virus epidemic is still sweeping every corner of the world. The economic situation in various countries is dangerous and the employment situation is severe.The key question is, what other situations will happen ahead?

Microsoft's co -founder Bill Gates predicted in the recent interview that the worst situation is still ahead, and the number of deaths will eventually rise by millions; those medical and health care systems and the economy are already in trouble.Area.

There is no doubt that the world is facing the most arduous challenges since the end of World War II, and a new type of virus has destroyed all crises.If Bill Gates' prediction is accurate, it is that it is not until the dark moment. Even if the world economy has not been on the edge of collapse, we can no longer go back to the past.

After the stimulus measures and supporting facilities of many countries are expired, they have no choice but to launch a assistance plan, and whether the economy can prevent the economy from collapse, it is still a big question mark.During the anti -epidemic period, the epidemic changed the operating model of many economic fields. The company closed or reduced people, the store was closed, and people lost their jobs. Everyone's life and working methods changed.New normal.

Supporting economy, guaranteeing work, guaranteeing students, guaranteeing enterprises, and promoting consumption has become the necessary slogan and actions for the government, and most of them are paid by the government.All countries are also reinterpreting globalization and reorganizing the global supply chain. It is necessary to build a new economic order on the ruins of the epidemic, so that economic activities can resume operation and help the unemployed to find a job again, but no one is sure of these problems.solve.

Because the coronary virus is not like the severe acute respiratory syndrome (referred to as Shas) in 29 countries and regions from November 2002 to September 2003, it automatically disappeared for a while.The World Health Organization Director -General Tan Desai said on the 21st this month that he hopes that crown disease will end in two years.So what we see now is that the virus continues to hurt the economy and destroy what we live.

The New York Times columnist Thomas Middot; Thomas L. Friedman published an article entitled by the world entitled after the popularity of crown disease, and in many public places, the international pattern after discussion after the epidemic was discussed.With the future of globalization, we emphasized that the epidemic church taught us the principle of being humble in response to nature.

What will happen to the world during the period of crown disease?Friedman was not pessimistic, but his statement was very technical and was not easy to understand by ordinary people.Friedman has written the best -selling book world. The world is flat, emphasizing the flat barrier -free world of the world, making it easier for the global horizontal connection and communication, but people can't help but ask:Flat or rugged?

The epidemic has completely changed people's lives. The days of freedom can only be in the nostalgia. Even after the epidemic, it is difficult for us to restore the old life normal; and everything that is destroyed by the epidemic requires a short time to rebuild.After relaxing the isolation measures, the infection cases of various countries recovered, and then blocked it again, and the economy was overwhelming, which caused the economy to fall into atrophy.

In the past, it was impossible to go back. Will the entire economic field be like the ruins after World War II, bringing an opportunity to rebuild the world and bringing another opportunity to prosper?This is still a difficult question. Some people have said that the global aviation industry will not fully recover until 2024; Singapore Airlines, which is trapped, just spent half of the 8.8 billion yuan of mobile funds raised in June.In the face of the difficult situation in the financial crisis, friends who are engaged in the construction industry say that the local construction industry will take at least two years to restore the normal state.

To reverse the continuous deteriorating world economic situation, it is necessary to wait for an opportunity to reinstate economic motivation. The prerequisite conditions are to drive the virus as soon as possible to prevent governments from continuously paying for the economic recovery of the country when the epidemic is still there.The intensive Sino -US game and regional confrontation situation, as if there are gunpowder barrels everywhere, may evolve into a world -wide conflict.

The number of people in the world's crown diseases broke the 1 million mark on April 3, and broke the 10 million mark on June 29th.Very amazing.But many people are numb and no longer pay attention to these data, because it is meaningless to know. People pay attention to how to go in the future, even if they can't go back.

(The author is senior commentator