Taiwan United Daily News Agency

President Tsai Ing -wen announced the opening of the imports of American pigs. All security standards explained that it was roughly similar to the Ma Ying -jeou government that year. The key goal was to strive to sign a bilateral trade agreement with the United States, and even the participation of the cross -Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP).The Tsai government is currently endorsing the Malaysian government of that year; the Malaysian government cannot do it that year, because the DPP's strong struggle.EssenceThe Democratic Progressive Party has been mistaken for many years and is not willing to admit it; the DPP owes the people of Taiwan a solemn apology.

From President Chen Shui -bian to drop, no president is not under pressure from the American pig, and the cow, but does not dare to take care of the public opinion response.The message, while Trump was officially nominated by the Republican Party, presented a great gift, and Bao Bao was strong.The US Vice President Pance has fallen, and it has proved the success of the President of Trump with Taiwan's policy. This continuous Taiwan drama is exactly the Tsai government's strong cooperation with the United States and uses a large number of US military sales and open American pigs.The relationship between the good Taiwan and the United States is completely in line with the Most of the Democratic Progressive Party's black box operations.It's just that the DPP never explains, why is Cai Yingwen, Ma Ying -jeou can't?

The officials who accompanied President Tsai in the Presidential Palace to announce the opening of the US pig and American cow policy were all the main corners of the American pig and American beef.Only when Lai Qingde stepped down as the executive president, did he stated that the Democratic Progressive Party had to open American pigs and cows in the past.It is difficult to blame and apologize to the society.Other ministers seemed to have been forgotten, and they were transformed in a time and space change. They were amnesia for hacking cabinets, disregarding public opinion, contempting Congress, and incompetence government.The committees are also full of snoring.This also proves that what policy propositions and black and white are all the parties, and they are all argued that they have nothing to do with scientific standards and the well -being of the people. No wonder even the green camp legislators acknowledge that this policy is not opposed.

As a Pingtung County Mayor Pan Meng'an, as a legislator, he threatened to lean meat and tolerance when he was the legislator. Now he dare not say a word, how to face pig farmers voters?The Cai government, which is known as transparent and open, has made at least three risk assessments at least three risk assessments, but has not announced it; after the president announced the policy direction of the policy, the Food and Drug Administration does not announce the completed risk assessment as the basis of the presidential policy.Whether the risk assessment is in line with the current situation, and then order the Merko Lake Doppamamine Standard; this risk assessment of this archery and post -drawing target is really not done.What is even more questionable is that even professional organs such as the Food and Drug Administration must first be politically and then scientific. Who still believes that the Ministry of Health and Welfare can control the health of the people?

The most important thing is that the DPP government, which has always emphasized the democratic values of Taiwan, did not communicate with the people, especially farmers, and even the drums before such a major policy announcement.The DPP is fully governed, and the DPP government has completely ignored the existence of Congress. A paper administrative order must be a policy. This is an unbelievable permission in other democratic countries.As a leader of the normal country, can You Xixi ignore the duties of the parliament of parliament, instead of asking the administrative department to report to the Legislative Yuan?It even asked the president to make a national conditions report, which can clarify the direction for the future Taiwan -US trade agreement.The Tsai government is too lazy to play such a scene, where does the National Council, where does the democracy in Taiwan?If Taiwanese society is so easily allowed to pass the US pigs, what room for negotiations will there be in the future?Even if the Taiwan -US bilateral trade agreement has been signed, it is afraid that it is the content of the defeat of soldiers, no in order to defend Taiwan's rights and interests, and even cause the crisis of Taiwan's future development.

In the new international situation, Taiwan's demanding international survival space has not had much choice. After several political rotations, the DPP government's policy hairpin is also normal.However, the DPP never admits to mistakes, changes it, nor does it never bow to the people, and does not bow to democracy. The arrogance of this power is the most proposed and dangerous.If in order to be the president and sacrifice people's health as the exchange condition, then I want to just do n’t take it seriously. Lai Qingde has said so in the past, and now it should be said loudly!