Ming Pao News Agency

The Hong Kong government intends to relax the epidemic prevention measures from Friday to relieve the restaurant banning of the evening market.There are signs of improvement in the Hong Kong epidemic, and new cases of new cases have fallen to less than 20 levels in a single day. Slightly relaxed epidemic prevention measures can reduce the fatigue of resistance and people's livelihood.Testing and finding, the public must be vigilant, and epidemic prevention cannot be relaxed.In response to the third wave of epidemics, the Hong Kong Government seeks the mainland to assist in improving the detection capacity and isolation treatment facilities, but virus tracking is still yet to be strengthened.The epidemic prevention and control of the Hong Kong epidemic has experienced three closes and two reasons. This time, it is still unknown whether the cycle of the epidemic in the epidemic is still unknown if it can be taken out.It is not enough to grasp. This time the authorities relaxed the prevention measures and took a small step for the people's livelihood economy. I hope that this will not be the beginning of the next cycle.

Anti -epidemic fatigue should be milhed

Do not relax the awareness of epidemic prevention

The third wave of epidemic broke out last month. Hong Kong's epidemic prevention measures tightened to all the unexplained. The two people restricted the order, the evening market for restraint, and the mask order, etc., played an important role in the spread of the epidemic. HoweverThe restrictions last for more than more than a month have also put a tremendous pressure on the economic and people's livelihood.The night market in the food industry stopped, of course, the loss was heavy, and there were many inconvenience to some night shift staff. Some citizens had to eat in the park in the park. The situation was not ideal.The hot summer is hot, and the citizen's outdoor sports must wear a mask, of course, it is not a comfortable experience.As the epidemic improves, the society requires a lot of sound prevention measures.Last week, the government maintained the immune prevention measures. By this week, the authorities decided to take the first step in loosening. Unless the epidemic reversed, the restaurant hall food can be extended to 9 o'clock in the evening.Open, citizens do exercise outdoor, or in the outdoor scope of country parks, can not wear masks, hoping to reduce the pressure of related industries, and facilitate citizens' signs.

The most dangerous part of the third wave of epidemic is that there are a large number of invisible transmission chains in the community.Recently, local infection cases have fallen significantly, but the unknown cases of the source still account for about 40 % of the daily number of new diagnosis cases.Chi, the hard work in the past few months has been put into the east at any time.The government will launch a voluntary virus test plan for the whole people at the beginning of next month, which will help find out more invisible patients. In order to be the overall interests of the society, no matter the experts or the average person, it should be scientific.People should let go of their political stance and actively participate in the test.From the perspective of epidemic prevention, when the results of the voluntary testing are buried, it is the most ideal to loosen the epidemic prevention measures in mid -September.

In other words, the government's relaxation of epidemic prevention measures this time is more symbolic than the actual role for the affected industry.Taking the food industry as an example, although the dinner time is extended to 9 pm, at most two people remain unchanged, which is quite limited to business. For many restaurants, if you want to restore dinner dinners to do business, I am afraid that it still need to be still needed.After a period of time, the current is the critical period of defeating the third wave of epidemic. At best, epidemic prevention measures can only be relaxed slightly, and error information must not be issued, so that the public thinks that there is no need to worry about the epidemic, and the related industries need to be patient. At the same time, the government is also the government.It is necessary to make every way to make social and economic activities in the future to truly be able to achieve sustainable reopening and avoid economic and people's livelihood again.

After the Hong Kong epidemic prevention measures, after the third relaxation, whether Hong Kong can jump out of the cycle of the restart of the economy-the resurgence of the epidemic is still a big question.Epidemic prevention experts believe that the third wave of epidemic is related to the quarantine of seafarers and crew members. The authorities must learn from lessons and strengthen entry quarantine.The risk of input cases will inevitably increase. If you have to coexist with the epidemic and achieve sustainable recurrence, the government must have a high -efficiency immune system, and all walks of life must also have the number of recruits for sustainable operations.

Virus tracking is missing

Not practical by writing a diary

The restaurant is a focus of the third wave of epidemic. Recently, some people in the industry have proposed that strengthening the indoor gas and ventilation of restaurants and setting up a platform for the establishment of a platform, hoping to reduce the risk of virus transmission and avoid the full stop in the evening market in the future.The industry is willing to take more steps to strengthen epidemic prevention. Of course, it is a good thing, but it is suitable for large groups. Small merchants in tea restaurants may not be able to do it. Those who are different in the industry and the industry should make more discussions.It is still required that diners should take care of themselves after meals. All kinds of feasible options should be considered in depth.

In the previous two waves of epidemic, the Hong Kong Government was stretched in the aspects of virus testing, isolation facilities, and the treatment of beds. In order to cope with the third wave of epidemic, the SAR government sought in the mainland assistance.What a significant improvement in the authorities is not only empowers to follow -up of close contact with more public officials, or it is not enough to improve the situation.Officials call on citizens to develop a habit of writing a diary and write down the places they have been every day, the taxi license plate number, etc., so that the Health Department can find close contacts when necessary in the future.Related suggestions are not entirely useless in theory, but in reality, how many people will do their best and make people doubtful.

Powerful testing, efficient tracking and isolation treatment have become the risks of the epidemic rail.The epidemic is protracted, and all parties need to face reality. At present, the core issue is not how to choose between the virus tracking and personal privacy, but between tracking, privacy, and sustainable recovery.Those must have blind spots.The virus tracking ability cannot be improved, and the lack of one of the railway triangle of the epidemic is inevitable.