01 Viewpoint

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny suspected to be poisoned and was sent to Berlin for treatment. Different from German doctors testing the bilobarase inhibitors. Unlike the test results of Russian health officials, Prime Minister MerkelAnd Foreign Minister Mas immediately asked the Russian authorities to investigate the incident.Russia -related suspected poisoning incidents occur again, or caused another diplomatic vortex between Europe and Russia.

As early as 2006, the former KGB spy, Alexander Litvinenko, was convenient for London to be poisoned. After investigating the British High Court, Putin said that Putin was likely to be behind the scenes.The Russian spy Skripal and his daughter Yulia Skripal, who were exiled in the UK in 2018, were also killed by poisoning, which once caused British and Russian diplomatic storms.

This time, Navali, who was poisoned, was the most famous opposition leader in Russia.It can speak well and not afraid of power, and stabs Russia's corruption of corruption and corruption.As early as the national Duma election in 2011, Navali rebuked Putin's unified Russian party election fraud, for scammers and thieves, and called on the Chinese people to go to the streets, which also caused the national demonstration.Many cases have been sentenced to three years.In 2016, Navali announced the campaign president, but the selection will be DQ as a fraud case.

Putin's internal and external problems?

Because of this background of Navali, although there is no evidence that this is what this is the palace, some people have speculated whether they will deal with political opponents below Putin.On the one hand, there is a wave of anti -government in Russia. President Alexander Lukashenko, who is closely related to Putin, is facing down pressure.And Russia was near the local election. When Navali was poisoned, he was in the Siberian Tomsk (Tomsk) to vote for independent candidates.Khabarovsk, the city of Russia, was arrested by the central government at the beginning of last month because of the local election of the local election, the local election of the district.There are also sporadic demonstrations to support Beli.

Putin has continued to centralized power since it came to power, and once canceled the direct election of the local head, and changed to Putin himself. As a result, Putin had to have strong local dissatisfaction.The following year, the ministerial bureau resumed local direct elections to calm the people's indignation.In 2018, the coastal border selection of the Vladivostle is located at 99%of the re -Russian party candidate Andrei Tarasenko.The votes were all taken by Tara Xianke.In the end, although the Russian Party was a miracle, it had seriously hit Putin's prestige in the local area.

European countries meet Putin again

The long -term alienation of Moscow's relationship with thousands of kilometers away from the Far East has been a structural long -term problem.Putin's centralized central government has seriously tilted policies and resources towards Eu Russia. The long -term investment in the Far East, backward infrastructure, industrial depression, and the continuous flow of labor, the disparity between the rich and the poor has become more serious, and the local people are dissatisfied with Moscow.In 2018, Fulgan, the Freedom Democratic Party, was elected as the head of the Belio Border. In order to punish the local voters, Putin relocated the capital of the Greater Administrative Region to Vladivostok, making the central and local relations more confrontation.The national constitutional referendum a month ago, Tomusk, who voted before Berryo or Navari poisoning, had only about 40%of the voting rate, which was far lower than the national average of 68%.

Of course, Putin was average of nearly 70 % in the country in order to continue to pave the way in power.Excluding the calculation of 22 million issues of opposition scholars, as well as many allegations such as Western bribery and repeated voting. The official results show that 56 million people have cast an favor, accounting for a considerable part of the country's population.Although Putin's domestic people's hope in China is not brave, it seems not easy to copy the national anti -government demonstration trend of the country.However, Putin looked around the Quartet, the west has Berlos overwhelming, and there are Belle people in the east, and the Navali shuttle in the middle of the central part. Naturally, there is a voice speculation that the Russian President Putin fear will cause the bone brand effect and endanger the stability of his regime.Start against the opposition.European -Russian relations have turned off in recent years. This time, Western countries such as Germany have once again met Putin, and it is unknown whether it will cause a new diplomatic crisis.