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Time is like an arrow. Tomorrow (August 26) is the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.In the past few months, Shenzhen folks have held various celebrations.Recently, when some relevant reports were made, some past events interviewed in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone's anniversary 10 years ago also floated my mind bit by bit.

On September 6th, 10 years ago, the Shenzhen Municipal Government held a 30th anniversary celebration conference on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of a large -scale SAR.As the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and President Hu Jintao personally went south to participate in the event and delivered speeches on the same day, the event attracted a large number of Hong Kong media and foreign media reporters to interview.

To be honest, the theme of the event that day was not very attractive. Instead, Hu Jintao's two small actions during the period unexpectedly caused public attention.

Let's talk about the first thing first.At that time, Wen Jiabao, the Chinese State Council, went to Shenzhen to investigate as early as August. During this period, high -profile calling for the reform of the political system within the party.For this reason, the outside world has quite much expectations for Hu Jintao's Shenzhen Xing.

However, Hu Jintao did not echo Wen Jiabao at the celebration of the conference, but he emphasized that the reform of economic, political, cultural, and social systems should be placed in a pan.

The different customs of Hu Wen immediately caught attention.Some Hong Kong media disclosed that in the written speech in the hands of the officials of Shenzhen on the day, there was a sentence actively promoting democratic construction within the party to expand democracy within the party to promote people's democracy, but Hu Jintao did not mention in his speech.At that time, I was also at the scene of the conference. I remember that the event was starting at 10 am in the morning. Due to security reasons, a reporter would take the shuttle bus arranged by the government to the event venue MDASH; mdash; Shenzhen University City Gymnasium,Then sit in the last row of the museum and wait.

Of course, the taste of more than two hours is of course uncomfortable.Finally at 10 o'clock, Hu Jintao was present.The drowsy atmosphere was dispersed by a warm applause.When Hu Jintao spoke, a sharp -eyed Hong Kong reporter suddenly discovered that a man sitting in the front row and an official like an official was concentrating on reading a document, and occasionally scratched a pen.

The reporter took a closer look that the person was checking Hu Jintao's speech.If the reporter obtained the treasure, he also followed the comparison and found that some sentences, such as the content of political reform, did not read it.Some political analysts stated that the subtle changes in the content of the speech reflected that Hu Jintao's carefulness of Hu Jintao on the issue of the party's internal political reform.

Indeed, the Chinese national leaders' speeches on important occasions are considered to be considered through words, and there is no loss.But in all fairness, if you are at the scene, considering that the leaders attend more than ten activities daily, the content of the lecture on the spot is not surprising.The media said that the situation in China's political reform was intricate and complicated, and it was a bit overly interpreted.In fact, in many public activities in Hong Kong, many officials' speech content and speeches have been different, and there is no need to interpret the political meaning behind it.

The second thing is related to Hong Kong's richest man Li Ka -shing.That day, Li Ka -shing was also invited to attend the event and came to the stage. Before the celebration, he had been separated by Hu Jintao.

During the meeting, Hu Jintao politely said to Li Jiacheng: As soon as I arrived yesterday, I heard that you came, and I told officials that I said that no matter how long the time, I always have to meet you and talk.After that, Hu Jintao praised Li Ka -shing as an outstanding business entrepreneur and wished him in good health.

Hu Jintao met with Li Ka -shing high -profile. Hong Kong media reporters at the scene of the conference did not know at all. It was only known that the interview returned to Hong Kong to watch TV news at the end of the interview.Everyone was extremely wrong, and there were many discussions, guessing the intention of Beijing.As a result, many headline news from Hong Kong media the next day from Hu Jintao attended the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, and became Hu Lihui.

It turned out that after Huwen came to power, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government had repeatedly asked the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to pay attention to the interests of grassroots citizens. Many people believe that the Hong Kong government's governance will no longer put the interests of business as the first place as before.Hu Jintao's public courtesy Li Jiacheng naturally caused many speculations in Hong Kong media in Hong Kong, and believed that the Hong Kong government might attach importance to the interests of business again.

The above two small things reflect the strength of Hong Kong media interpretation of news inertia.But in fact, in addition to seeing Li Jiacheng at that time, Hu Jintao also met with Shenzhen businessmen such as Wang Chuanfu and Ma Huateng, but the Hong Kong media did not notice it.With Li Ka -shing's international status, Hu Jintao's meeting with him is also natural.

In any case, Li Ka -shing's special treatment by Hu Jintao's high -profile intercourse just reflects from the side that Beijing has made a significant contribution to the reform and development of Shenzhen in the past few decades of reform and development.

It is amazing that 10 years have passed, and Shenzhen has been developing thousands of miles a day, but Hong Kong, separated by a river, is constantly trapped in the muddy mud.If the Shenzhen government will hold the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the SAR tomorrow, will the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce be seen separately?