The coronary virus disease in 2019 has been raging for more than half a year, and the epidemic has a huge impact on public health and economy around the world.According to the predictions of the World Health Organization and medical experts from various places, people need to prepare for the transmission of coronary viruses for a long time.

From the beginning of the epidemic, the world has invested a lot of manpower and material resources to study the virus. However, it has not found special effects medicines, and the development of vaccine is also in the clinical trial stage.In the past six months, the methods of responding to the epidemic in various countries have not been consistent. Some countries include China, and the effect of controlling the epidemic is relatively significant.Compared with other countries, China has a characteristic in the treatment of crown disease, that is, the use of Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.According to reports, the treatment method of combining pure Chinese medicine or Chinese and Western medicine has achieved more than 90%of the total efficiency.

According to the records of the Chinese Medicine Classic Literature, ancient China has experienced hundreds of infectious plague.In this ancient medicine book more than 2,000 years ago, the laws and treatment rules for plague were also listed.Later, Zhang Zhongjing, a famous doctor in the Han Dynasty, proposed the law of dialectical theory of syndrome differential theory for comprehensive thinking on various pathogenic factors in his typhoid fever.Traditional Chinese medicine should deal with infectious diseases.These ancient experiences and wisdom have guided Chinese medicine for treatment of diseased medicine for many years, and in this crown disease epidemic, it highlights the inheritance and application of relevant knowledge.

In the overall thinking of Chinese medicine, the human body is always affected by various factors of the external environment, including regions, climate, humanities, natural ecology, animal and plant, microorganisms, bacterial viruses, etc.If the human body can coordinate with the environment and avoid the invasion of bacteria and viruses, it will be conditional to achieve the balance of yin and yang of the body and maintain health.Conversely, if the human body is infected with coronal virus, the pathological reaction will occur in the body. However, due to the differences in physical constitution and other environmental factors they face, the symptoms and severity of the disease will be different.

Traditional Chinese medicine is diagnosed, collected the symptoms and individual information, comprehensively considering determining the overall basic cause, and formulating targeted treatment solutions.Through dialectical treatment, the yin and yang imbalances of the body are adjusted, the environment in the human body is improved and the ability to resist disease resistance, so as to suppress, drive or eliminate the virus, and restore the health of the body.

Crown disease treatment plan

In response to this crown disease epidemic, China has adopted strict control measures and poured a large number of manpower and material resources to resist the disease. In terms of treatment, traditional Chinese medicine is also widely used, with modern medicine and Chinese and Western mergers, and achieves good results.China ’s anti -epidemic experience, after analysis, judgment and summary of experts, through the General Office of the National Health and Health Commission of China, it has successively released and updated the diagnosis and treatment of new coronary virus pneumonia.For world reference and reference.

The latest seventh edition diagnosis and treatment plan released in March this year belongs to the category of Chinese medicine epidemic. Patients develop their disease due to the feeling of the qi of the epidemic. The condition process can be divided into the following stages.In the plan, it is recommended that local governments can refer to relevant information according to the condition, local climate characteristics, and different constitutions.

First, medical observation period: When the initial diagnosis is not confirmed, patients are mostly weak, gastrointestinal discomfort or fever.

Second, clinical treatment period: When patients are diagnosed, they enter the clinical treatment period.According to the severity of the disease, it is divided into four stages: light, ordinary, heavy, and harsh.During this period, patients often experience common symptoms of acute respiratory infections, including fever, tiredness, cough, sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, limb soreness, etc.

In addition, through the diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine, many patients have been found to have symptoms of physical dysfunction caused by cold and dampness, humidity, or wet poison.Under the influence of coronary virus and wet evil causes, the patient's viscera system failed to metabolize normally, showing the pathological state of yin and yang imbalance.At this moment, traditional Chinese medicine further summarizes the disease as cold, damp lung, damp heat, lungs, wet poison stagnation, lung, and cold and damp lung blockage.The inflammatory fever, as well as pathological reactions such as stasis, occlusion, and humidity caused by wet evil, restore the coordination and operation of the viscera system of the body, which can achieve the best yin and yang balance of the body.

Third, severe type: With the development and worsening of the condition, patients with severe occlusion of the lungs under the attack of continuous inflammation and wet poisoning, the symptoms of asthma, breathing difficulty, cough, yellow or blood, etc.Close lung type.

After that, if there are serious symptoms such as hot and thirst, consciousness, convulsions, etc.At this moment, traditional Chinese medicine with Chinese medicine is clearing heat and detoxifying, nourishing yin and removing stasis, and combined with traditional Chinese medicine injection treatment to eliminate lung inflammation and stasis, supplement the fluid of organ tissue, and restore the normal physiological function of lungs and other internal organs.

Fourth, the crisis type: The patient enters the danger period, and the viscera tissue in the body loses its function due to severe occlusion. It must mechanically assist breathing. The external manifestations are coma, sweat, and cold limbs.It is necessary to use the brain to open the trick, Fuyang rescue the recipes, and combined with the injection and modern medical methods and the emergency treatment of the equipment, in order to spend the dangerous period.

During the above clinical treatment period, the diagnosis and treatment plan was recommended to clear the lung detoxification soup as the basic prescription for the treatment reference.This prescription integrates Zhang Zhongjing's four classic prescriptions, including 21 -flavored Chinese medicine. It has the effects of proclaiming lung cough, removing dampness, heat, and antiviral, and can be used for different stages of this period.

According to modern medical research, this prescription uses multi -medicine, multiple targets, multi -signal channels and multi -biological functions to play the role of new crown pneumonia in the early stage.However, the diagnosis and treatment plan is recommended to consider comprehensive factors such as the environment, climate, and patient constitution when using this prescription.Essence

Fifth, recovery period: After the patient was healed, due to the continuous attack of virus and wet evil, the body was weak, energy was low, and the metabolism function of the lungs and the spleen was not good. Traditional Chinese medicine syndrome was deficiency of lungs or qi or qi.Yin two deficiency syndrome.At this moment, we still need to continue medication, nourish qi and nourish yin, strengthen the spleen and lungs to accelerate and consolidate rehabilitation, and avoid being infected with bacteria or other viruses.When the body supplements sufficient nutrition and water, and has the energy required to run the viscera function, the body can achieve the ideal state of the best coordination and yin and yang balance.

As mentioned above, according to Chinese experience, in this crown disease incident, Chinese medicine cooperates with modern medicine to effectively treat patients and quickly control the epidemic.Looking at the method of treating infectious diseases and plague in traditional Chinese medicine, the focus is not to kill the virus, but to regulate the coordination and balance of the viscera system, so that the body can fully play the ability of disease resistance and healing.

Recently reported information shows that the application method of Chinese medicine is in line with the classics, fully drawing on the experience of ancient medical doctors, cooperating with the overall thinking of traditional Chinese medicine, dialectical treatment, addition and subtraction of tailor -made medicine, so that treatment can play the best function.

The laws of traditional Chinese medicine treating infectious diseases are people -oriented, which is inevitable in ancient times that the virus failed.But even if the virus has been confirmed today, Chinese medicine has become one of the few feasible response plans when lacking special effects and vaccines.

Relatively speaking, controlling the source of infections such as bacteria and viruses is full of uncontrollable factors, but the coordination and balance of the personal environment can be intervened and regulated through the dialectics of traditional Chinese medicine.This law of thinking and disease treatment is believed to provide one more choice for treatment in response to the current and future infectious plague.Especially in modern society, in addition to the consideration of medical and health, epidemic control is closely related to the restart of the economy. Therefore, if you can weigh the advantages and disadvantages, start all safe and feasible response methods to control the epidemic, it will reduce the time to close economic activities, restart the economy as soon as possible, reduce people as soon as possibleThe pain of restoring normal life.

(The author is a doctoral physician of NTU Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic and Director)

The article only represents the author's personal point of view