Author: Sun Yangming

Former President Ma Ying -jeou's national unsafe seminars have not been completed, and Su Qi, a former secretary -general of the National Security Council, has just ended; the DPP government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can't wait to respond.It is said that it is well -founded.

In fact, after the DPP government came to power, the tension between the two sides of the strait is obvious to all.In addition, the anti -China emotion of the United States itself from the Late Obama administration has refueling the DPP's anti -China / Taiwan independence policy.The real problem is that the Trump administration's related cross -strait policies are not stable, and it is not a relatively long -term thinking policy; more, a group of Trump's radical and emotional conspirators made with one -sided ideas.Intuition reaction.

For example, President Tsai Ing -wen stated that Taiwan can face the first hit in Beijing and hope that other allies can support it in the future; relevant American persons have clearly knew that in Taipei. Once Beijing has a martial arts in Taiwan, Taipei must be able to have capacity.At least one month against mainland China, it is hopeful to wait for the support of the United States.But this number is one week during President Ma Ying -jeou.In addition, American friends who have long been paying attention to cross -strait issues have a better understanding that under the Trump administration, Taiwan should re -think its cross -strait policies.These messages were clearly passed on to Taipei, but obviously did not occupy an important position in the policy thinking of the DPP government.

The most troublesomeness is that the DPP government fully believes that the message of a single unit in the United States has no further analytical ability.At the United States Minister of Defense Ai Sibo, he hopes that he has not agreed to visit Beijing during the year. This month, Ai Sibo had a talk with the Minister of Defense of the mainland; after the call, Beijing announced that he would conduct a real -military performance on the north and south ends of the Taiwan Strait.Just after the mainland announced the military exercise, the US aircraft carrier that the United States had stopped immediately turned to the East China Sea.

What is worried about is that the Democratic Progressive Crave seems to be unable to distinguish (or deliberately do not distinguish).The actions taken between the two seem to be the same, but the price paid behind it is completely different.The simplest example is that in the Taiwan Strait crisis in March 1996, the United States controversially.At that time, the Minister of Defense Pei of the US Defense wanted to open the aircraft carrier into the Taiwan Strait and was opposed by Charlica Silili Veli, the chairman of the Staff's Chief Congress, and finally stopped.

In 1996 in the last century, the US policy was the case; now that the mainland has continued to develop for more than ten years, what is the willingness to enter the Taiwan Strait in the Taiwan Strait!