Wangbao Society Review

Good news came from the progress of the new crown vaccine in Mainland China. The new crown vaccine compiled by the team of Academician Chen Wei and Kangshino Bio of the Military Academy of Military Sciences has completed the first and second phase of clinical trials.The power has become the first new crown vaccine patent in the mainland. The third phase of international clinical trials are advancing in an orderly manner. It is expected that it will be available at the end of December.

In addition, the new crown and active vaccine production workshop of the China Biological Beijing Biological Products Research Institute of China Biopharmaceutical Group has passed the joint inspection and approved by the relevant department of biological safety.Can be mass -produced, with an annual production capacity of 220 million doses.

Looking at the world, countries (or regions) have launched vaccine development in full swing, and a silent contest started.Russian President Putin first announced that Russia has registered the world's first new crown vaccine and named it satellite-V.U.S. President Trump subsequently said in an interview that the United States may soon prepare his vaccine.Indian Prime Minister Modi said in a speech to celebrate Indian Independence Day that the new crown vaccine made by India will soon be released.

The new crown vaccine is not only related to the safety of the people, but also the political security of various countries (or regions).The launch of vaccines to protect the people of the country as soon as possible can obviously improve the support rate of governance.Between countries (or regions) and internal vaccines within the country (or region), it is also a good thing to explore the effective path through competition.However, it is often unsuccessful, and the scientific attributes of vaccines should return to scientific judgments.In the final sprint stage, the procedures for the vaccine should be gradually promoted in order, and excessive politicalization and running may be contrary to their wishes.

First, health and safety are still the primary considerations of vaccine, followed by fast.Human understanding of the new crown virus is gradually deepening, but the role and adverse reactions in the human body require considerable tests and observations to draw conclusions.As a vaccine for the majority of healthy people, evidence not only requires validity, but also evidence of safety.The third phase of clinical trials expand the samples in turn, ranging from dozens to thousands or even tens of thousands of people. Finally, the scientific basis for being approved by the vaccine can be approved.Skipping one of them may bring unpredictable risks.

The new type of coronary virus recently released by the Drug Review Center of the Mainland China State Drug Administration (trial) of the new coronary virus prevention of vaccine research and development technical guidance (trial), which takes into account the principles and flexibility.According to the principle, the safety of the vaccine itself is the most basic bottom line, and emphasizes that it is more clear about clinical safety and effective evidence of clinical safety and effectiveness because of general vaccination expectations.You can consider changing immune procedures (such as increasing inoculation agents) during the third phase of clinical trials, or optimization after listing.And after the vaccine is listed, the safety and clinical protection effects should be continued to observe the large -scale vaccination situation, and the persistence of protection should be studied.

The development of the mainland vaccine is in the world's first sequence, and at the same time, the epidemic prevention and control is also done well. The existing prevention and control mode and ability are enough to ensure the steady operation of the economy and society.Calpy development and use.

Second, the vaccine is not an all -around spiritual cricket.The vaccine mainly defense the previous virus, not to point to the virus that may occur in the future.At present, the new crown virus variation has been found around the world. Nur's Health Director of Malaysia recently stated that four D614G mutant strains were confirmed in the country's existing cases of new crown pneumonia.This mutant strain is 10 times faster than that of ordinary strains.For mutation, the adaptability of the vaccine needs to be observed again.

Faced with the second wave of global epidemic that may occur this fall and winter this year, the prevention of prevention is more than cure.In autumn and winter, the temperature is low, the seasonal factors such as virus transmission, superimposed influenza and other seasonal factors bring greater pressure on medical resources.Under this condition, the best response is to do a good job of protecting and cutting off the spread chain.

Third, the new crown virus is a test of all mankind. The most effective response is unity and cooperation.The competition of various countries (or regions) is to find the way out as soon as possible, but their respective fighting, mutual suspicion, and extrusion resources will only slow down the progress of R & D.The Director -General of the WHO Tan Desai recently reminded that to prevent vaccine nationalism, and expressed that unity and co -action are always the best opportunities for us to succeed.

Many countries (or regions) have already launched a lot of cooperation in vaccine research and development projects, but they can be more.On August 16th, the academic exchange meeting of the new crown epidemic prevention and control of the Sino -Russian cooperation.Mainland State President Xi Jinping announced at the opening ceremony of the 73rd World Health Conference Video Conference: After the research and development of the new crown vaccine in the mainland will be completed and put into use, it will be used as a global public product to achieve the availability and responsibility of the vaccine in developing countries in developing countries.Sexual contribution.The Philippines, Pakistan and African countries have been promised by the mainland.

The US Minister of Health, Azar, visited Taiwan and did not give a clear answer to the priority of vaccine. A family on both sides of the strait believed that after the advent of the mainland vaccine, it would give priority to the opening of the people in Taiwan.