China Times News Agency

The Kuomintang was defeated in Kaohsiung Mayor. Since the beginning of this year, he has suffered three consecutive defeats. Of course, the blow to the morale and supporters of the whole party is of course huge.Han Liu caused controversy and was discussed by Han Fan.In all fairness, Lin Weizhou's words cannot be said to be all wrong, but it is not fair enough, and too indifferent and negative, it also shows that after the Kuomintang is frequently damaged, there is only the appearance of the appearance.Essence

Lin Weizhou's feelings also reflect the inner thoughts of many Kuomintang. The original sentence he said is a tide and a farewell to Han Li, and it is a legend.In the future, we should change and work hard step by step to regain the trust of the people.There should be no doubt in the second half of this paragraph. The problem lies with the four words of the farewell to the Korean farewell in the first half of the part. This must explore what mentality of the Kuomintang to look at and examine the so -called tide and tide?What is the meaning of farewell?

Think about how to absorb grassroots power

If it comes to bidding farewell to Han Li, it is to push the Kuomintang's continuous defeat responsibility to Han Fan, or the Kuomintang must cut with Han Fan, which may be over -extended.reaction?Kuomintang Chairman Jiang Qichen also quickly declared that all ethnic groups in the society were the objects of the Kuomintang.To put it bluntly, this involves many people in the Kuomintang and even the society, under the manipulation of political struggles and election campaigns, and has a distorted cognition of Han Li from the rise to frustration and even disillusionment.In the suppression and frustration, it became a group of people who were sensitive and easily stimulated.

The Kuomintang's connotation of the so -called Korean flow should have a positive and higher interpretation.In fact, the relatively persistent and even some extreme steel Korean powder is just part of the Korean Liu; of course, Han Fan is the most eye -catching and enthusiastic focus of the entire Korean stream, but in 2018With the style of the DPP, under the unique political charm of Korean Yu, the moving power of this movement of cross -ethnic groups, cross -party, cross -regions, and tolerance should not be shown.Think about the bias.Only by accurately observing the current situation, truly reassuring the rivers, and decisive action, the Kuomintang will have the opportunity to return to governance in the future.

Han Liu is definitely a legend in the history of the Kuomintang and even Taiwan's elections. South Korea ’s Yu created Han Li, but the cause, effect, and influence of Han Li should not be exclusive to Korea Yu alone.This is also precisely that Han Fan will be complained and dissatisfied, and believes that the Kuomintang has lost three defeats after the president, dismissal, and re -election.Do you have a deep response?In addition to saying goodbye, why don't you think more actively how to absorb or transform such a huge grassroots power such as the Korean flow?

The ups and downs of the Hanliu Revelation can learn from the inspiration and strength, wisdom and lessons from the front and the people, and the negative people will only see the ruthlessness, deceitful fraud.There are at least three from the front: First, the Republic of China has really received warm recognition in the election campaign. This is the mainstream public opinion of the DPP government. Even mainland China must face up to China.The second is that South Korea ’s Yu has inspired the new thinking of the people's economy, and it has also opened up a new field of cross -party and cross -provincial ethnic groups. It proves that even the green sites in southern Taiwan can be changed and worthy of operation.The third is to redefine and condense the enthusiasm of pan -blue people, and also allowed the public to notice that outside the younger generation, another sense of death of a specific ethnic group and the lost country in the middle and old generations.

Back off the party to attach importance to public opinion signals

From the opposite side, there are at least two points: First, from Chen Shui -bian and Ma Ying -jeou to South Korea Yu, the long -term duration of politicians is getting shorter and shorter. Do not overestimate your charm.Both leaders and popular idols must be cautious.The second is that the Kuomintang's same temperature problem must be solved. The supporters are too passionate. Beauty and creation of gods and populism are only between the front lines. Once the same temperature is formed, it will be seriously injured and the Kuomintang will move towards marginalization.

The narrow appearance may be no longer the scenery, but the Korean flow in the hearts of the people and the bottom of the society will never disappear.Both Han Liu gave the Blue and Green Party a lesson. The Kuomintang should honestly face the prosperity of the Han Liu, and whether it is difficult to replace after saying goodbye to truly cherish the value of Han Li and the support of Han Fan.And even as the Democratic Progressive Party, which is against the target, should also pay attention to the public opinion signal brought by the Korean flow, especially President Tsai Ing -wen, who has entered the second term, should also break away from the conflict between the party and the enemy and me.With wisdom, build a more sound and happy future for Taiwan.